Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)


·         Political Science, (Management of international activities) "Luiss - Guido Carli" - Rome (1982);

·         Statutory Auditor (Ministerial Decree of Justice 1995);

·         Law, University "La Sapienza" - Rome (1997);

·         CEPOL Trainer, (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Education and Research), Instituto Superior de Policia Judiciaria e de Ciěncias Criminais in Loures – Lisbon (2006);

·         LL.M. in "Corporate Tax Law", "Luigi Bocconi" University - Milan (2008).


Academic Year

2021 – to date University ‘Ca’ Foscari’ in Venice – Treviso Campus, Department of Economics – Global Development, Course “International Tax Law”;
2020 – to date University of Padua – Law School – Department of Private Law and Critique of Law, Treviso Campus, Course “Nonprofit Organizations Law”;
2014 – to date OECD International Academy for Tax and Financial Crime Investigation, member of the Instructor Team and, since 2021 “Course Leader”;
2013 - 2019 Marche Polytechnic University – Ancona, Department of Economics, Course “AML Economics and Techniques”;
2007 - 2008 University of Trent – Department of Economics, Course of “Tax Law”;
2006 - 2007 University of Macerata – Business School, Master Degree BA, Course “AML – CFT International Standards”.
2005 - 2006 University “La Sapienza” – Rome, Department of Political Science, Course of “International Taxation and Tax Planning”;
2004 – 2005: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan, Department of Economics, School of Banking, Finance and Insurance Institutions, Course “Banking Institutions”
2004 – 2005: Scuola Superiore dell’Economia e delle Finanze (National School of Economics and Finance – Rome, Course “Financial Investigations”.

Research Activity

Academic Year

2024 - 25: Design, development and implementation of the Research Project "HEALTH: PUBLIC, PRIVATE OR NOT FOR PROFIT? (Survey on the role of the Third Sector in health care in Veneto) in collaboration with the UCLA Law School, Los Angeles CA (U.S.A.) and the Lowell Milken Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofits of Los Angeles (U.S.A.) and the Veneto Region, SSR Programming and Control Department, approved and financed by the University of Padua - Department of Private and Critical Law, with the financial support of Unicredit. The initiative will be concluded on 10 April 2025.

Contact person for the University of Padua: Prof. Paolo Sommaggio, President of the Degree Course in "Jurist of the Third Sector", Padua 

Contact person for UCLA Law School in Los Angeles: David Sanders Professor of Law and Medicine Jill R. Horwitz, Faculty Director, Lowell Milken Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofits.

2023 - 2024: Design, development and implementation of the research project "NONPROFIT, EFFICIENCY AND PUBLIC GOOD. AN OUTLOOK FOR DEMOCRACY", as part of the "Shaping a World-class University" call, approved and funded by the University of Padua, in collaboration with Columbia Law School - New York, and Venice International University, with the financial support from Banca della Marca Credito Cooperativo and the Ranieri Fund for Nonprofit Education at Columbia Law School, New York.
2016 - 2020: “National Correspondent for Science and Research” at the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) – Budapest;
2016 - 2017: “Training National Coordinator” at European Border and Cost Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Warsaw.


2016 - 2020: Referee for the "European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin", Official Journal of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcerment Training - Brussels.


Limiting the overview to the last years, it is worth mentioning the participation, as speaker, to the event "International Conference Facilitating the Exchange of Good Practices between EU Authorities in Handling Complex Cases with Fraud in EU Funds, the Use of Modern Investigative Tools", jointly organized by OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office) and the National Anti-Corruption Directorate of Romania, held in Bucharest (RO) from 17 to 19 November 2021, as well as at the "Middle East and North Africa Intermediate Course for Managing Financial Investigation" organized by the OECD International Academy for the Investigation of Tax and Financial Crimes, held in Rome - Lido di Ostia, from 3 to 14 October 2022.

Prizes and Awards

2020, Deputy Director of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration;

1998, Executive Director of Europol (European Union Agency);

1996, Secretary General of the ICPO – Interpol.