Valeria MELIS

Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

In 2014, I obtained a PhD in Classical and Modern Cultures (Classical Curriculum) from the University of Turin, defending a thesis entitled Traces of Sophistic and Legal Debate in Euripides' Orestes (supervisors: Professors Patrizia Mureddu and Giuseppina Magnaldi). Between 2019 and 2020, I completed a Master in Digital Humanities at Ca' Foscari University Venice. Over the years, I have benefited from research contracts and grants at the Universities of Cagliari and Ca' Foscari Venice, which have allowed me to delve deeper into my research on the ancient world and the digital humanities.

From March 2020 to November 2022, I was a research fellow in the Book Batch One project, focusing on personalized digital and paper books. In 2022, I received an Erasmus+ grant and a grant from the Stiftung Humanismus Heute (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg) to collaborate on the KomFrag project (Prof. Bernhard Zimmermann). I am currently a research fellow at the University of Genoa in the Project of National Interest "Laugh Tracks. Greek Comedy in Ptolemaic Egypt" (SSD: L-Fil-Let/05 Classical Philology; R.S. Prof. Serena Perrone) and an adjunct Professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and at the University of Enna "Kore". I am Director of the Paradoxa series (De Bastiani Editore) with Alberto Camerotto (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) and Alice Bonandini (University of Genoa); I am a member of national and international scientific and editorial committees; I am part of the editorial board of the Lexis journal (Ca' Foscari Edizioni).

My research interests primarily revolve around Greek theater (particularly Euripides and Aristophanes), the interactions between theater and Athenian law, and the language of tragic and comic female characters. I have also studied Thucydides, Lucretius and his models (Homer and Ennius), Aristotle's theories on Euripidean and Aristophanic theater, ancient rhetoric, and argumentative writing. On these topics, I have written several articles for journals and books, authored the monograph Le amiche di Lisistrata. Lingua, genere, comicità nel tempo (Morlacchi U.-P., 2021, with Rita Fresu) and the manual Scripta manent. Dieci lezioni sulla scrittura argomentativa (Mimesis, 2021, with Francesca Ervas and Elisabetta Gola). More recently, I have developed an interest in ancient biography, particularly Plutarch's works, and its reception in Italian Cinquecento.

I have taught Greek Literature at the University of Sassari. In Venice, I am part of the research groups Aletheia and Classici Contro (Professors Alberto Camerotto and Filippomaria Pontani) and Wiki-Musisque Deoque (Prof. Martina Venuti). I have delivered lectures at various national and international universities and conferences (including Cagliari, Cassino, Bologna, Venice, Turin, Manchester, Oxford, Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro).