Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Venice School of Management
Where: San Giobbe


2023 - curr., Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Research fellow in Law, project: “Vulnerability in the digital market. Platforms, consumers, enterprises”, Supervisor: a.y. 2023-2024, Professor Carmela Camardi, Full Professor of Private Law; a.y. 2024/2025, Professor Claudia Irti, Full Professor of Private Law. PRIN (Project of Relevant National Interest) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research. 



2024, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany

Visiting Scholar

2024, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium

Study visitor at the Digital Policies Unit of the DG for Parliamentary Research Service, EP Secretary General

2020 - 2023, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Ph.D. (doctor of Philosophy) in “Law, Market and Person”. Evaluated with "Excellent cum laude (with honors)"

First ranked in the entrance examination, awarded a scholarship bound to the theme: “Big data and fundamental rights”. Thesis title: “Data protection and collective actions”. Supervisor: Professor Carmela Camardi, Full Professor of Private Law. 

2023, Yale Law School - Information Society Project Center, New Haven, CT, United States

Resident Fellow at Information Society Project center, Yale Law School; Fulbright Grantee. Supervisor: Professor Jack M. Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment

2021, University of Foggia-University of Siena

Summer school on Civil Liability in the digital era. Law of new technologies, tort law and digital technologies, explainable AI, digital platforms, antitrust and consumer law

2021, European University Institute

Summer school on AI and Law. Machine learning and legal analytics, knowledge representation and rule-based systems, modelling legal argument

2020, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Course on Privacy Law and Data Protection

2014 - 2019, University of Trento

Juris Doctor - integrated Bachelor & Master degree in Law (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza). Final grade: 110 with Honors/110. Master thesis titled: “Italian res judicata and American collateral estoppel: subjective and objective limits of preclusion”. Supervisor: Professor Marino Marinelli, Full Professor of Civil Procedure

2016 - 2017, University of Utrecht (UU) Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Erasmus student for 10 months



2022 Fulbright Scholarship, Visiting Student Researcher - Funded by the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission

2021 Merit award for the best graduates of the University of Trento - Funded by the University of Trento. Score: 100/100

2020 Full Ph.D. Scholarship - Full three years doctoral scholarship

2019 MAECI-CRUI Scholarship - Funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign and International Affairs and by the Conference of Italian University Rectors

2016 Erasmus + Scholarship - Funded by the European Union Erasmus Programme, the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) and the University of Trento

2012 Merit award for the best English language students, High School “Francesco Maurolico” – Funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), English language intensive course and all-paid stay at Harrow House, International College, Swanage, U.K.


'Protezione dei dati personali e tutela collettiva. Itinerari di comparazione tra Europa e Stati Uniti' ['Data Protection and Collective Actions. Itineraries of Legal Comparison Through Europe and the United States'], Giappichelli, Turin, 2024

'On Lands and Dispossession. The Relevance and Potential of Property Law for the Constitutional Recognition of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples', in Comparative Law Review (2024) 3 56-83

‘Le cooperative di dati tra persona e mercato. Casi di studio’ [‘Data Cooperatives Between Person and Market. Case studies’], with B. Parenzo (2024) in DeIustitia (2024) 1-12

‘Le cooperative di dati tra persona e mercato. Casi di studio’ [‘Data Cooperatives Between Person and Market. Case studies’], with B. Parenzo, in F. Bravo (ed.), EU data cooperatives. The entrance of data cooperatives in the European legal system, Giappichelli, 2024

‘Online safety and "vulnerable" consumers: the new OFCOM's draft codes of practice’, in Recent Developments in European Consumer Law (2024), 

‘Have We Forgotten Freedom of Information? A Comparative Critical Overview of the Right to be Forgotten in Europe and the United States’ (2024) 1 Comparazione e diritto civile 111-151

‘Diritto alla cancellazione dei dati personali e comunicazioni elettroniche’ [‘The Right to Erasure of Personal Data and Electronic Communications’] (2023) 39/3 Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata 554-565

‘“La tempesta perfetta”: ultime dalla Corte di Lussemburgo su danno (non patrimoniale) da illecito trattamento dei dati personali e possibili risvolti in tema di tutela collettiva’ [‘“The Perfect Storm”: The Last Judgment of the European Court of Justice on Non-material Damages from Unlawful Personal Data Processing, and Its Implications on Collective Redress’] (2023) CXLVIII/6 Foro Italiano 293-298

‘European Collective Redress and Data Protection. Challenges and Opportunities’ (2023) 2 Medialaws 86-103

‘L’intelligenza artificiale alla prova: i diritti dei consumatori e il programma Claudette’ [‘Artificial Intelligence Challenged: Consumer Rights and the CLAUDETTE system’] in Carmelita Camardi (ed), La via europea per l’intelligenza artificiale (Wolters Kluwer 2023) 451-471

‘European Collective Redress and Data Protection. Challenges and Opportunities’ (2023) JMN EULEN Working Papers Series, Jean Monnet Network for the Enforcement of EU Law 1-17

‘Rappresentanza degli interessati, diritti individuali e group data protection’ [‘Representation of the Data Subjects, Individual Rights and Group Data Protection’] (2022) 4 Persona e Mercato 674-693

‘L’intelligenza artificiale alla prova: i diritti dei consumatori e il programma Claudette’ [‘Artificial Intelligence Challenged: Consumer Rights and the CLAUDETTE system’] (2022) 38/1 Il Diritto dell’Informazione e dell’Informatica 63-81

‘La Corte di Cassazione torna sul frazionamento del credito tra buona fede e giusto processo’ [‘The Supreme Court Examines the Possibility of Dividing a Single Claim into Different Complaints: Between Good Faith and Due Process’] (2021) 5/6 Jus Civile 1599-1614

‘Commento a: Le società a responsabilità limitata e le sfide del mercato, Elisabetta Pederzini’ [‘Comment to: Limited Liability Companies and Market Challenges’] (2018) 0 Trento Student Law Review 113-115



2024, BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation, Knowledge Hour

Presentation of the research "Collective Actions and Digital Rights"

2024, "Link" University of Rome, AIDC/DPCE Joint Young Comparative Law Scholars Conference - Itineraries of legal comparison. New issues and perspectives

Presentation of the essay "Negotiating cohabitation. Some comparative and European law thoughts", selected through call for papers

2024, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Presentation of the volume "Sul negozio giuridico. Itinerari novecenteschi e della contemporaneità" written by Stefano Pagliantini

2024, Katolische Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Faculty of Law and Crimonology/Institute of Philosophy - International Conference on Constitutional Communities

Presentation of the essay “On Lands and Dispossession. The Relevance and Potentials of Property Law for the Constitutional Recognition of the Rights of Indigenous People” selected through call for papers

2024, University of Siena - XXXIX National Annual Doctoral Colloquium 

Presentation of the research "Itineraries of legal comparison in collective data protection" national annual doctoral students in private law conference

2023, Yale Law School - Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference (FESC) XI

Presentation of the paper “Have We Forgotten Freedom of Information? A Comparative Analysis of Europe, Italy and the United States” selected through call for papers

2023, Yale Law School - ISP Resident Fellows Workshop

Presentation of the paper “Have We Forgotten Freedom of Information? A Comparative Analysis of Europe, Italy and the United States” 

2023, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Presentation of the volume “Driverless Cars. L’intelligenza artificiale e il futuro della mobilità”, written by Guido Calabresi and Enrico Al Mureden

2023, University of Bonn - Jean Monnet Network for the Enforcement of EU Law, Young Researchers Platform Roundtable

Presentation of the paper “European Collective Redress and Data Protection: Challenges and Opportunities” selected through call for papers

2022, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Presentation of the volume “Il diritto civile fra moderno e posmoderno”, written by Paolo Grossi

2021 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice - The European Way Towards Artificial Intelligence

Presentation of the paper “Artificial Intelligence challenged: consumer rights and the CLAUDETTE system” selected through call for papers


Italian: Native speaker
English: C2 level (IELTS Certificate, Overall Score 8/9, "Very Good User")
French: C1 level (DELF B2 Certificate)
Spanish: Elementary proficiency



La Sapienza University of Rome

Seminar on "European and US perspectives on collective data protection" organized within the framework of the lectures of the doctoral programme in law (doctorate in Roman law, legal theory and private law of the market)

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Workshop "A 'galactic' guide for the doctoral student. Navigating the Ph.D. and legal research"

Seminar on "Public and private enforcement in the new European data economy", with Professor A. Bernes, organized within the framework of the lectures of the doctoral programme in law (doctorate in Law, market and person), project of High Formation in Legal Studies

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

2024/2025, Adjunct Professor for the courses "Introduction to Law" and "E-tourism, services law, data protection regulation"

2024, Teaching Assistant Senior for the “Private Law” course

2023, Organization of a seminar on "Introduction to the common law" for the "Introduction to Law" course

2021 - 2023, Collaboration and organization of seminars and workshops for the “Internet Law and E-Commerce” course

2021 - 2022, Teaching Assistant Senior and Tutor for the “Private Law” course

2021, Organization of a moot court on “Facial recognition and data protection. In the face of danger?” for the “General Data Protection Regulation” course



2022, Court of Appeal of Messina

Admitted to the Italian Bar

2020 - 2022, Italian Supreme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione), Rome

Clerkship. Selected on a merit-based national competition, assistant of Judge Antonello Cosentino. Main field of work: civil law and litigation. Collaboration with the International Affairs Office of the Supreme Court (URI)

2020-2021, Trainee lawyer

2019, Italian Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark

Internship. Selected on a merit-based national competition. Main fields of work: international and European law, international relations

2019, University of Trento

Part-time working student at the University Library and Language Center

2018, Legal intern

Internship in a renowned international law firm in Milan



2024, Accademia - La rivista dell'Associazione dei Civilisti

Contributor to the editorial column "Dalle Corti" ("From the court rooms")

2024, European Journal of Legal Studies 

Member of the editorial board; previously guest reviewer for the special issue on "International Law and Technology"

2024- curr., Recent Developments in European Consumer Law 

Blog contributor

2024- curr., SECOLA (Society of European Contract Law)


2024- curr., De Iustitia

Member of the editorial board

2024 - curr., Associazione Italiana Diritto Comparato

Member (Italian Association of Comparative Law Scholars)

2023, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance

Referee in the double-blinded peer review process 

2023 - curr., Unione Privatisti Italiani

Member (Italian Association of Private Law Scholars)

2023 Yale Law School European Law Association

Board member

2021- curr., Jus Civile

Member of the editorial board, co-responsible of the observatory on French law and of the bibliographic observatory. Law Journal, edited by Giappichelli, listed as “Class A” Journal by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR)

2021, Il Sole 24ore - Consulenza Buffetti

Collaboration with the column “SMART 24” of the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24ore, and with the website “Consulenza Buffetti”, writing articles on property law matters

2024, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Secretary work for the conference for the presentation of the book "Sexy dressing, violenza maschile ed eroticizzazione del dominio", Italian translation curated by M. R. Marella e G. Marini

2021, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Secretary work for the conference: “The European Way towards Artificial Intelligence”

2020, European Union Fundamental Rights Agency

Participant of the “Rights dialogue”

2017 - curr., Trento Student Law Review

Associate Editor, Managing Editor and then Arbitrator for the review