Stefano LO CIGNO

Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)

May 2021: Doctor's Degree. Kyoto University - Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies.

March 2018: Master's Degree. Kyoto University - Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies.

December 2015: Bachelor's Degree. Bologna University - Languages, Markets and Cultures of Asia and Mediterranean Africa.


April 2018-March 2021: Adjunct Professor - Kyoto Univesity of Foreign Studies.

September 2020-Marzo 2021: Adjunct Professor - Ritsumeikan University (Biwako Campus)

September 2021- : Teaching Tutor - University of Bologna (LILEC)

September 2021-: Adjunct Professor - Ca'Foscari University of Venezia (DSAAM and RIC)

September 2022- Adjunct Professor - University of Bologna (LILEC)