Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)

Silvia Pitzalis earned her Bachelor's degree in "Anthropological Sciences", her Master's degree in "Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology", and her Ph.D. in "History", scientific disciplinary sector M-DEA/01, from the University of Bologna.

She is currently a research fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca and a research collaborator at FIERI - Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche sull’Immigrazione. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor in 'Cultural Anthropology: Introduction' at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Since 2007, she has conducted anthropological research in areas affected by disasters and involved in migratory phenomena, both nationally and internationally, including Italy, Sri Lanka, Niger, and Senegal.

Her research focuses on emergency and crisis situations, environmental, social, urban, and political transformation processes, and the interdisciplinary nature of anthropological knowledge. She specializes in analyzing violence, trauma, suffering, and vulnerability, as well as exploring forms of community participation, activism, and resistance. Her work considers the social, work-related, and existential conditions of individuals, along with issues of marginalization and inclusion/exclusion.

Her research also encompasses the analysis of policies and services at local, national, and supranational levels, administrative, bureaucratic, and legal procedures, multicultural contexts, and identity and alterity construction processes. Recently, she has been investigating the intersection of migration, work, and digitalization, employing ethnographic methods to examine the use of digital platforms and tools by migrant workers.

She actively participates in national and international research groups and has authored two monographs, numerous essays published in volumes and scientific journals of national and international significance, and several popular articles.

Since 2020, she has been an adjunct professor in M-DEA/01 at various Italian universities (UniBo, UniMoRe, UniVe). In 2021, she expanded her role to work as a lecturer/trainer specializing in anthropological subjects, with a particular focus on culture, race, ethnicity, identity, and migrations, at some third-sector organizations in the Marche Region providing services to migrant populations.

She is fluent in both English and French.