Associate Professor
Department’s Delegate for Accessibility, Disability, Inclusion and Gender Equality
041 234 7446 / 041 234 6688
Scientific sector (SSD)
Sociologia generale [GSPS-05/A]
www.unive.it/people/michele.marzulli (personal record)
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
Website: https://www.unive.it/sele
Where: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Michele Marzulli, PhD in Sociology and Research Methodology (2009), gained long-standing experience of teaching and scientific research in Italy and abroad. His research interests focused on welfare systems reform and public policies.

In all these areas he has a 10+ years’ experience as teacher in different Universities and as a researcher for public and private scientific institutions. He is also member of the PhD board in “Social Work and Personal Social Services”, Catholic University of Sacred Heart.

He is the scientific director (w/Linda Lombi) of Open Sociology, a Franco Angeli peer reviewed editorial series and reviewer for national and international sociological journals.

Currently he is a member of the task force on Covid-19 crisis by the AIS (Italian Sociological Association), co-author of the White Book for the reform of the Italian NHS.

In the last two years, he was research fellow for the national largest academic network on welfare reform (Welfare Responsabile).

  • Main field of research
  • Health (conceptual definition)
  • National and sub-national health systems
  • Social and health care integration
  • Governance of health care systems
  • Nursing and health care professions
  • Poverty support schemes
  • Corporate welfare
  • Statistic and research methodology (qualitative and quantitative).