Associate Professor
Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia dell'arte contemporanea [ARTE-01/C]
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Stefania De Vincentis is Assistant Professor in Contemporary Art History at the Department of Humanities of “Ca’ Foscari” Venice University where she teaches Digital Art and Digital Iconography and iconology studies at the Master Degree of Digital and Public Humanities.

Member of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), she holds a PhD cum laude in Humanities at the University of Ferrara.

Founding Member the laboratory DiDiART – Digital and Diagnosis for Art at the Department of Humanities of Ferrara University.

Her research area focuses on Digital Art History and Digital Museum, with main topics the technologies and ICT tools for the visualization of art historical museums collection.

Her background studies are in video art and contemporary art production, with a degree in Painting at the Bologna Academy of Fine Art, a MA degree in Visual Arts at IUAV- Architecture Institute of Venice University and a post-graduate degree in Management of Cultural Heritage (MuSeC) at Ferrara University. Fellow of the Ermitage Italia centre for art history, she has been visiting student at the Getty Research Institute. She has been a Research Fellow at the University of Ferrara working with the chair of Early Modern Art History at the Department of Humanities and with the research group of the DIAPReM Centre-Development of Integrated Automatic Procedures for Restoration of Monuments of the Architecture Department. She cooperated with the TekneHub, a Ferrara Technopole centre of industrial research competencies and technology transfer, with cultural and museum institutions such as the Fondazione Ferrara Arte and the Ferrara Castello Estense.