Scientific sector (SSD)
Lingue e letterature della Cina e dell'Asia sud-orientale [ASIA-01/F]
www.unive.it/people/raissa.degruttola (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin

Current position
From 01/06/2023: Research fellow (ricercatrice a tempo determinato di tipo a)) at Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Project pilot “Marco Polo”, spoke 9 “Cultural Resources for Sustainable Tourism” for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 “Education and Research” – Component 2 “From research to business”– Investiment 1.3, Extended Partnership “CHANGES”, theme “5. Humanities and Cultural Heritage as laboratories of innovation and creativity, PE 00000020, CUP n. H53C22000850006, financed by European Union – NextGenerationEU.

National Qualification to Practice (Italian ASN) to practice as an Associate Professor of Chinese studies (L-OR/21) from 05/06/2023 to 05/06/2034.

Fields of research
Gabriele Allegra, missionary and translator
Bible translation in Chinese
Franciscans in China
Simone Weil and China
Chinese Catholics in Italy
Marco Polo

Scientific and academic activity
• Postdoctoral fellow in Chinese studies (research grant), September 2022-May 2023, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Department of philosophy, social sciences and education. Research project: “Religious practices in the Chinese community living in Magione (Umbria): a case-study” in the 2020 PRIN research grant “Inhabiting the margins nowadays. Ethnographies of villages in Italy”.
• Research grant, November 2020-November 2023. CUC (Centro Universitario Cattolico) scholarship for the project “La Cina nel pensiero di Simone Weil: analisi degli scritti e questioni traduttive” [China in Simone Weil’s thought. Writings analysis and translating issues]. Tutor: Prof. Luca Alici, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Department of philosophy, social sciences and education.
• Postdoctoral fellow in Chinese studies (research grant), October 2019-October 2020, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Department of philosophy, social sciences and education. Research project: “Research in Chinese language and implications for cultural and language mediation, and international relations”.

• From 2021: Project collaborator in the “China Historical Christian Database”, Boston University: https://chcdatabase.com/project-team/.
• From 2020: Member of the scientific board of the journal La Nottola di Minerva. Journal of Philosophy and Culture ISSN: 1973-3003.
• Blind reviewer for the journals Civiltà e Religioni, Orientis Aura: Macau Perspectives in Religious Studies, Religions, Antonianum.
• Member of AISC; EACS.

Adjunct Professor in Chinese language, history and philosophy courses at Enna "Kore" University (2017-2019) and Perugia University (2017-2023).
PhD in Asian and African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice (2013-2017).