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Department of Humanities
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Roberto Batisti
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Last updated: 1 September 2022
Academic Positions:
2022–: Post-Doc Research Grant Holder, ERC Project «PURA – PUrism in Antiquity» (Principal Investigator: Prof. Olga Tribulato). Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
2020–: Cultore della materia (≈ Teaching Assistant) in Greek Language and Literature (L FIL-LET/02 “Lingua e Letteratura Greca”), Department of Classics and Italian Studies, University of Bologna.
2016–2020: Post-Doc, Department of Classics and Italian Studies, University of Bologna. Project title: «Tipologia accentuale e mutamenti fonetici condizionati in greco antico / Accent Typology and Conditioned Sound Changes in Ancient Greek».
Education and Training:
2014–2015: National Teaching Qualification (TFA) in Greek, Latin, and Italian Literature in High Schools. Mark: 98/100.
2010–2014: PhD in Literary, Philological, and Historical Cultures, Department of Classics and Italian Studies, University of Bologna. Dissertation title: Researches on Compensatory Lengthening in Ancient Greek Dialects. Phonetics, Phonology, Dialectology. Supervisor: Prof. Camillo Neri. Dissertation committee: Prof. Renzo Tosi (Bologna), Prof. Andreas Willi (Oxford), Prof. Marino Biondi (Florence), Prof. Giovanna Nicolaj (Rome - La Sapienza).
Jan–Apr 2012: Academic Visitor at the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford.
2007–2010: University of Bologna. Master Degree in Classical Philology, Literature, and Tradition. Mark: 110/110 with Honours. Dissertation title: Ricerche sull’aumento indoeuropeo con particolare riguardo al greco / Researches on the Indo-European augment with special regard to Greek. Supervisors: Prof. Camillo Neri and Prof. Ornella Montanari.
2004–2007: University of Bologna. Bachelor Degree in Arts. Mark: 110/110 with Honours. Dissertation title: La protesi vocalica in greco: ι come vocale protetica / Vowel prothesis in Greek: ι as prothetic vowel. Supervisors: Prof. Camillo Neri and Prof. Ornella Montanari.
1999–2004 Liceo Ginnasio (Classical High School) “M. Minghetti”, Bologna (Italy). Mark: 100/100.
Other Courses Attended:
Sep 2013: Second Pavia International Summer School for Indo-European Linguistics (Albanian; Mycenaean; Armenian; Avestan; Evolutionary Approaches to Indo-European), University of Pavia (Italy).
Jul 2013: Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics (Old English; Historical Grammar of Latin; Indo-European Poetry, Ritual and Myth; The lengthened grade in Indo-European), University of Leiden (Netherlands).
Jul 2012: Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics (Historical Grammar of Greek; Introduction to PIE Phonology and Morphology; Classical Armenian; Minor Languages of Anatolia: Phrygian and Lydian), University of Leiden (Netherlands).
Teaching Experience:
1. University:
2022: “The Greco-Armenian question”. Invited course at the 2nd DIEUS Spring Seminar. University of Belgrade / online, May 23–27.
2019: Participation to the “International Lab on Foreignness” (MA level) by Prof. Stefano Colangelo (University of Bologna), in collaboration with the Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw; Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München; University of Ottawa; A&M Texas University; Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
2018: Didactic seminar on «Methods and models for the teaching of Greek grammar». University of Parma, June 7.
2018–2022: “Teaching of Greek Language and Culture”, co-taught with Prof. Giovanna Alvoni and Prof. Bijoy Trentin (MA level, 30 hours per annum). University of Bologna, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies.
2014–2017: Teaching Tutor for "Introduction to Ancient Greek Language for Beginners" (BA level, 60 hours per annum). University of Bologna, School of Letters and Cultural Heritage.
2. High School:
2022–: Titular teacher of Greek and Latin. IIS ‘A. Paradisi’, Vignola, Mo (Italy). On research leave from 1 Sep 2022.
2017–2022: Titular teacher of Italian and History. IIS ‘Montessori – Da Vinci’, Alto Reno Terme, Bo (Italy). On research leave from 1 Sep 2017–30 Nov 2020.
2016–2017: Substitute teacher of History and Geography. IIS ‘E. Mattei’, San Lazzaro di Savena, Bo (Italy). On research leave from 1 Dec 2016–30 June 2017.
2015–2016: Substitute teacher of Italian and History. IISS ‘J.M. Keynes’, Castel Maggiore, Bo (Italy).
Theses (Co-)Supervised:
2021: Giorgia Benetti, La grammatica valenziale applicata allo studio della lingua greca. MA thesis, University of Bologna (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Giovanna Alvoni).
2021: Luca Raggiunti, Ricerche sui dativi plurali tematici nei poemi omerici. MA thesis, University of Bologna (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Camillo Neri).
2021: Maria Pia Napolitano de Majo, Strumenti multimediali per una didattica inclusiva del greco. MA thesis, University of Bologna (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Giovanna Alvoni).
2020: Giuseppe Scialabba, Ricerche sulla protesi vocalica in greco. MA thesis, University of Bologna (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Camillo Neri).
2018: Andrea Santamaria, Le desinenze di seconda plurale fra greco e indoeuropeo. MA thesis, University of Bologna (co-supervisor; main supervisor: Camillo Neri).
1. Journal Articles
(forthcoming): «Some remarks on h-anticipation in Ancient Greek». Forthcoming in Folia Linguistica Historica XLIII/1 (2023).
(forthcoming): «Che cosa bolle in pentola? (Theodorid. fr. 742 SH = Athen. VI 229b)». Forthcoming in Eikasmos XXXIII (2022).
(forthcoming): «L’arroganza e l’ingiuria: su alcune forme greche in στεμφ- e in στε(μ)β- e sul problema della ‘deaspirazione postnasale’». Forthcoming in AION Linguistica (2022).
(forthcoming): «The root of all gluttony: Greek τένθης ‘gourmand, glutton’, τέμω ‘to swallow’, πάθνη ‘manger’ and Latin condiō ‘to season food’». Forthcoming in Indogermanische Forschungen CXXVII (2022).
2022: «Gli epiteti Λαφύστιος e Λαφρία e la radice *labh ‘prendere, afferrare’». Glotta XCVIII (2022) 3–32.
2021: «Verner’s Law in Italy (and Greece): un capitolo di storia della ricerca linguistica». Archivio Glottologico Italiano CVI/2 (2021) 129–163.
2021: «Birds of a feather? Lat. columba ‘pigeon, dove’ and Gk. κόλυμβος ‘grebe’». Indogermanische Forschungen CXXVI (2021) 205–228.
2020: «Attorno all’etimologia di τραυλός ‘bleso, balbuziente’ e al lessico dei difetti di pronuncia in greco antico». Glotta XCVI (2020) 3–37.
2018: «Espressioni dell’eros infelice in due poeti italiani del nuovo millennio», Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione X (Nov. 2018) 181–202.
2018: «‘Zonar.’ 1740, 9-11 Tittm.», Eikasmos XXIX (2018) 433–436.
2015: «La focaccia impastata e il cibo dei beati. Una glossa di Arpocrazione e l’etimologia di μάσσω e μακαρία», Eikasmos XXVI (2015) 243–251.
2. Papers in Conference Proceedings and Edited Volumes
(submitted): «Omero nel Baltico tra fantarcheologia e fantalinguistica». To appear in Fabio Camilletti (ed.), Almanacco della fantarcheologia, Bologna, Odoya, 2022. ISBN: 9788862887748.
2022: «Sotto il paesaggio. Stratigrafia dei luoghi (e della lingua) in certa poesia italiana recente». In F. Ferreri and G. Calanna (eds.), Atti del convegno “Diamoci verso. Visioni, pratiche e ricognizioni della poesia in Sicilia” (20 agosto 2021, San Mauro Castelverde), Valverde, Edizioni Le Farfalle, 2022, 134–152. ISBN: 9788898039609.
2022: «Greek ἄγυρις ‘gathering’ between dialectology and Indo-European reconstruction». In D. Romagno, F. Rovai, M. Bianconi and M. Capano (eds.), Ancient Indo-European Languages Between Linguistics and Philology. Contact, Variation, and Reconstruction, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2022, 276–300. ISBN: 9789004508811.
2021: R. Batisti, V. Garulli, L. Pasetti, «Esperienze di didattica inclusiva nelle lingue classiche» in V. Garulli, L. Pasetti and M. Viale (eds.), with the collaboration of O. Cepraga, Disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento e insegnamento linguistico. La didattica dell’italiano e delle lingue classiche nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado alla prova dell’inclusione, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2021, 139–140.
2020 [2021]: «Greek Αἰθίοψ ‘Ethiopian’ and Αἴσωπος ‘Aesop’ from a PIE perspective». In D. Goldstein, S. Jamison and B. Vine (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st UCLA Indo-European Conference, Hamburg, Buske Verlag, 2020 [2021], 37–54. ISBN: 9783967690903.
2020 [2021]: «Estranei, commensali, nuovi venuti: i nomi dello straniero nelle lingue classiche e indoeuropee». In G. Alvoni, R. Batisti and S. Colangelo (eds.), Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, Bologna, Pàtron, 2020 [2021], 1–22. ISBN: 9788855580007.
2020 [2021]: G. Alvoni, R. Batisti and S. Colangelo, «Introduzione». In G. Alvoni, R. Batisti and S. Colangelo (eds.), Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, Bologna, Pàtron, 2020 [2021], VII–XXII. ISBN: 9788855580007.
2020: «Some putative Greco-Armenian sound laws and the role of the accent». In L. Repanšek, H. Bichlmeier and V. Sadovski (eds.), vácām̐si miśrā́ kṛṇavāmahai. Proceedings of the international conference of the Society of Indo-European Studies and IWoBA XII, Ljubljana 4–7 June 2019, celebrating one hundred of comparative Indo-European linguistics at the University of Ljubljana, Hamburg, Baar-Verlag, 2020, 25–48. ISBN: 9783935536264.
2020: Response to Sveva Elti di Rodeano, «L’alfabeto frigio: un caso di ‘riforma alfabetica’?», in F. Reali (ed.), Ricerche a confronto. Dialoghi di Antichità Classiche e del Vicino Oriente, Bologna-Pisa 2014, Zermeghedo, Saecula, 2020, 278–283. ISBN: 9788898291755.
2019: «L’eolico di Teocrito fra lirica arcaica e imitazione alessandrina», in M. Tulli (ed.), Lirica, epigramma e critica letteraria. Consulta Universitaria del Greco, Seminari 3, Pisa-Roma, F. Serra, 2019, 51–65. ISBN: 9788833151823.
2019: «Stress in Greek? A Re-Evaluation of Ancient Greek Accentual Typology», in M. Chondrogianni et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 2019, 41–50. ISBN: 9781527263864.
2019: «In un mondo diverso / illuminato dagli ordigni. Un esempio di riscrittura poetica della Grande Guerra fra Tardoantico e XXI secolo», in R. Berardi, N. Bruno, A. Busetto and L. Fizzarotti (eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop «The Old Lie. I classici e la Grande Guerra», FuturoClassico V (2019) 133–166.
2018: «Detrimentum litterae productione syllabae compensatur. L’allungamento di compenso fra grammatica antica e fonologia moderna», in V. Melis (ed.), Ricerche a Confronto. Dialoghi di Antichità Classiche e del Vicino Oriente, Bologna-Cagliari 2013, Zermeghedo, Saecula, 2018, 262–279, 288-291. ISBN: 9788898291670.
2017: «The outcome of liquid and sibilant clusters in Ancient Greek», in F. Logozzo and P. Poccetti (eds.), Ancient Greek Linguistics: New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives (Proceedings of the IX Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Rome March 23–27 2015), Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2017, 3–18. ISBN: 9783110548068.
2016 [2017]: F. Alpi, R. Batisti and V. Melis, «Introduzione». In F. Alpi, R. Batisti and V. Melis (eds.), Proceedings of International Workshop «Contact Phenomena Between Greek and Latin and Peripheral Languages of the Mediterranean Area», Rhesis 7/1 (2016 [2017]), 5–8.
2014: «Fonologia esotica in una lingua classica. Allungamenti di compenso ‘classici’ ed ‘esotici’ in greco antico» in N. Grandi and F. Tamburini (eds.), La nozione di classico in linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG), Bologna 24–26 ottobre 2013, Rome, Il Calamo, 2014, 139–147. ISBN: 9788898640034.
3. Edited Volumes and Special Issues
2020 [2021]: Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, Bologna, Pàtron, 2020 [2021]. ISBN: 9788855580007. (co-editor with G. Alvoni and S. Colangelo)
2016 [2017]: Proceedings of International Workshop «Contact Phenomena Between Greek and Latin and Peripheral Languages of the Mediterranean Area», Rhesis 7/1 (2016 [2017]) (co-editor with V. Melis and F. Alpi)
4. Book Reviews
2008 Review of William Geoffrey Arnott, Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z, London-New York, Routledge, 2007. Eikasmos XIX (2008) 517–519.
5. Teaching Books
2018 Camillo Neri, Giovanna Alvoni, Roberto Batisti and Maurizio Olivieri, Μέθοδος (Metodo). Corso di lingua e cultura greca, Firenze-Torino, D’Anna Loescher, 2018. ISBN: 9788857790398. (A 2nd edition is currently in preparation).
Conference Presentations:
2022: «Post-nasal deaspiration in Ancient Greek: mirage or reality?». 10th International Colloquium in Greek Linguistics (= 3rd n.s.). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 16–18 June 2022.
2022: «Birds of a feather? Lat. columba ‘dove’ and Gk. κόλυμβος ‘grebe’». 6th Indo-European Research Colloquium. Max-Planck-Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena / Online, 7–8 March 2022.
2021: «Sotto il paesaggio. Stratigrafia dei luoghi e della lingua in certa poesia italiana recente». Diamoci verso. Visioni, pratiche e ricognizioni della poesia in Sicilia, San Mauro Castelverde, 20 August 2021.
2021: «Una legge fonetica controversa del greco antico: la deaspirazione dopo nasale (con due casi di studio fra gola e superbia)». Seminario del Circolo Linguistico Fiorentino. Università di Firenze, Online, 28 June 2021.
2020: «h-anticipation and hiatus resolution in Ancient Greek: how many rules?». 53rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Online, 26 August–1 September 2020.
2020: «Verner’s Law in Italy (and Greece) A history of mistaken – and not-so-mistaken – applications of a sound law». Annual Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society for the History of Linguistic Ideas. University of Westminster, 30 April 2020. [conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak]
2019: «On the derivation of Greek Αἰθίοψ and Αἴσωπος from a PIE perspective». 31st UCLA Indo-European Conference. University of California at Los Angeles, 8–9 November 2019.
2019: «Some putative Greco-Armenian sound laws and the role of the accent». Arbeitstagung der Indogermanische Gesellschaft 100 Jahre Indogermanistik an der Universität Ljubljana – Ein “Ljubljäum”. University of Ljubljana, 4–7 June 2019.
2019: «‘Stranierità’, nomi dello straniero e lingua degli stranieri nel mondo classico». International Lab on Foreignness. University of Bologna, 10 May 2019.
2018: «Tra lirica eolica e imitazione alessandrina: Teocrito (Id. 29) e i linguisti». 3rd CUG (Consulta Universitaria del Greco) Seminar. La Sapienza University of Rome, 30 November 2018.
2018: «Some new old u-stem adjectives in Greek». 9th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics. University of Helsinki, 30 August – 1 September 2018.
2018: «Estranei, commensali, nuovi venuti: prospettive etimologiche recenti sul lessico della stranierità nelle lingue classiche». Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità, University of Bologna, 5–7 June 2018.
2018: «Dis-assembling Cowgill’s Law: Greek ἄγυρις ‘gathering’ between dialectology and Indo-European reconstruction». Joint Colloquia in Indo-European Linguistics Variation and Contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages: between Linguistics and Philology. University of Oxford, 17–18 May 2018.
2018: «Méthodos e dislessia: per una didattica del greco inclusiva e sostenibile». University of Bari, April 5. (Joint presentation with C. Neri, G. Alvoni and M. Olivieri)
2018: «In un mondo diverso / illuminato dagli ordigni. Riscritture poetiche della Grande Guerra fra Tardoantico e XXI secolo». International Workshop The Old Lie. Classics and the Great War. University of Bologna, 21 March 2018.
2017: «Stress in Greek? A re-evaluation of Ancient Greek accentual typology». 13th International Conference on Greek Linguistics. University of Westminster, 7–9 September 2017.
2017: «A new Indo-European etymology for Greek τραυλός, ‘lisping, stammering’». 3rd Indo-European Research Colloquium. University of Vienna, 20–21 April 2017.
2015: «The treatment of liquid-sibilant clusters in Ancient Greek». International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Rome, 23–27 March.
2014: «Dai grammatici antichi alla dialettologia moderna: i preteriti non aumentati nel greco omerico e in Erodoto». Grammatiche e grammatici. Teorie, testi e contesti: 39th annual conference of the Società Italiana di Glottologia. University for Foreigners of Siena, 23–25 October.
2014: «Kneaded Bread for the Banquet of the Blessed? The etymology of Greek μακαρία between linguistics, lexicography, and religion». Food and Ritual: Ancient Practices, Modern Perspectives, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, 19–21 March 2014. (poster presentation)
2014: «Irregular regularities or regular irregularities? A new approach to a debated Greek sound law». Classics in Progress 2013/2014. La Sapienza University of Rome, 9–11 January.
2013: «Fonologia esotica in una lingua classica. Allungamenti di compenso ‘classici’ ed ‘esotici’ in greco antico» La nozione di classico in linguistica: 38th annual conference of the Società Italiana di Glottologia. University of Bologna, 24–26 October 2013.
2013: «Grammatica antica e fonologia moderna: il caso dell’allungamento di compenso» Ricerche a confronto: 5th international seminars among scholars (MA and PhD) of Classics and Ancient Near East. University of Cagliari, 30 May 2013.
2013: «Fonetica storica del greco: gli allungamenti di compenso» Looking For: Self-Managed Graduate Seminar. University of Bologna, Department of Classics and Italian Studies, 20 May 2013.
Peer Review and Other Evaluation Activities:
- Member of the editorial board of the journal Configurazioni.
- Occasional peer reviewer for the journals Enthymema and Schede Umanistiche.
- Abstract reviewer for several workshops and conferences organized by the cultural association Rodopis: experience ancient history.
- Member of the regional evaluating commission for the National Olympics of Classical Languages and Civilizations (10th–11th editions, 2021–2022).
- Jury member of the national literary prize «Renato Giorgi» (25th–27th eds., 2019–2021).
Events Organized:
1. Academic and Professional
2020: DSA e insegnamento linguistico: per una didattica inclusiva dell’italiano, del latino e del greco nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Online conference, 30 October 2020. (part of scientific committee and organizing secretariat)
2019: DSA e didattica dell’italiano e delle lingue classiche. University of Bologna, 26 March 2019. (part of organizing secretariat)
2018: Figure dell’altro. Identità, alterità, stranierità. International conference. University of Bologna, 5–7 June 2018. (part of organizing secretariat)
2015: Contact Phenomena Between Greek and Latin and Peripheral Languages of the Mediterranean Area. Workshop for early career researchers. University of Cagliari, 13–14 April 2015. (co-organizer, chair)
2014: Ricerche a confronto: 6th international seminar for scholars (MA and PhD) of Classics and Ancient Near East. University of Bologna, February–March 2014. (co-organizer, chair)
2012: Ancient Greek Particles Across Genres. Workshop with the Emmy Noether research group “Pragmatic functions and meanings of ancient Greek particles” (Heidelberg University). University of Bologna, 12 December 2012. (co-organizer, chair)
2. Non-Academic
2018: Convergenze. Festival on contemporary Italian poetry. Padua, 8–9 June 2018. (co-organizer, chair)
2017: Pressioni. Festival on the poetry publishing industry in Italy. Bologna, 21–22 September 2017. (co-organizer, chair)
Participation in Research Projects:
2018–: Cluster “The Past for the Present – International Research and Educational Programme”.
2018–2020: Progetto Alma Idea “DIdattica SPEciale per le Lingue di scolarizzazione – italiano e lingue classiche – DISPEL”. (Project coordinator: Prof. Matteo Viale).
Membership in Professional Associations:
2020–: Societas Linguistica Europaea.
2019–: Indogermanische Gesellschaft.
2018–: AICC – Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica.
2017–: ADI – Italian Association of PhD Candidates and PhD’s.
2013–: Rodopis: experience ancient history. Student and scholars association.
2012–: Philological Society (London).
Language Skills
Modern Languages:
Italian (native)
English (fluent)
French, Spanish, German (reading)
Modern Greek (basic reading)
Ancient Languages:
Ancient Greek (excellent linguistic and philological knowledge)
Latin (excellent linguistic and philological knowledge )
Sanskrit, Classical Armenian, Coptic (various levels of linguistic and structural knowledge)
Informatic Skills:
Good knowledge of Windows 10, MS Office and OpenOffice, e-mail, Internet search and navigation, and especially of IT tools for Humanities and Classical studies.
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