Associate Professor
Member of the Joint Teacher-Student Commission
041 234 5781
Scientific sector (SSD)
Letterature portoghese, brasiliana e di espressione lusofona [FLMR-01/C]
www.unive.it/people/monica.simas (personal record)
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dslcc
Where: Ca' Bernardo

Mônica Simas is Associate Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature at Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies Department of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice. She has a Doctorate (2001, with CNPq and CAPES PDEE grants) and a Master (1997, with CAPES grant) in Language and Literature at PUC-RJ. She is graduated in Language and Literature (Portuguese and English, 1993), also in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 1990) and in Physical Education from Claretiano (2018).

She was Professor at PUC-RJ (2001-2003) and later at University of Sao Paulo (USP) from 2003 to 2021 where she got the title "Livre Docente" in 2013. In 2014 she was Visiting Professor at the University of Florence where she participated in various research activities.

She was one of the founders and coordinator of the Laboratory of Interlocutions with Asia (LIA - DLCV - USP). She also has coordinated the research group "Porta Macao: literature, languages ​​and cultures", certified by the National Research Council (CNPq) of Brazil. From 2015 to the present she is a researcher at the CNPq, receiving a research funding on the projects "Porta Macao: fictional constructs and poets of ways of living in multicultural contexts" and "The experience of the orphans in Macao literature". Now she is part of the Literature Group "Study of literature, Amerindian poetry and translation", coordinated by Izabela Guimarães Guerra Leal (Federal University Pará - UFPA) with the project "Other cultures in the Portuguese language: cosmovision and ancestrality"

She has developed a postdoctoral research in Macao literature under the supervision of Professor Yao Jing Ming (University of Macao) at the Macao Historical Archive, in 2015, and a postdoctoral research on Portuguese poetry at the Federal Fluminense University - UFF), in 2019, under the supervision of Professor Ida Alves, who is the coordinator of the research group "Literature and Landscape".

Her research interests are Portuguese cultures in Asia; Macao's literature and culture, post-colonialism; orientalism; interculturality; cultural diversity; literature and religion.

She is one of the founder and editor of Desassossego Journal (Scientific Journal A - USP - Brazil) and member of the Editorial Board of Convergencia Lusiada Journal (Royal Portuguese Reading Office of Rio de Janeiro - Real Gabinete Português de Leitura do Rio de Janeiro).

In 2008 she has received the "Talento 2007" award from the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for teaching and disseminating the literature in Portuguese language.