- Position
- PhD Student
- Dottorato
40° Ciclo - Immatricolati nel 2024
- Area tematica
- Outside China, where then? Contemporary Sinophone Art Beyond China
- Supervisore
- Sabrina Rastelli
- Website
www.unive.it/people/giacomo.cacciaguerra (personal record)
Sept.2024-ongoing: Ph.D.
International Double Degree Program between the Department of Asian and North Africa Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Supervisor: Sabrina Rastelli), and Institute of Chinese Studies, Universität Heidelberg (Supervisor: Sarah E. Fraser)
Research project: Out of China, so where? Contemporary Sinophone Art Beyond Chineseness
Sept.2020-Mar.2023: M.A. in Asian and Mediterranean African Languages and Cultures
Department of East Asian Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Thesis: Art as Third Space: Third-Space Hybridity in Contemporary Art (Arte come Terzo Spazio: ibridità terzospaziale nell’arte contemporanea)
110/110 cum laude
Sept.2019-Jan.2020: Exchange Student, Nankai University, Tianjin, PRC
Subjects: Intermediate-advanced Chinese Language
Jun.2019-Jul.2019: Persian Language Course, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
Subjects: Intermediate Persian Language
Sept.2017-Oct.2020: B.A. Degree in Asian and Mediterranean African Languages, Cultures and Societies
Department of East Asian Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Thesis: Translation from the Chinese of the article "Examples of the concept of non-standard character forms within Chinese riddles” 汉字谜语中的俗字观念例解 by Liu Kai 刘凯 (Traduzione dal cinese dell’articolo “Esempi del concetto di forme non standard dei caratteri all’interno degli indovinelli cinesi)
110/110 cum laude
Sept.2012-Jun.2013: Classical High School Degree
Institute of Higher Education Liceo Classico V. Monti, Cesena (FC), Italy
Mar.2023-Oct.2024: Teaching Assistant Senior, Department of East Asian Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Collaboration and support for the course "History of Chinese Art"; assistance and support in the preparation and correction of the final tests; supervision of B.A. and M.A. theses
Oct.2023-Aug.2024: Chinese Language Teacher, Smiling International School of Ferrara, Italy
Teaching Chinese language at middle and high school levels (A1 to B1). Assisting other teachers in projects about Chinese literature and art
Sept.2024: 3-year Ph.D. full scholarship, Italian Ministry of University/Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Sept.2019-Jan.2020: Scholarship awardee from Confucius-Hanban Institute
Italian: native speaker
English: advanced (C1 level)
Chinese: advanced (HSK 5 level, Hanban-Confucius Institute, Venice)
Persian: elementary
Spanish: elementary
Dec.13-14,2024: Sinophone Europe. Exploring Sinophone Cultural Expressions and Identities in Europe, University of Florence, Florence (Italy) - "Out of China...so where?"
Sept.16,2024: "Temporal Bodies: Paolo Peng Shuai’s Performative Action as Counter-Archival Practice", in Roots§Routes, no. 46 (Memorie Sottopelle), September 2024
Jun.5-6,2024: British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, University of York, York, (UK) - "Economadic Identity: the Art-Life of Paolo Peng Shuai"
Feb.26-28,2024: International PhD Symposium on Metaphors: Conceptualising Horizons of Meaning, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice (Italy) - "Violent Metaphor, Metaphorical Violence: Po(i)etic Resistance in Contemporary Chinese Art"
Jun.19-20,2023: International conference Exchange, Power(s) and Mediations: The Globalization of Cultural Fields Beyond Centers and Peripheries, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 & Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon (France) - "Significant individuality: the case study of the artist Paolo Peng Shuai"
Sept.15,2022: , “Del vagabondare di un orfano e di suo padre: San Mao figlio di Zhang Leping” (About the wanderings of an orphan and his father: San Mao son of Zhang Leping), in Roots§Routes, no. 40 (Graphic Realities), December 2022
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