Federica Maria Giovanna TIMETO

Associate Professor
University Board of Sustainability
Department Delegate for Inclusion, Sustainability and Gender equality
041 234 7283
Scientific sector (SSD)
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi [GSPS-06/A]
www.unive.it/people/federica.timeto (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Federica Timeto is Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes. After graduation, she spent a year as a visiting scholar at the Department of Women’s Studies, University of California at Berkeley, USA; she obtained a Ph.D. in Aesthetics of New Media at the University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts, School of Art & Media (based at the NABA, Milan), and a Ph.D. in Sociology of Communication and Performance Sciences at the University of Urbino, “Carlo Bo”.

In the last years, she has taught Sociology of New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, and occasionally at the NABA in Milan, at the Master di Studi e Politiche di Genere of the “Roma Tre” University, and at the Master of Design Technology for Fashion Communication of the University of Bologna.

Her transdisciplinary scholarship encompasses Cultural and Visual Studies, Sociology of the Arts and of New Media, STSs, Cyber- and Techno- Feminism and Critical Animal Studies.

She worked extensively on locative media employing qualitative methods and studying the geolocative performances of identity, and teh relation between spatiality and representation. Her current research interests encompass animal sociology and interspecies sociality, the relations among human and nonhuman agents, animals and machines, in contemporary technospaces, feminist art and media, and the politics of representation with a focus on contemporary iconoclasm.

She has been working on Donna Haraway for many years and has published several academic and non-academic essays on her thought. Her last book, Bestiario Haraway. Per un femminismo multispecie (Mimesis, 2020), focuses on Haraway’s theory of companion species and nonhuman animals as social agents. She also published Diffractive Technospaces. A Feminist Approach to the Mediations of Space and Representation (Routledge, 2015) and edited Culture della differenza. Femminismo, visualità e studi postcoloniali (Utet Università, 2008). With Marco Santoro, she edited the Italian edition of Sociologia digitale by Deborah Lupton (Pearson 2018). She has co-edited and co-translated in Italian the book Making Kin Not Population (Clarke and Haraway eds., 2018), published by DeriveApprodi (2022).

She attended many conferences in Italy and abroad, and published several essays in journals like First Monday, Feminist Media Studies, Sociologica, Studi Culturali, and online in the collective blog of the Technoculture Research Unit (TRU). She regularly acts as a peer reviewer for national and international journals.

She is a member of the research group TRU, born inside the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies of the University of Naples L’Orientale, of the editorial board of the journal Studi Culturali and Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities and of the antispeciesist journal Liberazioni. She is also a memeber of the International Association of Vegan Sociologists.