Claus Kurt ZITTEL
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Member of the Bembolab Laboratory Board of Directors
- Telephone
- 041 234 7870
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Letteratura tedesca [GERM-01/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/claus.zittel (personal record)
1984-1994 Student of Philosophy, German Literature, History, Art History, and Psychoanalysis at the Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main and Pisa (Italy). Magister Thesis: Selbstaufhebungsfiguren bei Nietzsche (with excellence)
1999 PHD, Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main. Doctoral Thesis: Das ästhetische Kalkül von Friedrich Nietzsches ‚Also sprach Zarathustra‘
2008 Habilitation Thesis: Theatrum Philosophicum: Descartes und die Rolle ästhetischer Formen in der Wissenschaft
2009 Habilitation, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
2023 On January 31, 2023, he was awarded the national scientific qualification for the positions of first-rank professor in the field 10/M1 (German Literature) (l'abilitazione scientifica nazionale alle funzioni di professore di prima fascia nel settore 10/M1 (Letteratura Tedesca)).
Academic Employment
1999-2008 Research Assistant at the Department of Philosophy at Goethe-University Frankfurt within the research project of the German Research Foundation (DFG): Culture of knowledge and social change.
2007-2008 Co-leader of the DFG Research Project: Aesthetic forms of Knowledge generation in Early Modern Europe
1999 - 2019 Professor of German Literature and Culture, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Polen
Januar 1 2007-december 31 2011: Co-Leader of the independent Max Planck Research Group: The conscious image. The Epistemological Foundations of Secular Representation 1400-1850, Kunsthistorisches Institut / Max-Planck-Institut, Florence, Italy.
Since April 2009: Adjunct Professor (privatdozent) in Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.
October 1 2011- march 31 2014: Visiting professor of German literature at the Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, FU Berlin
Sept. /Oktober 2012: Visiting profesor at the Peking-University (Beida) / Visiting profess0r at Chongqing University for Foreign Languages
May 2013 Visiting Professor at the University of Trieste
November 2013: Visiting Professor at the University of Zagreb
Since April 2014: Deputy Director of the Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies
Since october 2015: Professor (apl.) of German Literature at the University of Stuttgart
October 2015- March 2016: Visiting Professor at the University of Padova (6 months)
Interim professorships (Vertretungsprofessuren)
April 2014- March 2015: Deputy Professorship at the University of Stuttgart (replacing Sandra Richter)
October 1 2011- March 31 2014: Visiting professor of German literature at the Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie, FU Berlin (replacing Peter-André Alt)
March-September 2010: Visiting Professor of philosophy of science, TU Darmstadt (replacing Alfred Nordmann).
Languages German, English, Italian, French, Polish, Russian, Latin (Latinum), Ancient Greek (Graecum)
1990-1992: scholarship at the University of Pisa
June 1995-january 1998: PhD bursary (Graduate support from the German state Hessen)
Summer 2001: Research Fellow at the Department for Philosophy of the University of Berkeley
April 1999-2005: 6-Year travel-grant sponsored by the Georg und Maria Dietrich Stiftung
October 2010: Travel Grant, sponsored by the German Exchange Service (FU Berlin)
November /December 2009: Research Fellowship at the DFG Research Group Bildakt und Verkörperung, Humboldt-University Berlin
Sept. /October 2012: Visiting professorship at Peking University (Beida)
May 2013: Erasmus-Visiting Professorship at University of Trieste
November 2013: DAAD-Visiting Professorship at University of Zagreb
November 2014: Marbach-Stipendium, Research Fellowship at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
May 2015: Marbach-Stipendium, Research Fellowship at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach
2015/2016: Visiting Professorship at the University of Padova
March 2017: Visiting Professorship at the University of Trento
» Member of the Consiglio scientifico, Istituto italiano di studi germanici, Roma https://www.studigermanici.it/istituto/il-consiglio-scientifico/
» Member of the Stiftungsrat Nietzsche-Haus Sils Maria
» Associate Research Scholar at the Max Planck-Institut/ Kunsthistorisches Institut Firenze
» Exzellenzcluster „Bild, Wissen, Gestaltung“, HU-Berlin
» AIG Italia
» Interdisziplinäres Zentrum Mittelalter - Renaissance - Frühe Neuzeit, FU Berlin,
» Nietzschegesellschaft e.V. (Halle und Naumburg),
» Hölderlingesellschaft e.V.,
» International Nietzsche Research Group (INRG, Groupe International de Recherches sur Nietzsche / Gruppo Internazionale di Ricerche su Nietzsche, GIRN),
» Vice President of the Carl Sternheim Gesellschaft e.V. Frankfurt a. M
Editorial Boards
Co-Curatore e membro del comitato editoriale di "Nietzsche-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch der Nietzscheforschung"
Co-Curatore e membro del comitato editoriale di "Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture"
Co-Curatore e membro del comitato editoriale di "Zeitsprünge" Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit"
Comitato scientifico: Studi germanici
Comitato scientifico di: Materiali di Estetica
Co-Curatore della collana: Monographien und Texte zur Nietzscheforschung
Co-Curatore della collana: Kometen der Moderne
Co-Curatore della collana: Textologie der Literatur und Wissenschaften
Co-Curatore della collana: Texte zur Wissensgeschichte der Kunst
Comitato scientifico: Collana: Nietzsche lesen
Comitato scientifico: Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theories
Comitato scientifico: Itineranze: Etiche, filosofie e impegno civile
Comitato scientifico: Biblioteca di saggi del '900
Comitato scientifico: Hyper-Nietzsche.org
Comitato scientifico: Nietzsche-Online (De Gruyter)
Comitato scientifico: Oswald Spengler-Schriftenreihe
Comitato scientifico: Jakob Böhme: Sämtliche Werke. Historisch-Kritische Ausgabe
Comitato scientifico: verum factum. https://verumfactum.it/boards
Comitato scientifico: „Les éditions d'Ariane“. Gruppo Internazionale di Ricerche su Nietzsche
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