Vincenzina Caterina OTTOMANO

Scientific sector (SSD)
Musicologia e storia della musica [PEMM-01/C]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Research Institute
Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage

Between 2012 and September 2021, Vincenzina C. Ottomano was Postdoctoral Research Assistant and Lecturer at the University of Bern (Switzerland).
She received her master’s degree with honours in Musicology, University of Pavia, with a thesis on the dramaturgy of Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin and Pique Dame, and her PhD in Musicology with summa cum laude at the University of Bern on The Impact of RussianOpera in France and Italy.
Since 2016 she is managing editor of the journal “verdiperspektiven”.

She carried out several research projects as collaborator and principal investigator on Opera Studies, Nationalism and New Music Theatre. She has been awarded several prizes for his musicological activity: the national Prize “Il Coretto” (Bari) for the best thesis in Musicology (2007) and The Rotary Club Parma’s “Giuseppe Verdi” International Prize (2019). She has published extensively on Russian and Italian Opera of the 19th century and on Music Theatre of the 20th and 21th centuries.