Stefania RENDA

Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies


2022: Ph.D. Degree in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming (PRC)

2015: Master’s Degree in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, and Anthropological linguistics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

2012: Bachelor's Degree in Language, Culture, and Society of East Asia (Curriculum China) at Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy



2023: (Nov) AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting, Toronto (Ontario), Canada. Lecture title: “Tourist Development, Household Organization, and Gender Roles in Lugu Lake”

2022: (Dec) Ca’Foscari University of Venice. Demo-Ethno-Anthropological Laboratory (Lab DEA). Lecture title: “Immaginari turistici e identità locali: uno studio con i Mosuo del Sud-Ovest della Cina”

2022:  (Aug)  University of Olomouc, Czech Republic. 24th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS). Lecture title:《Local identities and tourist images: an ethnographic study among the Mosuo people of Southwest China》

2022: (Mar) Künstlerbund Tübingen, Germany. Lecture during the art exhibition titled “Beyond     Language: an artistic approach to the Mosuo culture”. Lecture title: 《Exploring Mosuo culture and its representations: a dialogue between tradition and modernity

2021: (Oct) University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy. Conference organized by the Confucius Institute

of Pisa. Lecture title:《The Mosuo ethnic group: intangible cultural heritage, tourism and cultural 


2019:  (Dec) South Central Minzu University, Wuhan, PRC

Lecture title: 《Tourism development and Mosuo cultural heritage preservation in Lugu Lake.

A fieldwork report on the study case of Luoshui village》

(Nov) Wangfu Hotel, Lijiang, PRC. Conference organized during the Art project “Exploring the

Original Nature”. Lecture title: 《Mosuo people: organization of a contemporary matriarchal society

2018: (Jun) National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Frascati (Rome), Italy

Lecture title: 《Egalitarian society: utopia or possibility? The Mosuo of Southwest China》

(May) International Festival “Orto in Arte”, Palermo, Italy.  Lecture on the solo photography

exhibition of my ethnographic work titled:  《At the beginnings the mothers: The Mosuo of Southwest




Renda, Stefania. 2024 (in press) Tourist Development, Household Organization, and Gender Roles in Lugu Lake, in The Powers That Be: Matriculture, Shamanism, and the Authority of Women. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP). 

Renda, Stefania. 2024 (in press) “Se non conosci chi sei e la tua cultura, allora diventerai come gli outsider” Rinegoziare il concetto di identità culturale mosuo nello spazio turistico: uno studio etnografico nell’area paesaggistica del lago Lugu, in Sinosfere-special issue “Confini”. 

Renda, Stefania. 2024 (in press) jiating he lüyou kongjian zhong mosuo wenha de biaozhen 家庭和旅游空间中摩梭文化的表征 (“Mosuo cultural representations in domestic and tourist space”). Jikan 《zhengzhi renleixue pinglun》集刊《政治人类学评论》(Collected papers: Political Anthropology Review), Shanghai shifan daxue makesi zhuyi xueyuan chubanshe 上海师范大学马克思主义学院出版社 (Shanghai Normal University Maxism Institute press). 

Renda, Stefania. 2022 “Io sono Mosuo”: un esempio di narrazione del Sé collettivo sulla piattaforma digitale WeChat. Biscaldi, Angela, Matera, Vincenzo (eds.) Social media e politiche dell’identità, Milano, Ledizioni.

Renda, Stefania, Kanenawa, Hatsumi. 2021, Narrative Perspectives on Mosuo People’s Walking Marriage Custom, Seinan Journal of Cultures, 35 (2): 1-23.

Renda, Stefania. 2020, Il matriarcato: all’origine le madri?, Trieste, Asterios editore.



AAA: American Anthropological Association

SIAA: Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata

EACS: European Association for Chinese Studies



Ph.D. full scholarship, China Scholarship Council (CSC)