Giulia IORI

Full Professor
041 234 9231
Scientific sector (SSD)
Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie [STAT-04/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe
Research Institute
Research Institute for Green and Blue Growth
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity

Activities and research skills

Scientific sector (SSD)
Metodi matematici dell'economia e delle scienze attuariali e finanziarie [STAT-04/A]
Geographic areas in which the research experience mainly applies
Internazionale: Europa, Oceania
Known languages
italiano (scritto: madrelingua parlato: madrelingua)
inglese (scritto: avanzato parlato: avanzato)
spagnolo (scritto: intermedio parlato: intermedio)
francese (scritto: intermedio parlato: intermedio)
Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals/book series
- Co-Editor for Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (since January 2015).
- Co-Editor for Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (since January 2022).
- Associate Editor for Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2013-2021).
- Associate Editor for Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions (since 2014).
- Associate Editor for Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2019-2022).
- Associate Editor for Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (2005-2014).
- Guest Editor for a special issue of European Journal of Finance (2022) devoted to the 24th Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, London, June 24-26, 2019.
- Guest Editor for a special issue of Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2022) devoted to the 24th Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, London, June 24-26, 2019.
- Guest Editor (with Professor C. Deissenberg) for a special issue of Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization (2006) and a special issue of Computational Economics (Vol 24, N 4, 2005) devoted to the 2nd Conference on Complex Behaviour in Economics: Modeling, Computing, and Mastering Complexity.
- Guest Editor for a special issue “Crises and Complexity”, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Volume 50 (2015).
Participation as referees of national and international research projects
- Member of assessment panel: ESRC Grant Assessment Panel, Panel C (former Panel A) (September 2015-September 2019); UKRI Future Leadership fellowships panel college (since 2019); UKRI-ESRC Research Methods Development (2020); ESRC-IRC UK Ireland Networking (2020).
- Member of the Selection Committee for the area of Economics and Finance for the SIR-2014 call (Italian equivalent of ERC for young researchers. In charge of the evaluation of about 200 applications and the allocation of 1.4 million euros).
- Member of the Selection Committee for Supporting Talents in Research, University of Padova" (STARS Grants), Social Sciences and Humanities Sub-committee (2017, 2019, 2021).
- Expert Evaluator for the European Commission (various programmes 2004-2006).
- Member of the ESRC Peer Review College.
- Grant evaluator for the EPSRC, ESRC, ESF, Leverhulme Trust, British Council, Cineca, Anvur, MIUR.
Main departmental research areas and fields
Area: Economia Linea: Settori finanziari - modelli e metodi
Area: Economia Linea: Sistema economico - modelli e metodi
Area: Economia
Financial Economics
Financial markets, Financial stability, Economic Complexity, Financial Networks, Systemic Risks,
Financial Mathematics
Option pricing and hedging
Computational Economics
Agents Based Models, Numerical methods
Research Policy
Evaluation of performance based research funding systems
CRISIS “Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic Instabilities”
Funding body:
European Commission: Strep-ICT Project nr. 288501
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Starting date:
Year: 2011 Length in months: 36
Complexity in Economic Networks
Funding body:
EPSRC Fast Stream Grant
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Starting date:
Year: 2003 Length in months: 24
Experiment and Computational Models of Over the Counter Markets
Funding body:
British Academy
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Starting date:
Year: 2014 Length in months: 24
FOC, Forecasting Crisis
Funding body:
European Commission: FET Open Project
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Starting date:
Year: 2010 Length in months: 36
Large Scale Correlation Analysis of Financial Data: Anomalous Diffusion and Continuous Time Random Walks
Funding body:
British Council
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Starting date:
Year: 2009 Length in months: 12
Physics of Risk'
Funding body:
Cost action P10
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Starting date:
Year: 2003 Length in months: 60