Edoardo SIANI
- Position
- Researcher
- Telephone
- 041 234 9512
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingue e letterature della Cina e dell'Asia sud-orientale [ASIA-01/F]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/edoardo.siani (personal record)
- Office
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin
2020 – present: Assistant Professor (Southeast Asian Studies). Ca' Foscari University of Venice
2020 – 2021: Affiliated Assistant Professor. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2020 – 2020: Program-specific Assistant Professor. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2018 – 2020: Program-specific Researcher. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2018 – 2019: Research Associate. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2018 – 2019: Research Consultant. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2015 – 2016: Teaching Assistant in Social Anthropology. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2014 – 2015: Adjunct Lecturer in Social Anthropology. Thammasat University, Bangkok
2018: Ph.D. Anthropology and Sociology. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2013: M.A. Social Anthropology. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2011: B.A. (Honours) Humanities with Creative Writing. The Open University, United Kingdom
2019 – 2020: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Kakenhi Grant for Early-Career Scientist
2019 – 2020: Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies: Center for Southeast Asian Studies Research Grant
2018: Kyoto University: Grant for a Multidisciplinary Platform Meeting
2018: Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies: Center for Southeast Asian Studies Research Grant
2017: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London: Conference Funding
2016: École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Paris: EFEO Field Scholarship
2016: Institute of Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok: ENITS Scholarship
2015: Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge: Evans Fund Grant (small)
2015: The Wenner-Gren Foundation, USA: Wenner-Gren Conference Grant (collectively)
2014: Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge: Evans Fund Grant (small)
2014: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London: Award for Fieldwork
2014: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London: Centre of South East Asian Studies Award
Invited PhD talks
2021: “Divination in Thailand: Reflections on Ethnographic Fieldwork”. SOAS, University of London
2020: “South East Asia Lecture Series: Divination and Politics in Thailand”. Tsinghua University, Beijing
Invited talks
2022. “The Art of Resistance: Magic and Aesthetics in the Thai Youth Uprising”. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. August, 10. (Thai language)
2022. “‘Superstitious’ phenomena and Thai society”, Political Science Student Union, Chulalongkorn University. March, 19. (Thai language)
2021. “Becoming a Diviner”. King Mongkut University of Technology, Bangkok. September, 16.
2021. “Anthropology: Ghosts, Religion and Belief”. Free Anthropology (Manusyawithaya Plod Aek). June 12. (Thai language)
2019: “Popular Kingmakers: Diviners in Contemporary Buddhist Thailand”. Doshisha University, Kyoto
2019: “Thai Astrology and Politics” (Thai language). Srinakarin Virot University, Bangkok
2019: “Buddhist Cosmology and Power in Today’s Thailand”. Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania
2018: “Divination in Thailand”. Doshisha University, Kyoto
2018: “Buddhist Cosmology and Politics in Thailand”. Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania
2017: “Cultural Intimacy: A Discussion”. Thammasat University, Bangkok
2017: “Divination and Political Marketing in Thailand” (Thai language). Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Campus talks
2021: “DSAAM Research Day: Divination and Politics in Thailand”. Ca' Foscari University of Venice
2020: “CSEAS Colloquium, Purifying Violence: Buddhist Kingship in Thailand’s New Reign”. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2018: “Death of an Immortal King: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of an Event”. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2018: “Current Political Developments in Thailand: A Roundtable”. Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2016: “Living Across Religious and Gender Multiplicity in Thailand/Theorizing the Bangkok Night”. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Conference panels convened
2019: “Religion and the State”. SEASIA Conference 2019. National Chengchi University, Taipei
2015: “In God We Trust: The Adventures of Economy and Religion in the Contemporary World”. Panel convended at IUAES Inter-Congress 2015 Conference. Thammasat University, Bangkok
Conference papers
2019: “Divination and Kingship in Buddhist Thailand”. SEASIA Conference 2019. National Chengchi University, Taipei
2019: “Entering the Field: Killing and Consuming Food in Thailand’s Northeast”. EuroSEAS Conference 2019. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
2019: “Death of an Immortal King: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Events”, with Matthew Phillips. EuroSEAS Conference 2019. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
2019: “Otherness, Divinity and Violence: A Thai Buddhist Perspective on an Intimate Relationship”. ICAS 2019 Conference. IIAS, Leiden
2017: “Problematic Categories for the Study of Changing Forms of Religiosity in Contemporary Thai Buddhism”. International Conference of Thai Studies. University of Chiang Mai, Thailand
2017: “The Soteriology of Jazz: Embodying the Theos of Developmental Kingship Following the Death of King Bhumibol”. ARI Workshop on Political Theologies and Development in Asia. National University of Singapore
2016: “Belief, Practice and Wellbeing Roundtable”. Medical, Social and Anthropological Aspects of Cholangiocarcinoma Conference. School of Oriental and African Studies (U. of London), Imperial College London, NUS, Khon Kaen University (Thailand)
2016: “Telling Thailand’s Fortune: Buddhist Cosmology, Politics and Economy in Contemporary Bangkok”. ENITS Presentations. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
2015: “Unpossessed Spirit Mediums: The Politics of Spirit Possession in Contemporary Bangkok”. Spirited Dharma International Workshop. School of Oriental and African Studies, London
2015: “Diviners and the Sublimation of Class and Religion in Contemporary Thailand”. IUAES Inter-Congress 2015 Conference. Thammasat University, Bangkok
2020: “Reporting from the Frontline: Possibilities and Limits of Southeast Asia Media Responses to Covid-19”. Conference at Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2019: “Fake News Legislations in Southeast Asia and the Impact on Freedom of Expression”. Seminar by James Gomez at Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2019: “Power and Amnesty in Southeast Asia”. Seminar at Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies
2019: “The Cultural Contexts of Cholangiocarcinoma in Thailand”. SOAS workshop in Bangkok, Thailand
2018: “The Visit of King Chulalongkorn to Europe in 1897 and the Reflection of Business Development in Thailand: The Cases of Siam Commercial Bank and Siam Cement Company”. Seminar by Prof. Phorphant Ouyyanon at Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
2017: “Attending to a Neglected Disease: Probing the Prevalence of Bile Duct Cancer in North East Thailand Across Disciplines”. International Conference of Thai Studies. University of Chiang Mai, Thailand
Book launches
2020: Political Theologies and Development in Asia: Transcendence, Sacrifice and Aspiration. Zoom session, organized by National University of Singapore
2018: Diaspora: Exit, Exile, Exodus of Southeast Asia. Chiang Mai: MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum
Manuscript reviewer: Modern Asian Studies
Manuscript reviewer: Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Studies
Manuscript reviewer: Manusya: Journal of Humanities
Manuscript reviewer: Routledge
Manuscript reviewer: Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Manuscript reviewer: SOJOURN, Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
Manuscript reviewer: Southeast Asian Studies
Manuscript reviewer: South East Asia Research
Manuscript reviewer: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Manuscript reviewer: ARI Working Paper Series
Authored articles
2020. “The Sovereigns of Thailand and the Skies”. The New York Times, Opinion.
2019. “How Thailand’s Generals Rule by Numbers and the Stars”. The New York Times, Opinion.
2014. “Thailandia, occupy Bangkok anti-governo: ‘Via gli Shinawatra e lotta a corruzione’”. Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italian language.
2013. “Thailandia, Premier Shinawatra scioglie Parlamento: elezioni già a febbraio”. Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italian language.
2011. “Thailandia, il turismo sessuale è anche al femminile”. Sky TG24, Italian language.
Interviews: Video
Vice News, February 10, 2021. “Inside Thailand’s symbols of resistance”.
BBC World, October 24, 2020. Live interview on Thailand’s student protests.
BBC, October 27, 2016. Live interview from Bangkok for the passing Thailand’s King Bhumibol.
Interviews: Articles
The 101 World, June 2, 2022. “Thong anajak thi khap khluean duay satha muea ‘ai khay’ khue nata khong khwam wang [Tourism and worship when Ai Khay becomes the new face of hope]”, Thai language.
Libération, February 22, 2022. “Pour le loto thaïlandais, des chiffres qui font date”,French language.
Ca’ Foscari News, November 18, 2021. “Religioni del Sud-est asiatico: in aula con i monaci buddhisti thai”.
Ca’ Foscari News, July 27, 2021. “Il Sud-Est Asiatico delle nuove generazioni, tra ‘pop culture’ e proteste”.
OGzero—orizzonti geopolitici. January 23, 2021. “’Abbiamo bisogno di cambiamento’. Chiavi thai per una rivoluzione culturale nel regno del Siam”, Italian langauge.
LEFT, January 8, 2021 “Il paese dei golpi in cerca di pace”, Italian language.
Coconuts, December 8, 2020. “Comrades! ‘Restart Thailand’ warms up socialist rhetoric to maybe demand a republic”.
Ca’ Foscari News, December 3, 2020. “Perché i giovani thailandesi protestano contro esercito e monarchia?”
Thai Enquirer, December 7, 2020. “Another world is possible, and it isn’t communism”.
Thai Enquirer, December 3, 2020. “Covering the 2020 Thai protests: The ethics of photojournalism”.
Ca’ Foscari News, December 2, 2020. “Perché i giovani tailandesi protestano contro esercito e monarchia?”, Italian language.
Global Project, November 21, 2020. “Le proteste tailandesi tra modello internazionale alla Hong Kong e specificità nazionali”, Italian language.
The 101 World, January 10, 2020. “Edoardo Siani: Prachathipatai thai nai saita horasat [Edoardo Siani: Thai democracy through the lens of divination]”, Thai language.
Agence France-Presse (AFP), May 5, 2019. “Hugs and Instagram selfies: Thai King’s coronation gives glimpses of royal relations”. Also on The Straits Times, The Nation.
Reuters, May 1, 2019. “In Thailand, a white elephant fit for a king”. Also on CNBC.
France 24, April 30, 2019. “Making of a monarch: King’s image peppers Thailand ahead of coronation”. Also on Khmer Times.
Reuters, April 22, 2019. “From king’s coronation to commoners, astrology in Thailand is everywhere”. Also on South China Morning Post.
Il Foglio, March 26, 2019. “La Thailandia al voto sembra l’Italia”, Italian language.
The Japan Times, February 14, 2019. “In times of chaos, Thai politicians turn to clairvoyants”. Also on The Straits Times, Bangkok Post and Jakarta Times.
NIKKEI Asian Review, November 28, 2018. “Astrologer foresees bright future for Thai prime minister”.
Il Manifesto, July 11, 2018. “Un Buddha di stato per 13 cinghiali”, Italian language.
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2018. “Will Thai junta use cave rescue of soccer team to save itself?”.
Il Foglio, July 9, 2018. “La trama perfetta”, Italian language.
Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2018. “Water pumps, drills and Buddhist prayers power desperate search for boys trapped in Thailand cave”.
The Washington Post, June 27, 2018. “Spirit of mythical princess looms over Thai cave crisis”. Also on Los Angeles Times and AP, Associated Press.
The New York Times, June 24, 2018. “Boys freed from Thai cave enter monkhood to honor fallen rescuer”.
AP, Associated Press, June 20, 2018. “Under pouring rain, Thai cave search a muddy slog”. Also on Daily Mail.
Interviews: Radio
Radio Radicale, August 26, 2020. “Asiatica”, Italian language.
Radio Radicale, May 8, 2019. “Intervista a Edoardo Siani sul nuovo re Maha Vajiralongkorn, ufficialmente incoronato come Rama X”, Italian language.
RSI, Radiotelevisione Svizzera Italiana, March 25, 2019. “Quale futuro per la Thailandia?” Italian language.
Radio Radicale, February 15, 2019. “Intervista a Edoardo Siani sulla situazione politica in Thailandia in vista delle elezioni del 24 marzo 2019”, Italian language.
Radio Radicale, August 10, 2018. “Intervista a Edordo Siani sulla narrazione, tra mito e politica, scelta dal governo thailandese per raccontare l’operazione di salvataggio delle grotte di Tham Luang”, Italian language.
2002 – 2018: Language education and localization services. Bangkok, Thailand
Italian: Native
English: Advanced
Thai: Advanced
French: Intermediate
Chinese: Basic
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