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- Research Grant Holder
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www.unive.it/people/linda.armano (personal record)
Linda Armano's research focuses on the anthropology of resource extraction, particularly in the mining sector, value chains, business ethics, sustainability and indigenous studies. Linda approaches these topics using ethnographic methods and multi-level analysis, positioning her research at the intersection of corporate organisation, consumption and local and Indigenous communities, particularly in the Canadian context.
Since 2012, she has applied anthropological methods to the analysis of consumer behaviour. More recently, Linda’s research on consumption has focused on examining the cultural motivations behind the purchase of luxury goods. In 2018, she was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship in which she combined the topics of mining anthropology and consumer research. In this context, she investigated the interpretations that different actors and stakeholders from different cultural, political and economic contexts along the global value chain make about the concept of ethics in the context of the certification of mined diamonds in Canada. She is also currently working on tourism projects and active engagement processes with Canadian indigenous communities. She is also involved in the PNRR project "iNEST - Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem Thematic Area: Digital, Industry, Aerospace Subject", Spoke 6, in which Linda Armano conducts ethnographic research to understand the concept of authenticity to promote sustainable tourism in the Alpine context.
Anthropology of extraction; indigenous studies; consumerism; ethics and sustainability; global value chain; luxury
• 11/02/2011: PhD in Anthropology-Sociology, a joint program between University Lumière Lyon 2 (France) and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with a European Doctorate in Social History from the Middle Ages to the Modern Times. Thesis Title: “La Culture de la mine. Étude comparative
d’autoreprésentation d’une catégorie professionnelle en perspective synchronique et diachronique” [The Culture of Mining. Comparative Study of Self-Representation of a Profession from a Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective]. Label “Doctor Europaeus” (European Doctor).
• 01/07/2019-30/06/2022: • Foscari University of Venice, Department of Management/University of British Columbia, Faculty of Management: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship, Project’s Acronym: DiaEthic Project’s title: Map value transformations in a global interconnection. How sensory experiences and cultural interpretations shape concepts of “ethical diamond” and “mining work ethic”.
Total score: 90.40%
• 01/02/2025 - : iNEST - Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem Area tematica: Digital, Industry, Aerospace Soggetto, Spoke 6
• 25/10/2023 – : Member of Epic – Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Community (https://www.epicpeople.org/tag/business-anthropology/).
• 23/05/2023 – : Member of Marie Curie Alumni Association (https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/)
• 19-21/12/2024: L'antropologia del lavoro/Il lavoro applicato dell'antropologia. XII Convegno SIAA. Università di Messina. Armano L., Catanzaro B. Valle A.M., Altobelli D., Marzo P.L. Contadini L. Contribution entitled: "WS 4 - “Living in the Box”. Tessere nuove dimensioni esperienziali del lavoro
• 17/07/2024: Workshop online on “Ambivalence in global production: conceptual and empirical insights”, Teixeira T., Faigen E., Wanjiru R. (eds.). Armano L. & Bosco M.G., contribution entitled: “Overcome the Ambivalence of Ethics in Diamond Certification Schemes in Global Production. An
Indigenous Proposal Concept for a Space of Systemic Ethical Interrelationships”
• 22-25/10/2023: EPIC People 2023-Friction—a force of resistance, creativity & change, Chicago. Contribution entitled: “Friction between Reticences and Narrative in Local and Global Interconnections along the Canadian Ethical Diamond Supply Chain”
• 21-23/09/2023: SIAC, Fourth National Conference of Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale, Sapienza Università di Roma. Panel 28, Umano, troppo umano. “Per un’antropologia critica della quarta rivoluzione industriale”. Contribution entitled: “DNA come piattaforma per l’archiviazione di big
data. Il concetto di “dato” come driver per la digitalizzazione dell’umano”
• 23-25/02/2023: MCAA Annual Conference 2023, Cordoba. Contribution entitled: “Mining ethical ambiguities within Global Interconnections”, the results of the Marie Curie project
• 27-29/10/2021: International Conference Indigenous Resistance in the Digital Age - Bronwyn Carlson's lecture. Contribution entitled: “The Cultural Online Archives of Tåîchô and Dene communities in the Northwest Territories of Canada”
• 12-14/12/2018: VI SIAA Conference, Università degli Studi di Milano, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Cremona. Armano L., Cukon R., Workshop “Travalicare i confini: concetti antropologici incorporate nell’opera artistica. Sperimentazioni comunicative tra arte e antropologia”
• 06-08/06/2018: Measuring Behavior 2018, 11th International Conference on Method and Techniques, Manchester. M. Mauri, E. Bazzan S., Benedetto, L. Armano et al. Contribution entitled “Assessment of Storefront Display with a Multidisciplinary Approach Based on Neuroscientific Method, Self-reports and Anthropological Marketing”
Art Exhibitions:
• 12/2022: Armano, L., Tubia C. “Friction: encounter in a global interconnection, Palazzo Costantino, Palermo.
• 24/09/2021: Armano, L., Tubia C. L. “Friction: encounter in a global interconnection”. Veneto Night, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• 12/2016: Tubia C., Armano L. “Is that what we call identity?”. Palazzo Marchesale, Arnesano, Lecce - Italy.
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