Holger Marc ESSLER

Associate Professor
Scientific sector (SSD)
Papirologia [FICP-01/C]
www.unive.it/people/holger.essler (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Holger Essler was born in Gunzenhausen (Bavaria) in 1977. He he obtained a degree in Classics (Erstes Staatsexamen in Latin and Greek, 2002) and  History (Erstes Staatsexamen, 2005) as well as a PhD in Classics at the University of Würzburg. Having enjoyed scholarships from the State of Bavaria and the International Centre for the Study of Herculaneum Papyri (2002-2005), he worked as a researcher assistant at the University of Oxford (research assistant 2006-2007), and at the University of Würzburg (2007-2009). In 2010 he was appointed Akademischer Rat at Würzburg University (in 2019 promoted to Akademischer Oberrat). Since then he has been teaching papyrology, Greek and Latin literature, and Digital Humanities at the University of Würzburg. In addition, in 2019 he was appointed Associate Professor of Papyrology at Cà Foscari, where he is teaching papyrology and digital humanities, and acting as deputy director of the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities.

His research interests comprise the following topics:

Papyrology (in particular the Herculaneum papyri)
Philosophical works of Cicero
History of the Altertumswissenschaften
Digital Humanities

He is the author of about 50 scientific contributions, some co-authored, including 1 monograph. He has organised 6 summerschools and international workshops.