Associate Professor
Scientific sector (SSD)
Geografia [GEOG-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Associate professor in the disciplinary-scientific sector "M-GGR / 01 Geografia", in the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia


Academic Training

Graduate in Modern Literature with Geographical-Environmental Orientation of the University of Milan, with a thesis entitled "Climatic events and human experiences in Valcamonica, Sebino e Franciacorta (15th to 19th centuries)”.

Research doctorate in 'Environmental Quality and Regional Economic Development" - in the M-GGR/Geography sector carried out at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna with a thesis entitled "Hillsides in equilibrium. The landscape of terracing between abandonment and new functionality".


Teaching activity

Academic teaching activity at the University of Milan (over the last five years)

From 2002 involved in continuous teaching at the the University of Milan, including, over the last five years, giving the courses of:

 • Geography, environment, and the evolution of human societies (40 h, Course for the master's degree in Philosophical Sciences, University of Milan) (2018 to the present)

• Urban regeneration and degeneration. Looks on contemporary town (Workshop of 20h. Course for the Master's Degree in Philosophy, University of Milan) (from 2018 to the present)

• Geography of the Environment (60 h, Degree Course in Human Sciences of the Environment, Land and Landscape; Degree Course in Philosophy, University of Milan) (from 2017 to the present)

• Landscape and Environment Geography (60h. a—Degree Course in Human Sciences of the Environment, Land and Landscape; b—Degree Course in Cultural Heritage, University of Milan; c— Degree Course in Philosophy) (a- 2007-2017; b-2014-2017; c-2015-2017)

• Analysis and communication of the environment and landscape, module "The value of the landscape" (20h. Degree Course in Cultural Evaluation of the Land and Landscape, University of Milan) (2011-2016)

• Italian food landscapes. Environments and cultures, in the context of the international courses in Italian language and culture of the University of Milan, held at Gargagno del Garda (lecture series, July 2015)


In the last five years I have been the supervisor of three doctoral theses (Dr. Andrea Marini, Dr. Giorgio Masellis, Dr. Emiliano Tolusso).


Other teaching activity (in the last five years)

In 2015, gained the qualification of the Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche to act as a « Maître de Conférences » in France

• Visiting professor at the Laboratoire ART-DEV and at the Département de Géographie de l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (F) (January 2016)

• Lecturer in the Higher Education Course “Mente e Luoghi - Percezione e corporeità nel riuso della città contemporanea”, Poli.Design / Politecnico di Milano. Module 5: Trasgressività ecologica ed evoluzione umana e Cambiamenti climatici e ridefinizione del rapporto uomo-natura. 8 h. (appointed; December 2021)

• Lecturer for the module Paysages viticoles, in the context of the Diplôme Universitaire Vin, Culture et Oenotourisme, Université de Bourgogne. 6h (2011-2016)

• Appointed as expert in the teaching of geography at the Liceo Cantonale Lugano 2 by the State Council (CH) (2012-2019)

• Scientific direction of the course “Paesaggi della Valtellina. Trasformazione del territorio, della cultura e dell'identità locale”, (Local Development Foundation, Sondrio) (2013-2014). 


In addition undertakes frequent teaching at a doctoral level, among which the following in 2021 should be mentioned:

• The society / nature dualism and its alternatives, Doctorate in historical, geographical and anthropological studies, University of Padua (22 March 2021)

• On glaciers, climate and history of the Alps, Doctorate in History, land and the cultural heritage, UniRoma 3 (15 April 2021)


Scientific activity

Main areas of research

• Geography and history of agrarian terracing: the historical-environmental origins and evolutionary processes of terraced landscapes; types of landscape and their distribution rationale; crises and resistence, conservation and cultural guardianship of the terraced landscapes.  

• Alpine geography: historical developments and settlement dynamics in the alpine and prealpine regions.

• The geography of wine and of viticulture landscapes: the construction of the viticulture space and evolution of Italian and European viticulture.  

• Alpine glaciation: evolution in the modern and contemporary age and relation with human activities; monitoring of recent trend.

• Geo-history of climate (from early mediaeval to the nineteenth century): climate reconstructions by proxy-data; the settlement, economic, social and cultural effects of climatic changes and extreme events.

• Geography of the environment and anthropogenic environmental changes.


Direction for scientific projects and research groups (over the last ten years)

•  Head (Pl) of the University of Milan unit in the Interreg Europe project “ConValore”, Conservare e valorizzare nello spazio comune Retico: i beni culturali e il paesaggio culturale della Valtellina e Valposchiavo nel contesto UNESCO (2020-2022). Funded project.

• University of Milan contact person for the CONVEX2 project ( and member of the project's Scientific Council for the realization of an international and historical documentary corpus on vines and wine. Coord. MHS Dijon e Université de Bourgogne. (2020 to the present). Funded project.

• Scientific responsibility (PI) for the agreement protocol between the Università degli Studi di Milano and Comunità Montana Valtellina di Tirano for the project “Conservare e valorizzare il paesaggio culturale della Media Valtellina (2019). Funded project.  

• Head of the University of Milan unit's Project “GeoMuse - Musei di Geografia: organizzazione della conoscenza, valorizzazione e divulgazione del patrimonio geografico accademico; coordinators professors Mauro Varotto e Riccardo Morri. AGEI (2017 to the present).

• co-PI for the research project for application for the terraced landscape of Valtellina to be named as a Unesco Cultural Heritage Site (ProVinea Foiundation and the University of Milan) (2011-2014). Funded project.  

• Member of the Research group “The agrarian terracing” (EIM IMONT - National Institute of Mountain Research) (2007-2010)

• Affiliated member of the research centre and academic network “Culinary Mind”, at the University of Milan ( (2017 to the present)


Editorial and scientific committiees of journals and published series, Italian and foreign

• Member of the editorial committee for the series Katastrophé, Mimesis (2020 to the present)

• Member of the scientific committee for the journal “Territoires du Vin” (2009-oggi)

• Member of the editorial committee for the journal “Croatian Geographical Bulletin” (2015-oggi)

• Member of the editorial committee for the journal “Terra glacialis” (1998-2012)


Activities of scientific evaluation and peer review processes for national and international journals (over the last ten years)

• Evaluation of projects and research results for the MIUR, among which: Levi Montalcini 2015, VQR 2016, Prin 2017 (val. 2018), Fisr 2020. He is enrolled in the MIUR Reprise register.

• Peer reviewer for journals and international or national series, among which  “International Journal of Wine Business Research”, “Land Degradation & Development”, “Territoires du vin”, “Croatian Geographical Bulletin”, “Histoire des Alpes”, “Journal of historical Geography”, “Revue de Geographie Alpine”, “Geostorie”, “Geotema”, “Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia”, “Geography Notebooks”


• Evaluator of research programmes for the  “Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung” (CH) (2011)


Organization of national and international conferences; participation in Scientific Councils of international conferences

• Member of the scientific and organising committee of the “Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot”, Borgogna (F) (annual meetings, 2008 to the present)

• Member of the scientific Council of the International conference "Marchés du vin et cultures de consommation", Honk-Kong, 2-5 June 2019

• Member of the scientific Council of the International conference « Patrimoine, tourisme et valorisation des territoires de la vigne et du vin », Mendoza, 22-24 February 2018

• Member of the scientific Council of the International Scientific Colloquium « Paysages, mises en scènes paysagères, patrimoines vitivinicoles, valorisations touristiques et développement territorial », Laboratoire CEDETE EA, Orleans, 13-15 October 2016 

• Member of the promotional committee and of the organisational committee of the Third World Congress of Terraced Landscapes “Terraced landscapes: choosing the future” (ITLA, Venezia-Padova, ottobre 2016)

• Member of the scientific Council of the International conference “Bourgogne(s) viticole(s) : enjeux et perspectives historiques d’un territoire », MSH et Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, 3-4 December 2015

• Member of the scientific Council of the International colloquium « Patrimoine et valorisation des territoires de la vigne et du vin », SEO-EDOAO, Thira, Santorini, 5-7 November 2015 

• Organisation and moderator of session 1 “Il paesaggio culturale: problema o risorsa?” during the Colloquium “Dialogo sulla Conservazione Programmata dei Beni e del Paesaggio Culturale”, Distretto culturale della Valtellina, Sondrio 27 November 2014

• Member of the organising committee of the colloquium “I ghiacciai: indicatori fedeli del clima che cambia. Le fluttuazioni dei ghiacciai alpini negli ultimi mille anni" (Museum of Natural History, Milan, 24 November 2007)

• Organisation of the Study Day “Canicules et glaciers”. Colloquio con Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie (Università degli Studi di Milano, 9 June 2005)

• Co-organisation of the Colloquium “Deglaciazione alpina” (Università degli Studi di Milano, 4 dicembre 2003)

• Organisation of the Colloquium “Che tempo faceva?” (Centro Culturale Svizzero, Milano 2-3 febbraio 1999)


Participation in scientific or steering committes of organizations (over the last ten years)  

• Member of the Council for strategic orientation of the “Cité internationale de la gastronomie et du vin de Dijon” (2017 to the present)

• Member of the scientific committee of “GEA - Associazione dei Geografi” (CH) (2006 - oggi)

• Member of the Council of Orientation of the Unesco post “Culture et Traditions du Vin”, (Université de Bourgogne, F) (2008 to the present)

• Member of the steering committee of the “Centro di ricerca coordinato Bruno Caizzi”, Università degli Studi di Milano (2015-2017)

• Member of the “Consiglio Direttivo della Commissione Internazionale per la Protezione delle Alpi” (Cipra Italia) (2003 – 2015)

• Scientific coordinator of the Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo and scientific director of the courses for glaciological operators organised by the same company (1994 - 2015)


Participation in national and international colloquiums and seminars (over the last five years)

By way of example:

• “Congresso Geografico Italiano”, “Gaia, il pianeta delle piante e degli animali (umani, compresi). Ecosistemi, ambienti vegetali e vita animale nell’Antropocene” (Nodo 1 – EAP 2). Accepted 30/05/2021, Disumanizzare la città, disumanizzare il mondo. Per una con-vivenza tra umano e non umano. Padova, 8-13 September 2021.

• Colloquium “Conservare e valorizzare il paesaggio della Media Valtellina”, Il valore della percezione, Tirano (SO), 11 December 2019.

• XIII Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot "Fluctuations climatiques et vignobles du Néolithique à l'Actuel : Impacts, résilience et perspectives, Vins, vendanges et fluctuations climatiques : Enquête en Italie (with Daniele Lorusso and Davide Mastrovito), Clos Vougeot (F), 3, 4, 5 October 2019  

• XII Workshop “Dalla mappa al GIS - Territorio: rischio / risorsa”, I catasti storici come strumento di prevenzione del rischio ambientale. Il Catasto lombardo-veneto e la sua applicazione all’area lariana (with Davide Mastrovito), CISGE, Roma, 17-18 April 2019

• XVI Congrés internacional de la pedra en sec. CIPS-18, “Les pierres ignorées”. Les terrasses de culture de l’île de Minorque. Minorca (E), 25-28 October 2018  

• Convegno “On the (Im)Possible Futures of Cities and Agricultural Sites”, Vino e cultura del vino al tempo dei cambiamenti climatici (with Emiliano Tolusso and Giorgio Masellis), Milano, 16 April 2018

• XI Rencontres du Clos-Vougeot, "Quelle durabilité en vigne et en cave ?", Les terrasses et la vigne : une histoire durable, Clos Vougeot (F), 5-7 October 2017

• International colloquium “Terraced landscapes: choosing the future” ITLA, Venezia-Padova, October 2016, Vigneti terrazzati d’Europa

• Workshop “Eugenio Turri. Geografo non accademico”, Università degli Studi di Milano, 9 March 2016

• International colloquium « Tourisme et territoires Structurations territoriales du tourisme ou reconstruction des territoires par le tourisme? », Paysages en terrasses : patrimoines sans touristes. Centre universitaire Du Guesclin, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, Béziers (F), 22 January 2016


Academic responsibilities (over the last five years, Università degli Studi di Milano)

• Person responsible for transfers to the degree course in Human Sciences of the Environment, the Land and Landscape (2014 to the present)

• Person jointly responsible for transfers to the degree course in Philosophy (2020 to the present)

• Person jointly responsible for transfers to the degree course in Philosophical Sciences (2020 to the present)

• Member of the Erasmus Committee for the degree course in Human Sciences of the Environment, the Land and Landscape (2008-2015)

• Scientific Director of Geography Library of the University of Milan (2007-2017)

• Member of the Libraries Commission in the Faculty of "Humanistic Studies" and of the joint Commission of the "Humanistic Studies" Faculty and Jurisprudence (2007-2017)

• Member of the "Environmental Group" of the University of Milan for the evaluation and integration of the university's research activities in the environmental field (2007-2012)


Third mission

Undertakes intense activity of public outreach and awareness-raising with regard to environmental themes, and in particular to climate change, with conferences, round table participation, radio and television appearances, the drafting of articles and the wider dissemination of documents through internet pages etc.