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- Associate Professor
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Director's Delegate for Information Technology
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- 041 234 9560
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- Lingue e letterature della Cina e dell'Asia sud-orientale [ASIA-01/F]
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www.unive.it/people/carlotta.sparvoli (personal record)
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Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin
Carlotta Sparvoli joined the Ca' Foscari University of Venice in February 2022. For four years, she served as Director of the MA programme in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, at the School of Asian Studies of University College Cork (Ireland), lecturing in Chinese Applied and Theoretical Linguistics and in Translation Studies. She taught Chinese at the University of Parma and at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In 2012 she got a four research fellowship from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, for her project on tone acquisition by non-tonal language learners. In the same year, she won a six-month research grant within the Taiwan Fellowship Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. She has served in the Executive Board of EACL (European Association of Chinese Linguistics, 2011-2018) and CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research, since 2014), and is serving as President of the Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics. Her primary fields of research are the semantics of modal expressions, the acquisition and teaching of L2 Chinese. EDUCATION
University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy,
PhD, Department of Asian and North African Studies, dissertation title: “A proposal for the revision of modal taxonomy based on Chinese necessity modal distinctive features”, http://dspace.unive.it/handle/10579/1228 (2012).
MA/BA (4-year) in Eastern Languages and Literatures (Chinese), cum laude, (1991).
Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC, 1988, Postgraduate advanced courses: Mandarin, Classical Chinese and Chinese Philosophy, final score youdeng (excellent).
2012- 2016 Research grant by Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) main investigator. The tonal phonology of Standard Chinese. An analysis of Mandarin tonal contrast and Italian phonological contrasts, University of Parma, Italy.
2012 Taiwan MOFA Fellowship for research and teaching, as visiting scholar at National Taipei Normal University, Taiwan.
2009-2011 Three-year PhD scholarship, European funding, granted through the Office for Research of the University of Venice (DGR 722, 24/03/2009) .
1987-1988 Full scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, P.R.C., for advanced courses of Mandarin, Classical Chinese and Philosophy at Fudan University, Shanghai.
University of Bologna, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (since November 5, 2019). Academic discipline: L-OR/21 Chinese and South Asian Languages and Literatures.
University College Cork, School of Languages, Literature and Cultures, Department of Asian Studies, Lecturer in Contemporary Asian Studies, MA TCSOL Programme Director, MA Translation Studies (Chinese), Module coordinator, 5-year contract (January 2016-November 4).
University of Study of Parma, Department of Antiquities, Literature, Education and Philosophy, Area of Foreign Languages and Literature. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, (March 2012 - January 2016). Full time Adjunct, Appointed professor of the official degree courses of Modern Chinese (6 credits), (January 2007-2016). Coordinator of the modules on Computer Aided Translation (12 credits), MA program: European Master for Audiovisual Translation, (only 2011-2016).
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Studies on Language and Culture. Appointed professor of the official degree courses of Modern Chinese (12 credits) and Language, Culture and Institutions of China (12 credits), coordinating two native speaker language instructors, (September 2011 – January 2016). Marco Biagi University Foundation – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, MA program: Managing in Emerging Markets, Modules on Introduction to Chinese Culture (5 credits), (only 2013-2014).
Editorial Board: Chinese as a Second Language Research (English Chinese bilingual, peer-reviewed journal). De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/caslar
External Examiner for the Dublin Institute of Technology’s Chinese programme (since 2017).
External Reviewer for the PhD programme proposal in Maynooth University.
Remote Referee for the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant 2018 Call, step 2.
Book proposal reviewer: Linguistics Series of Oxford University Press, De Gruyter Mouton Series in Pragmatics.
Article reviewer (selected): Chinese as a second Language Research, Language Teaching in Higher Education, Frontiers in Psychology – Language Sciences, Languages, Quaderni di Linguistica e Studi Orientali, Archivio Glottologico Italiano.
2019, ISOCTAL-3 Third International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, scheduled for December, School of Asian Studies, University College Cork, 12-14 December 2019.
2018, EACL-10 The Tenth International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 28-29 September, member of the Organizing and Scientific Committee.
2017, ISOCTAL-2 The Second International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 14-16 December, member of the Scientific Committee.
2014, CASLAR 3, Third International Conference of Teaching as a Second Language Research, University of Parma, 28-30 August, Conference co-chair and President of the Organizing Committee.
Executive Board Member
AILC: Italian Association of Chinese Linguistics (founded in 2016). Roma Tre University, Presindent (since July 2021).
IACL: International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Executive Committee member.
CASLAR: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Research. University of the State of New York at Albany, (since foundation, August 2014).
EACL: European Association of Chinese Linguistics Linguistics, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Paris, France, (September 2011- October 2018, longest possible mandate).
ISCT: International Society of Chinese Language Teaching 世界汉语教学学会: Executive Committee of the Chinese Linguistics and Language Education Committee, Chinese Ministry of Education, Hanban (since novembre 2020).
Ordinary Member
EACS: European Association of Chinese Studies
IAAS: Irish Association of Asian Studies
AISC: Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi (Italian Association of Chinese Studies)
International Research Group
Supervisor with Peng Lizhen (Zhejiang University) research group on modality acquisition, within the framework of the CASRI INITIATIVE. http://www.caslarcenter.com/projects/casri/267-casri-initiative Current research project on: "Modality in Past context: The acquisition by Chinese L2 advanced learners".
Currently supervising the research of 5 PhD students.
Since 01-10-2016: Main supervisor, "Devising a model for Chinese lexicon acquisition, based on the additivity of semantic and phonological effects", Yun Zeng.
Since 01-10-2017: Main supervisor, "L2 Mandarin tone acquisition. From the identification of a scale of difficulty to the design of the developmental sequence", Li Wanlin.
Since 01-01-2018 “Chinese in the Irish Junior Cycle: Measuring the development of linguistic competence”, Guo Rongrong.
Since 01-04-2018: Main supervisor, " On Functional Pragmatic Development of Spoken Chinese Acquisition for Abroad Learners from the Perceptive of Task-based Approach: Practice and Theory ", Junming Chen.
Since October 2019, co-supervisor, “Scaffolding in Primary Education. Exploring and measuring teacher-student interaction in Chinese as a second language”, Yang Ning
2023 XXXVIèmes Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale - 36th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics (JLAO 36) Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale, Paris - Aubervilliers, “Specific event time and the futurity reading of huì: A corpus-based study ”, 10th July.
2022 (su invito) CNRS The Expression of Modality in Classical Chinese: Notions, taxonomy and distinctive features, Campus Condorcet, 14 cours des Humanités, Aubervilliers, 17 November.
2022 XI International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-11) Olomouc, Czech Republic, “The factuality of Chinese necessity modals: A corpus-based study”.
2021 Seminario Dottorato LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, Università di Bologna. “Utopia come nozione modale: Tassonomia e strumenti d’analisi del discorso politico”, 14 dicembre.
2021 Università di Torino, XVIII convegno AISC: “Post-modal usages of huì 会: A synchronic and diachronic account”, Panel: “La linguistica cinese in Italia: stato dell’arte e prospettive di sviluppo”, 19 novembre 2021.
2021 XVIII convegno AISC: “Post-modal usages of huì 会: A synchronic and diachronic account”, Panel: “La linguistica cinese in Italia: stato dell’arte e prospettive di sviluppo”, 19 November.
2021 The George Washington University, Washington DC 汉语作为第六语言研究国际研讨会 6th Int. Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR-6): “The Factuality Status of Chinese Necessity Modals: Exploring the Distribution Via Corpus-Based Approach”, 30 July.
2021 Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Forlì, AILC: Study Days on Chinese Linguistics (VI): “Counterfactuality in Chinese. A Corpus-based study”, 25 June.
2019 Maynooth University, Ireland, Chinese Studies Department. Chinese National Identity in the Age of Globalization. “Words for building consensus. A corpus-based analysis of necessity expressions in Mao Zedong's rhetoric”, 12 October.
2019 University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, ACBM-2019, Acquisition of Chinese: Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Carlotta Sparvoli, Chung Kam Kwok, “Factuality evaluation in English and Standard Chinese by Hong Kong trilingual speakers”, 01– 03 July.
2019 University College Cork, 1st edition of Linguistic Diversity: Celebrating Difference, “The analyticity of Standard Chinese: Locatives as the expression of null-motion”, 1st edition of Linguistic Diversity: Celebrating Difference, 12 April.
2019 Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), 32nd JLAO, Paris Meetings on East Asian Linguistics, “The temporal orientation of Chinese necessity modals: some observations on the negated form”, 27-29 June.
2018 Catholic University of Milan, 5th Edition of the Study Days on Chinese Linguistics, “Exploring the role of néng in the néng de-constructions”, 23-24 November.
2018 University of Milan, EACL-10, 10th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, “The néng de-constructions. Different scenarios of occurrence and modal contribution”, 28-29 September.
2018 (Featured speaker), CASLAR-5, 5th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research, the University of Hong Kong, “Resorting to discourse structure and argument grid for shifting from helplessness to hope.” 15-17 June.
2018 (Invited speaker), EIAS, European Institute for Asian Studies, “The role of Language Education in Poverty Alleviation”, Asian Platform, Brussels, 27 June.
2018 (Invited Oral Presentation), IRAAL Public Evening Lecture. “Learned helplessness, the case of Chinese Syntax Acquisition”, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University College Cork, 10 May.
2017 (Invited speaker) Shanxi University, Department of International Education, Zhengzhou, China, “From Lexicalsemantics to TCSOL”,12 December.
2017 (Invited speaker) Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”. Giornata Italiana di linguistica cinese, “The notion of possibility in Chinese”, 25 November.
2017 AISC (Italian Association of Chinese Studies), Catholic University of Milan, XVI Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi, 23 September,
2017 IAAS, University College Cork, 2nd International Conference, “Acquisitive modals in South East Asian languages. Looking for a paradigm for the expression of possibility”, 08-09 June 2017.
2017 EACT, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, European Association of Chinese Teaching, “Teaching Chinese in Primary Schools, Implementing the performative approach”, 10-12 February 2017.
2016 (Invited speaker) Trinity College, Trinity Centre for Asian Studies. "Do the right thing, Chinese expressions of moral duty and practical necessity". 29 November,
2016 (Invited speaker) Università La Sapienza, Roma, Giornata Italiana di linguistica cinese, “Existential sentences. Definiteness and antidefiniteness in Italian and Chinese”, 14 November.
2016 (Invited Workshop), University of Bologna, Faculty of Law and Confucius Institute, “Chinese necessity modals in specific normative text”. 20 October.
2016 CASLAR-4, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 4th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Research, “Developing the implicit knowledge of perfectivity in L2 Chinese, A preliminary test on the effectiveness of cross-linguist reflection”, 19-21 August 2016.
2016 (Invited Workshop) University of Picardy Jules Verne at Amiens, Amiens, France. “Modality in Mandarin Chinese”, 10th EACL Summer School in Chinese Linguistics, .
2016 (Invited speaker) Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Seminar of East Asian Studies. International Workshop on Aspect and Modality, “Modality in the general linguistic investigations carried out in China before 1949”, 1 August, 2016.
2016 IAAS, Dublin City University, 1st Conference of the Irish Association of Asian Studies, “Words of commemoration addressed to the youth. A discourse analysis on Mao’s speech at the 20th anniversary of the May Fourth movement”, 17-18 June 2016
2015 ISOCTAL, University of Newcastle, 1st International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL), 10-12 December, “Inference from results and inference from reasoning in Chinese”
2015 EACL 9, Stuttgart University, “Actuality entailment in the necessity domain, a case for Chinese”, 24-25 September,
2015 (Invited speaker) Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Seminar of East Asian Studies. “Sense, sensibility and factual necessity, the Deontic and the Anankastic within the Chinese modal system”, lecture within the project DFG project ‘Aspect and Modality in Pre-Tang Chinese’ by Barbara Meinsterernst. 4 May, 2015.
2015 EACL-9, University of Stuttgart, 9th Conference, “Actuality entailment in the necessity domain, a case for Chinese”, 24-25 September 2015.
2015 (Invited speaker) Giornate di Linguistica cinese, tendenze e prospettive, Milano, Università degli Studi, “Espressioni inferenziali in cinesee 2016”, 19 November.
2015 ISOCTAL International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Newcastle, “Inference from results and inference from reasoning in Chinese”, 11-12 December 2015.
2014 CASLAR-3, University of Parma, Inaugural Speech of the Third International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
2014 CASLAR-3, University of Parma, “From Phonological Studies to Teaching Mandarin Tones”, 28-30 August 2014
2014 (Invited speaker), Giornate di Linguistica cinese, tendenze e prospettive, “Chinese necessity modals, actuality entailment and interaction with negation”, Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, 2 October, 2014.
2013 (Invited speaker) LEND-2013, “Oltre le lingue europee: scuola e lavoro”, Auditorium di Sant'Apollonia, 25 ottobre.
2012 CASLAR-2, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 2nd International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, “Suppletion strategy in Chinese modality, a proposal of a semantic explanation”, 14-15 August 2012.
2011 EACL-7, Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, European Association of Chinese Linguistics, 7th International Conference, “The Anankastic and the Deontic, An Analysis of Distinctive Features of Chinese Modals Related to Duty and Necessity”, 13-15 September.
2011 AISC (Italian Association of Chinese Studies), Milan University, VII Conference, Milano, 23 September, “Defining articulatory instructions for tonal production in Chinese L2” (La definizione di istruzioni articolatorie mirate all’addestramento per la produzione dei toni del cinese standard).
Chair panel (only).
ISOCTAL-2, The 2nd International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 14-16 December 2017.
ISACG-9. The 9th International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Grammar. Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Seminar of East Asian Studies, form 28-07-2016 to 01-08-2016
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