- Position
- Technical Administrative Staff
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- 041 234 7224
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www.unive.it/people/chiara.ghirardo (personal record)
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Addetto Squadre di Emergenza
Graduated in Political Science and International Relations, since 2019 I am working as project manager of EU funded projects
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
January 2021 - present
Philosophy and Cultural Heritage Department – Research Office
Project Manager ISEED-Inclusive Science and European Democracies (GA 960366)
Venice Municipality – Culture Office, Venezia
March 2020 – January 2021
Amministrative Manager – EU project Expert and PON Metro actions (ESF – ERDF fund)
Operation VE3.3.1.c "The itinerant culture agent of social activation" provided for in the Operational Plan of Venice: project management, implementation and reporting
Administrative documents drafting and support for the operation financial monitoring and administrative budget procedures (budgeting, changes, re-assessment of residuals)
Co.Ge.S. don Lorenzo Milani Soc. coop. Sociale, Mestre - Venice
January 2019 – March 2020
Project manager and labour market operator - ERDF-ESF projects dealing with job placement for long term unemployed people:
Development of project proposals, including budget formulation
Implementation of project activities, including technical and financial reporting, as well as the organisation of project meetings, activities, monitoring and visibility actions
Job orientation and mentoring for project beneficiaries
Liaising with the Management Authority for contractual purposes (Veneto Region and Venice Municipality)
Co.Ge.S. don Lorenzo Milani Soc. coop. Sociale, Mestre - Venice
June 2012 - January 2019
Reception and inclusion project for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in partnership with Municipality of Venice
Social and legal officer
Administrative officer
Sanitary area officer – vulnerable beneficiaries case manager
2014 - 2018: team deputy coordinator, 2018 - 2019: team coordinator
COSEP Società Cooperativa Sociale – Padova
July 2011 - June 2012
Recepiton center for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in partnership with Vicenza Municipality- social worker
assistance in the asylum application process and legal support
accompaniment to the local social and health services
language workshop
European Project Association - National Contact Point Croatia c/o INFORMO Association, Vodnjan/Dignano – Croatia
April 2011 – June 2011
EU Project manager intern: development of project proposals, implementation of project activities including techincal reporting, organisation of project meetings, activities and events.
Master's degree in peace and human rights institutions and policies (2010)
Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Political Science (2007)
Università degli Studi di Padova, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies
From 2019
Association "Viaggiare i Balcani" – member/collaborator. Responsible and cultural tourism - periodic accompaniment of groups in the Balkan area as cultural linguistic mediator
Erasmus + project "MI.N.E. - Migrant Not Excluded" 2016-1-IT02-KA204-024409 - Exchange of good practices in the field of reception, integration and protection of asylum seekers and refugees in EU and not EU countries. National and international workshops and training. Partnership: Italy (Co.Ge.S.don Milani – project coordinator), Greece, Macedonia, Germany, Lithuania, Finland, UK, Turkey, Portugal.
EVS – European Volunteer Service (Mostar – Bosina ed Erzegovina). Volunteer at the local NGO “Sunce” - day center for people with disabilities. Italian language workshops for students of the two city universities
National Civil Service – Caritas Diocesana di Padova. Social worker at “Cucine Economiche Popolari” – canteen popular and low threshold serivces. Assistant in a low threshold medical-dental clinic
Italian – Mother tongue
English – B2
Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian – B1
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