Mariem Stefania CORSO

Technical Administrative Staff
041 234 9503
Website (personal record)
Library of Foreign Languages and Literatures - Services management office
Where: Palazzo Vendramin


12/2022 - present
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice | SBA - Languages and Cultures Library (BALI) - East Asian studies
Librarian - Study and Research support office

Euro&Promos – at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
Outsourced Librarian



TRCCS (Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese studies) workshop
Paris, France

Basic Korean - OB course
CLA - Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy

12/2022-01/2023 Training course with certification of skills
The Charter of Services in Libraries also for users with Diverse Abilities (17h online)
AIB - Italian Library Association

11/2022 Training course with certification of skills
The Charter of Collections in Public and Academic Libraries: comparing experiences
AIB - Italian Library Association, Rome, Italy

11/2022 Training course with certification of skills
Manuscript cataloging with Manus Online: Introductory course on the use of the Manus online software (9h online)
ICCU (The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries) - AIB (Italian Library Association), Venice, Italy

09/2019 Training course with certification of skills
Management and Cataloging of Audiovisual Musical Material
AIB (Italian Library Association) - Ugo and Olga Levi Foundation Onlus, Venice, Italy

06/2019-07/2019 Training course with certification of skills
Modern Book Cataloging in SBN
ICCU (The Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries) - PoloVea, Venice, Italy

01/2017 – 02/2017 Erasmus+ Project
Neeli, Non formal education and E-learning for Inclusion
NGO IED Institute of entrepreunership development
Larissa, Greece

07/2016 - 11/2016 SPRAR - System of Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Training - Social Worker
Venice, Italy

02/2016 – 12/2016
Master I° level in Immigration. Migratory phenomena and social transformations
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy

09/2012 – 02/2015
Master's Degree in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, Anthropological Linguistics | 110/110L
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Languages: English, Japanese

2014- Erasmus 
Heinrich-Heine-Universität | Department of Japanese studies
Düsseldorf, Germany
Languages: English, Japanese, German

Field Research for Master's degree Thesis - Volunteer Activity in Community-Agricultural field in Showa Mura Village
NPO NICE, Fukushima, Japan
La casa di Showa mura. Etnografia dello spazio domestico nel Giappone rurale contemporaneo (Fukushima, Tohoku).
[Thesis: Showa Mura's Home. Ethnography of Domestic Space in Contemporary Rural Japan (Fukushima, Tohoku).]

Japanese intensive course with certification
Kilc institute, Kyoto, Japan

09/2008 – 07/2011
Bachelor Degree in Language, Culture and Society of Asia
Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy
Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese



English C1
Japanese B2
Chinese B1
Egyptian Arabic A1
Corean A1