Jong-Chol AN

Associate Professor
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Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia dell'Asia orientale e sud-orientale [ASIA-01/H]
Website (personal record)
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Where: Palazzo Vendramin

Jong Chol An

Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice,

Dorsoduro, 3246, 30123, Venice, Italy


December 1, 2024



Associate Professor, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice since October 24, 2022.

Scientific sector (SSD): Storia dell'Asia orientale e sud-orientale [ASIA-01/H] from December 1, 2024

May 2021: qualified for Associate Professorship in "Central and Eastern Asian Cultures" at the national qualification exam (ASN) (in possession of National Scientific Qualification ASN in the competitive sector 10N3 Central and Eastern Asian Cultures expiring from 06/05/2021 to 06/05/2030). 



2012 JD, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, HI, USA

2008 Ph.D., Department of Korean History, Seoul National University, Korea

2002 MA, Regional Studies-East Asia, Harvard University, MA, USA

1998 MA, Department of Korean History, Seoul National University, Korea

1995 BA, Department of Korean History, Seoul National University, Korea



2019-22 Assistant Professor (Research Fellow B) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Spring 2019 Visiting Professor at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

2016-18 Deputy Director, Tuebingen Global Korea Project (Core University Program for Korean Studies funded by the Academy of Korean Studies)(Sep. 2016-Aug. 2018)

2014-19 Junior Professor and MA program Director, Department of Korean Studies, Tuebingen University (April 2014-October 2019).

2013-14 Research Fellow, East Rock Institute, Connecticut, USA (Legal History); Legal Clerk, Pozo & Goldstein, LLP, New York, USA

Summer 2012 Extern under Michael D. Wilson, J., First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Hawai'i

2009-11 HK Research Professor, Center for Korean Studies, Inha University

2009-11 Lecturer, Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University

Summer 2007 Extern under Karen SS Ahn J., First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Hawai'i

2006–09 Lecturer, Department of Korean History, Seoul National University

2003–11 Lecturer, Underwood International College, Yonsei University

2008-11 Lecturer, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

1998-99 Researcher, Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Relations and Trade





Miguk sŏn'gyosa wa Hanmi kwang'ye, 1931-1948: kyoyuk ch'ŏlsu, chŏnsi hyŏmnyŏk, kŭrigo Mi kunjŏng [American Missionaries and Korean-American Relations, 1931-1948: withdrawal from education mission, wartime cooperation, and the American military administration] (Seoul: Institute for Korean Church History, 2010). In Korean, based upon Ph.D. dissertation.


Edited Book

Jong-Chol An and Ariane Perrin eds. Cultural Exchanges Between Korea and the West: Artifacts and Intangible Heritage (Venice, Italy: Edizioni Ca' Foscari 2023).


Edited Volume Chapters

“Historical Development of Judicial Independence in South Korea: Focus on Colonial and Post-Colonial Period,” in Sojin Lim and Niki JP Alsford eds., Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea (Routledge, 2021), pp. 26-41.  


“Christentum in Korea: Ein Überblick,” in Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg, Uri Korea: Kunsthistorische und ethnografische Beiträge zur Ausstellung , edited by Susanne Knödel et. al. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg, 2017: 230-241.


“Han'guk kŭnhyŏndaesa ŭi migukindŭl: Chegukjuŭi apjapiinga? Han'guk ŭi ch'in'guinga?”[Americans in modern Korean history: agents of imperialism or friends of Korea?] in Korean, in Urian ŭi t'aja , tongasia [Others in US, East Asia], edited by Center for Korean Studies, Inha University, Globalcontents, April 2011: 89-118.  


“Miguk chedokwŏn Han'gukhak ŭi t'ansaeng kwa Miguk ŭi tae Han insik: Choji M. Maekk'yun ŭl chungsim ŭiro” [The rise of American institutions' Korean Studies and the American perception of Korea: George M. McCune]. In Segye sok ŭi Han'guksa [Korean history in the world], edited by Yi T'aejin Kyosu Chŏngnyŏn Kinyŏm Nonch'ong Wiwŏnhoe, pp. 415–34. P'aju, Kyŏnggi-do: T'aehaksa, 2009.


“George M. McCune: Korea.” In A Daughter's Journey: Evelyn B. McCune , edited by Heather M. Thompson and Darlene M. Blackwood, pp. 123–153. [Unknown City in the US]: Lulu, 2006.


Refereed Articles (Peer Review)

Francesco Moscone, Joan E. Madia, Catia Nicodemo, Jong-Chol An, Changkeun Lee, “Addressing fiscal uncertainty: Proposing policy pathways for enhancing economic growth and fertility rates in South Korea,” Research in Economics 78/3 (September 2024) 100975 . (


“Chosŏn-Italia suho t'ongsang choyak (1884) ŭi ch'egyŏl mit pijun – Chosŏn ŭi yurŏp kongsa p'agyŏn ŭi kyegi rosŏ”[Process and Meanings of Korean-Italian Treaty (1884): As a Chance to Dispatch Korean Envoys to Europe]. In Korean. Asea yŏn'gu 67/1 (March 2024): 327-355.


“Hŏkatoen chiphoe man yŏlgi? Mikunjŏn‧chŏngbu suripchikhu chiphoe wa siwi e taehan pŏpnyuldŭl ŭi pyŏnhwa wa unyong” [Only Permitted Assembly? Changes and Continuities of Laws on Freedom of Assembly and Demonstration during the US Military Occupation of Korea and the Early Stage of the Republic of Korea]. In Korean. Yŏksa munche yŏn'gu 3/26 (November 2022): 183-219. 


“Singminji sigi·haebang ihu kyoyukcha·sahoe undongga Chang Li-Uk ŭi hwaldong kwa minjujuūi ihae”[Educational and Social Activist Lee-Wook Chang's Activities and Understanding of Democracy]. In Korean. Yihwa sahak yŏ'ngu 63 (November 2021): 283-323.


“Making Democracy Compatible with Mission: James Earnest Fisher as a Missionary and US Information Officer in Korea, 1919-1948,” Korea Journal 60/4 (Winter 2020)(A&HCI): 115-142


“1920-40 nyŏndae kumiin ŭi Manchu mit Kando insik-Owen Lattimore, Francis C. Jones, Yŏngmi sŏngyosa, kŭrigo Chŏngch'aek kwanyŏnja dŭl ŭl chungsimŭro”[Westerners' Understanding of Manchuria and Chientao (Kando) during 1930-40s: Focus on Owen Lattimore, Francis C. Jones, Missionaries, and Post-War Policy Makers]. In Korean. Tosi yŏ'ngu 21 (April 2019): 101-132.


Jongchang Ahn, Suaini Sura, and Jong-Chol An, “Intention to donate via Social Network Sites (SNSs): a comparison study between Malaysian and south Korean users,” Information Technology & People 31/4 (2018, online version): 910 -926 (paper version)(SSCI).


“Modifying the Hague Convention?: US Military Occupation of Korea and Japanese Religious Property in Korea, 1945-1948,” Acta Koreana 21/1 (June 2018): 529-553 (A&HCI)


“1960nyŏndae Han'guk esŏŭi “kŭndaehwaron” suyong kwa Han'guksa insik”[“Modernization Theory” and Korean Historiography in the 1960s: With a Focus on Korea University and Dongguk University Conferences]. In Korean. Inmun nonch'ong 74/2 (May 2017): 43-73.


“T'alnaengjŏn chŏnhu Tokil ŭi siminkwŏn chedo wa ijumin jŏngch'aek ŭi pyŏnhwa-kukjŏkpŏp kwa iminpŏp ŭl chungsimŭiro”[The Changes of German Citizenship and Immigration Policy around Post-Cold War Era: Focus on Nationality Law and Immigration Law]. In Korean. Sach'ong 90 (January 2017): 221-249.


“Making a State Known Internationally: Charles Pergler's Activities for the Czechoslovak Republic during and After World War I” in Korea in Eastern Europe: Perceptions and Cultural Connections, Wiener Beiträge zur Koreaforschung VII (2015), edited by Ji-Sun Kim pp. 26-42. Vienna: Praesens Verlag, March 2016.


“19 segi 'kukchepŏp' ŭi sŏngkyŏk kwa choilsuhochokyu (1876)” [19th Century “International Law” and Korean-Japanese Treaty (1876)]. In Korean. Yŏksa pipyŏng 114 (February 2016): 113-136.


“Who Are the First Koreans? The First Korean Nationality Law (1948) and Its Limits,” Papers of British Association of Korean Studies 16 (2015): 23-44.


“Hawai wŏnjumin munje e taehan yŏksajŏk chaengjŏm kwa Mi yŏnbank taebŏpwŏn ŭi kwallyŏn pangyŏl punsŏk”[Analysis of historical issues on Native Hawaiians and relevant US Supreme Court cases].In Korean. Pŏp sahak yŏn'gu 48 (October 2013): 275-305.


“Chuil taesa Edwin Raishawŏ ŭi 'Kŭndaehwa ron' kwa Han'guksa insik”[US Ambassador to Japan, Edwin O. Reischauer's 'Modernization theory' and his perception of Korean history]. In Korean. Yŏksa munche yŏn'gu 29 (April 2013): 145-170.


“Adŏ Pek'ŏ ŭi kyoyuk sŏn'gyo hwaldong kwa 'Yŏnhap Kidokgyo Taehak' sŏllip” [The educational ministry of Arthur L. Becker and the founding of a 'United Christian College']. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo wa yŏksa 34 (March 2011): 249–275.


“Williŏm Kŭrip'isŭ ŭi Ilbon kwa Han'guk insik, 1876-1910” [William E. Griffis' perception of Japan and Korea, 1876-1910]. In Korean. Ilbon yŏn'gu 15 (February 2011): 439–461.


“1930-40 nyŏndae Namsan sojae Kyŏngsŏng Hoguk Sinsa ŭi Kŏllip, hwaryong, kŭrigo haebang hu pyŏnhwa” [The founding, usage, and the post-war change of the Keijō Gōkoku Jinjya during the 1930-40s]. In Korean. Sŏulhak yŏn'gu 42 (February, 2011): 49–74.


“No Distinction between Sacred and Secular: Horace H. Underwood and Korean-American Relations, 1934-1948,” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 23/2 (December 2010): 225–246 (A&HCI).


“1930 nyŏndae Mun Ilp'yŏng ŭi 'munhwa minjok chuŭi' sahak ŭi sidae sasang” [The current ideas in the historiography of the Mun Ilpyŏng's cultural nationalism in the 1930s]. In Korean. Han'guk sasang sahak 36 (December 2010): 395–425


“Haebang chŏnhu Adŏ Pŏnsŭ ŭi hwaltong kwa Miguk ŭi tae Han chŏngch'aek” [Arthur C. Bunce's activities and the US policy toward Korea around the time of Korean liberation from Japan]. In Korean. Miguksa yŏn'gu 31 (May 2010): 139–167.


“Chonggyo wa kukka ŭirye sai: 1920-30 nyŏndae Ilbon Sindo rŭl tullŏssan Chosŏn nae kaltŭng kwa sŏguindŭl ŭi insik” [Between religion and state ritual: disputes about the Japanese Shinto and westerner's perception in colonial Korea during the 1920-1930s]. In Korean. Han'gukhak yŏn'gu 22 (May 2010): 25–47.


“Chung-Il Chŏnjaeng palbal chŏnhu sinsa ch'ambae munje wa Pyŏngyang ŭi Kidokkyogye chungdŭng hakkyo ŭi tonghyang” [Shinto shrine issue and P'yŏngyang mission school's response around the time of the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War]. In Korean. Han'guk munhwa 48 (December 2009): 93–116


“Kim Yŏnggŏn ŭi Han'guk taeoe kwan'gyesa e taehan insik kwa haebang chikhu hwaltong” [Kim Yŏnggŏn's perception of the history of the Korean foreign relations and his life, 1945-1949]. In Korean. Han'gukhak yŏn'gu 21 (November 2009): 173–206.


“Ilche ​​ŭi sinsa ch'ambae kangyo wa Mi Kungmubu ŭi taeŭng, 1931–1937” [The colonial Japanese enforcement of Shinto shrine worship and the US State Department's response, 1931–1937]. In Korean. Han'guksa yŏn'gu 145 (June 2009): 187–217.


“Singminji hugi Pangmunsa ŭi kŏllip, hwaryong kwa haebang hu ch'ŏri” [The establishment and utilization of Pangmun Temple during the late colonial period and its disposal after the liberation]. In Korean. Tongguk sahak 46 (June 2009): 67–93.


“Munmyŏng kaehwa esŏ pan'gong ŭro: Yi Sŭngman kwa Kaesin'gyo ŭi kwan'gye ŭi pyŏnhwa, 1912–1950” [From the Civilization-and-Enlightenment to anti-communism: the change in relations between Syngman Rhee and Protestantism, 1912 –1950]. In Korean. Tongbang hakchi 145 (March 2009): 189–225. 


“Mi kunjŏng ch'amyŏ Miguk sŏn'gyosa-kwallyŏn insadŭl ŭi hwaltong kwa Taehan Min'guk chŏngbu surip” [The activity of American missionaries and the related personnel participating in the American military administration and the establishment of the Republic of Korea government]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo wa yŏksa 30 (March 2009): 5–30.


“3.1 Undong, sŏn'gyosa, kŭrigo Mi-Il kan ŭi kyosŏp kwa t'agyŏl” [The March First Movement, the missionaries, and the settlement of American-Japanese negotiations]. In Korean. Han'guk minjok undongsa yŏn'gu 53 (December 2007): 49–82.


“'Hang'uk pyŏnghap' chŏnhu Mi-Il kan Miguk ŭi Han Pando ch'ioe pŏpkwŏn p'yeji kyosŏp kwa t'agyŏl” [The American-Japanese negotiations on abolishing American extraterritoriality on the Korean Peninsula and its settlement around the time of the 'Korean-Japanese union']. In Korean. Pŏp sahak yŏn'gu 36 (October 2007): 39–64.


“T'aep'yŏngyang Chŏnjaeng ki Hyu Pot'ŭn ​​ŭi tae Il chŏngch'aek kusang kwa Han'guk munje insik” [Hugh Borton's ideas on Japan policies and understandings of the Korea problem during the Pacific War period]. In Korean. Yŏksa hakpo 189.2 (Summer 2006): 73–100.


“Yun Sanon ŭi kyoyuk sŏn'gyo hwaltong kwa sinsa ch'ambae munje” [Yun Sanon's activity in educational ministry and problems of Shinto shrine worship]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo wa yŏksa 23 (September 2005): 73–95.


“Making Korea Distinct: George M. McCune and His Korean Studies.” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 17 (December 2004): 155–192.


“Ch'injŏng chŏnhu Kojong ŭi tae oe kwan kwa tae Il chŏngch'aek” [Kojong's perspectives on foreign relations and Japan policies around the beginning of his rule]. In Korean. Han'guk saron 40 (1998): 103–158.


Book or Article Reviews

Chŏnghoi Kim, Songam Ham Taeyoung [Songam Ham Tae-Young] Yonsei University Press, 2022. 456 pp. In Korean. In Kidokkyo sasang [Christianity Thoughts] 765 (September 2022): 177-191. 


Sejoo Kim. “'With All Your Heart': American Missionaries and the State in Mission Fields.” Diplomatic  History 45:1 (January 2021): 162-185. In H-Diplo ARTICLE REVIEW 1114 (June 2022): 1-4 ( 


Justine Guichard. Regime Transition and the Judicial Politics of Enmity: Democratic Inclusion and Exclusion in South Korean Constitutional Justice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. xviii, 248 pp. In Journal of Asian Studies 76/2 (May 2017): 540-542.  


Michael E. Robinson. Korea's Twentieth-Century Odyssey. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007. 220 pp. In Korean Studies 32 (2008): 177–180.


Donald N. Clark. Living Dangerously in Korea: The Western Experience, 1900–1950. Norwalk, Conn.: East Bridge, 2003. 455 pp. In Korean. In Han'guk kŭnhyŏndaesa yŏn'gu 48 (Spring 2009): 181–190.



A History of Korea . Seongnam, Gyeonggi: Academy of Korean Studies, December 2019, with Daniel Kane, Keith Seidel. My part: chs. 8-9, pp. 192-239 (Korean into English).


Anders Karlsson, “Beyond the Great Tradition: Recent European Scholarship on the History of Chosŏn Korea,” Yŏksa wa hyŏnsil 90 (December 2013): 411-436 (English into Korean).


Others (including non-peer review articles)

“It'alia COVID-19 pangyŏk kwa paeksin chūngmyŏngsŏ kwanryŏn nonjaeng“[Debate on COVID-19 Disease Control and Vaccine Certificate in Italy]. In Korean. Pŏpyŏn [Legal Research] 73 (Winter 2021): 44-51.


“Tokil ŭn chonggyo kaehyŏk 500 chunyŏn ŭl ŏttŏtkae kinyŏm hanŭnka,” [How Germany memorialize 500 anniversary of the Protestant Reformation?: three national special exhibitions]. In Korean. Kidokkyo sasang [Christianity Thoughts] 702 (June 2017): 94-101.


“Nitchū·Taiheiyō sensō-ki oyobi zenkōki (1937˗1948) Chōsen ni okeru Ōbei hito no zaisan no kanri to dōkō”[The Management and Disposal of the Westerner's Property in Colonial Korea during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War, and the Korean Liberation Period, 1937-1948]. In Japanese.  Kan Higashiajia kenkyū sentā nenpō [The East Asian Rim Research Center Annual Report, Niigata University] 6 (March 2011): 104-113.


“Mi Puk Changnogyo sŏn'gyosa Ŏndŏudŭ 2 se (Wŏn Han'gyŏng) ŭi hwaltong, 1942–1947” [The activity of an American Northern Presbyterian missionary Underwood II (Wŏn Han'gyŏng), 1942–1947]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo yŏksa yŏn'guso sosik 83 (July 2008): 75–78.


“Sinsa ch'ambae ŭi chŏngch'ihak” [The political science of Shinto shrine worship]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo yŏksa yŏn'guso sosik 82 (April 2008): 84–85.


“Charyo sogae: 1942 nyŏn songhwan Mi oegyogwan kwa sŏn'gyosadŭl ŭi Kŭripsom ho sŏnsang pogoso [Source introduction: The 1942 returned American diplomats and missionaries' voyage report from Gripsholm]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo yŏksa yŏn'guso sosik 75 (July 2006): 31–38.


“Singminji sigi P'yŏngyang chiyŏk Yun Sanon (George S. McCune) sŏn'gyosa ŭi hwaltong kwa kŭ ŭi kajok ŭi Han'gukhak yŏn'gu” [The activity of the colonial-era P'yŏngyang region missionary Yun Sanon (George S. McCune) and his family's research in Korean Studies]. In Korean. Han'guk Kidokkyo yŏksa yŏn'guso sosik 70 (April 2005): 29–41.



“Spatial Palimpsest Project in Post-War Korea? The Post-War Namsan and Shinto Shrines” in the Panel of “G030 Power Dynamics Inscribed in Spatial Palimpsests in Seoul,” Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Seattle, USA, March 16, 2024.


“Who Decides the Constitutionality of a Customary Law? A Case on Woman Household Head Property in Contemporary Korea,” Panel, “Law and Society” at the Biannual Meeting of the Association of Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 23, 2023.


“Judicialization of Education? Act on the Prevention of and Countermeasures against Violence in Schools in Korea, 2004 - the Present,” International Conference, “Korean Youth: Spaces, Ecologies, and Technologies,” Scottish Center for Korean Studies, June 19, 2023 (Online).


“How Much the Rule of Law and “Cultural Norms” Shaped the Legal Response to COVID-19?: South Korean Case" (with Dr. Seokmin Lee) in 9th 

Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, May 13-14, 2022. 


“Land taking Regime and Soyang River Dam in the 1970s,” in “The 1st Kangwon Studies Workshop,” Hallym Academy of Science and Institute of Asian Culture Studies, Hallym University, Korea, December 22, 2021(Online).


“Law on Freedom of Assembly during the US Military Occupation of Korea, 1945-1948,” Workshop hosted by the Academy of Korean Studies and The Institute for Korean Historical Studies, December 18, 2021(Online)


“A Korean Perspective on the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy,” International Workshop “Confronting Challenges of a Multipolar World: South Korea in the Context of Global Power Politics,” hosted by LUISS and European University Institute, Rome, Italy, November 29-30 , 2021. 


“Covid-19 and “Green Pass” Issues: Italian Case,” International Workshop Hosted by KLRI, Mokwon University, and Korean Legislation and Practice 

Association, November 26, 2021 (Online). 


“Shaking EU Refugee Regime? Analysis of ECHR's ND and NT v. Spain Case (2020),” International Conference (Co-Hosted by Institute of Tamla Culture, Jeju University, and Humanity Science Institute, Daegu University, August 11, 2021).


“Transnational Labor Issues in Korea: Weimar Constitution (1919) and the Codification of Labor Law in Korean Constitution (1948),” Asian Legal History Conference Organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Law-Hue University, July 24- 25, 2021 (Online).


“Multi-Purpose Dam Constructions and Korean Social Conflicts during 1960-the 80s: Focusing on Land Taking Regime,” HK+ International Conference (“How to Research Disaster Humanities”), Chosun University, Korea, February 4, 2021 (Online).


“The Origins of the Colonial Developmentalism: Land Taking Issues and Social Conflict in Northeastern Korea during the 1920-30s,” The 3rd International Conference by Institue for Korean Christianity Culture HK+Research Project (“The West, East Asia, and Korea in the Transitional Space of Modernity”), Soongsil University, October 30, 2020 (Online).


“In and Out of the Spotlight: Night Gatherings in Three Rulings from the Constitutional Court of Korea,” 2019 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Washington, DC: “Populism and Privilege,” August 29-September 1, 2019.


“Two Roads for Korean Destiny: William Elliot Griffis and Homer B. Hulbert's Understanding of 'Civilization',” Griffis Collection workshop: Exploring Ways to Use the Korean materials for Korean Studies, Rutgers University, August 27, 2019.


“Politics of Recognition: A Study on the Propaganda Activities of the Korean National Association and Korean Provisional Government around after WWI,” Anglo-American University, Prague, Czech Republic, April 24, 2019.


“Regionalism and Political Identity: Elites in the Case of Household Head System (Hojuje) Abolition Movements,” Annual Conference on East Asia, Accademia Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy, October 18-19, 2018.


“Heartless Goddess or Eminent Domain?: Korean Land Taking Regime during the Colonial and Cold War Era,” The 6th Yun Posun Memorial Symposium, University of Edinburgh, UK, October 8-9, 2018.


“The Constitutional Codification of Labor Law: Hugo Sinzheimer, Ernst Fraenkel, and Jin-Han Jeon during the US Occupation of Korea, 1945-1948,” Geschichte der Deutsch-Koreanischen Beziehungen (Korean-German Relations Conference), University of Tuebingen, July 20-21, 2018.


“Cracking the Modernization Theory?: Gregory Henderson and His Understanding of Korean Politics during the Cold War Era,” Annual AAS-in-Asia 2018, Ashoka University, New Delhi, India, July 7, 2018.


“The Origins of the Human Rights Regime in Korea: With a Focus on Habeas Corpus in the Ordinance 176 and the First Constitution (1948),” 7th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, December 8-9, 2017.


“From Gender-Biased to Gender Equality Citizenship? The Politics of the nationality Law, 1948-1997,” presented at the 3rd TUDOKU Conference at Doshisha University, Japan, September 29-30, 2017.


“Appropriating Modernization Theory? US Intellectuals and Post-Colonial Korean Historiography in the 1960-80s,” presented at Biannual Meeting for the Association for Korean Studies in Europe, Prague, Czech republic, April 20-23, 2017.


“Korean Understanding of “Civilization” and “Sovereignty” in the Late 19th Century: An Analysis on Three International Law Books,” presented at International Conference “Korea in Global History: The Long Nineteenth Century and the Foreign Powers,” Universität Heidelberg, Germany , May 19-21, 2017.


“From Equal Citizen-Based to Unequal Ethnic-Based Citizenship? The Politics of the Korean Overseas Act in Early 2000s,” presented at “Home and Away: Transnational Migration, Remittance and Homeland” Workshop, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, January 27, 2017.


“Modifying Reformist's Agenda: Korean Labor Issues during the US Occupation of Korea, 1945-1948,” presented at the 7th Korean Studies Conference in German-Speaking Area, University of Bonn, November 4-5, 2016.


“The Post-War Religious Shrine in Korea: US Army Military Government in Korea and Its Legal Policy,” presented at the 2nd TUDOKU International Conference (“The Sacred and the Secular: Power and Authorities in Modern East Asia”), Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University, October 8-9, 2016.


“Linking Two Legal Traditions: Legal Changes and Limits under the US Military Occupation of Korea, 1945-48,” presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle Convention Center, March 31-April 3, 2016. Seattle, Washington, USA.


“Ending the Sino-Centered World Order? The Kanghwa Treaty, Korean-American Treaty, and International Law in Early Modern Korea,” presented at the Second Workshop of the European Forum on Korean-Japanese History: “Circuits of Knowledge, Goods, and People,” December 19-20, 2015 , Brussels, Belgium.


“From Existential Agony to Ideological Division: Korean Film Understanding of the Vietnam War (1964-1975) during the Post-Cold War Era,” presented at the “Film and History Workshop: the Korean Example,” November 5-6, 2015. SOAS, London, UK.


“The Change of the German Citizenship System and Koreans in Germany,” (in Korean), presented at the 6th International Conference, “Korean Diaspora: Minority among Minorities,” September 18, 2015. Center for ZAINICHIJEJU People, Jeju National University.


“Ending the Sino-Centered World Order? Chŏn Korea, the Kanghwa Treaty, and International Law in the Early Meiji Period,” presented at Heidelberg History Conference: “Global History and the Meiji Restoration,” July 3-5, 2015, Universität Heidelberg, Germany.


“Heartless Godness or Eminent Domain?: Colonial Dam Projects and Their Impacts upon Local Residents in Northeastern Korea,” presented at the Tuebingen-Doshisha-Korea University workshop, “Colonial Memories: Comparative Perspective on German, Japanese, and Korean Cases,” June 11, 2015, Tübingen, Germany.


“The Whereabouts of the Chosŏn Royal Lands in Modern Korea,” presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, March 26, 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


“Who Are the First “Koreans”?: The Limitation of the First Korean nationality Act in 1948,” presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the British Association for Korean Studies, November 23, 2014, Sheffield University, UK.


“Linking Three Continents with International Law: Ernst Fraenkel and His Activities in Korea, 1946-1950,” presented at the Biannual Meetings of Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreaforschung, eV, November 14, 2014, Tübingen, Germany


“Religious Bid for Nationalism?: Colonial State and Society in the Case of Poch'ŏn'gyo,” presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, March 31, 2011. Honolulu, Hawai'I, USA


“Another Korean War or New One?: Korean Elite Perception of the Vietnam War and Korean Politics,” presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, March 27, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


“Civilization and Christianity: William E. Griffis's Perception of Japan and Korea, 1876–1910” (in Korean), presented at Inha Inter-Institutes Conference: “Sŏyangin ŭi Tong Asia insik” [Westerners' perception of East Asia], May 20 , 2009, Incheon, South Korea.


“Shinto Shrine Issue and Missionary Middle Schools in P'yŏngyang during the Second Sino-Japanese War” (in Korean), presented at Northeast Asian Foundation International Conference: “Intellectual Exchanges and Historical Memories in East Asia,” December 5, 2008, Seoul , South Korea.


“The Relationship between Syngman Rhee and Christianity” (in Korean), presented at the Ninth Yonsei Institute for Modern Korean Studies Symposium: “Syngman Rhee and the Establishment of the Republic of Korea,” November 14, 2008, Seoul, South Korea.


“Missionaries who Participated in the American Military Government and the Establishment of the Republic of Korea” (in Korean), presented at the Institute of Korean Church History Academic Symposium: “The Establishment of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Church,” November 1 , 2008, Seoul, South Korea.


PUBLIC LECTURE (including Keynote Speech)

“Korea-Europe Relations and Implications for the Young People in Korea” in Ajou Lecture Series, Ajou University, Korea, March 17, 2022 (Online)


“The Cold War Culture and Korean Judiciary,” (Keynote speech), in 2021 Early Career Researchers and Graduate Students Conference, Edinburgh, UK, September 2-3, 2021 (Online)


“Conflict between Jus Cogens and Jurisdictional Immunities of the State? An Idea on Comparative Forced labor Issues of Korea and Italy during World War II,” BK (Brian Korea) Colloquium, Department of Korean History, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, March 19, 2021 (online).


“Another Korean War? Korean Perception of the Vietnam War and Korean Politics,” University of Naples, May 12, 2020 (Online)


“Development of Social Infrastructure in Korea: Land Taking Issues with Historical Perspective,” East Asia Institute, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, November 20, 2019.


“March First Movement and World History: Encounter of the First World and the Third World,” Korean Cultural Center, March 1, 2019.


“Law and Society in Korea,” University of Malaga, Spain, May 10-11, 2018 (Graduate Seminar).


“US Military Occupation of Korea and Japanese religious Property in Korea, 1945-50,” EHESS Center Coreé, Paris, March 9, 2018.


“Who Are the First Koreans?” The First Korean Nationality Law and its Limit,” Center for Korean Studies, Hitotsubashi University, Japan, September 26, 2017.


“Confucian State or Ultra-Modern State? Leadership and Family Values ​​in South Korea,” in Lecture Series (“Ostasien im Umbruch? Politische und ökonomische Veränderungsprozesse in Ostasien”), University of Tuebingen, May 9, 2017.


“Regionalism and Political Identity: Elite in the Case of Household Head System or Hojuje Abolition Movements,” in EPEL Lecture Program (Prof. Marie-Orange Rivé-Lasan), Université Paris Diderot, April 6, 2016.


“The Cold War and Water-A Dam Project in Korea, 1960s-80s: Soyang River Dam,” in Lecture Series (“Wasser-Quelle von Macht und Bedeutung”), University of Tuebingen, June 24, 2015.


“Where Did Crown Lands Go?: Contested History of Chosŏn Dynasty Royal Family and Its Property in Post-1945 Era,” presented at the Center for Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania, September 26, 2013. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.



September 29-30, 2023 “History and International Law at the Turn of the 20th Century in Korea,” Ca' Foscari University of Venice (with Asia Center, Korea University)

May 7-8, 2021 The First International Conference of “East and West in Korean Studies” Project, “Cultural Exchanges between Korea and the West: Artifacts and Intangible Heritage,” Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Online)(Co-Host with Dr. Ariane Perrin)

November 26, 2020, Roundtable Discussion: “Korea at the Cross Roads between China's Belt and Road Initiative,” Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Online)

July 12-13, 2019 “Third International Conference of the Tübingen Global Korea Project: The Developmental State and Social Conflicts in Cold War Korea,” Tuebingen, Germany

July 7, 2018 “Korea and Modernization Theory” Panel, AAS-in-Asia, New Delhi, India.

July 4, 2018 Roundtable Discussion: “Korean Constitution Today: 21th Century Challenges to Korean Democracy,” University of Tuebingen.

August 8-11, 2017 Forum for the Directors of Core University for Korean Studies, Tuebingen.

June 16-18, 2016 International Workshop on “Bills of Rights and Regional Institutions: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on European and East Asian Cases,” co-organized with Prof. Martin Nettesheim at the University of Tuebingen and Prof. Jong-Ik Chon at Seoul National University).

June 10-12, 2015 International Workshop on “Colonial Memories: Comparative Perspective on German, Japanese, and Korean Cases”



2021-Present Editorial Board Member of Korea Europe Review (Berlin)

2017-Present Editorial Board Member of Journal of Northeast Asian History

2017-Present Overseas Board Member of the Korean Society for Urban History.

2016-Present Editorial Board member of Pŏpsahak yŏn'gu [Studies on Legal History]

2009-Present Overseas Board Member of Institute for Korean Church History

2016-2023 Editorial Board Member of Yŏksa pipyŏng [Critical Review of History]

2016-2021 Editorial Board Member of Tamra yŏn'gu [Studies on Jeju]

2011-2012 Editorial Board Member of the Association for Korean Modern and Contemporary History

2002-2004 Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (in Korea), Member & Volunteer

1991-92 Korean Military Service (Required)



Summer 2024 Pony Chung Fellowship, Institute for Korean Studies, Korea University

2021-23 SPIN Project ("From European International Law to Asian One: Korean Experience, the 1880s-1940s"), Project Director

2021-22 Global Visiting Fellow at Seoul National University (6 months)

2020-23 Academy of Korean Studies Seed Program ("East and West in Korean Studies"), Project No. AKS-2020-INC-2230010, Project Director

2020-21 Ca' Foscari University of Venice (First Settlement Funds)

2019-20 Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Marco Polo International Research Center)

2018 Northeast Asia History Foundation Research Grant ("Territorial Dispute of “Gando” and Mt. Baekdu Area Studies")(co-participant) 

2017 Harvard Yenching Library Grant 

2016-17 Academy of Korean Studies Project Grant: Korean Studies Promotion Program, Project director (75,805 Euro)

2016 National Institute of Korean History Annual Research Grant ("Modern Korean Historiography Since 1945")(co-participant)

2010 Institute of Seoul Studies Annual Research Grant

2010 Institute for Korean Church History Book Publication Grant

2008 Institute for Korean Church History Doctoral Dissertation Grant

2006-2007 University of Hawai'i Tuition Grant

2005 Seoul National University Research Assistant Fellowship

2004-05 Seoul National University Research and Travel Grant

2004 Seoul National University Teaching Assistant Fellowship

1999-2002 Harvard University Tuition Grant



American Political Science Association (APSA), 2019-20

Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE), since 2015

Korean Society of Legal History, since 2007

Institute for Korean Church History, since 2005

Association for Asian Studies (AAS), since 2002



Korean (native speaker); English (near-native speaker with two graduate degrees in the US); Japanese (advanced-level reading, JLPT 2 certified); German (B1 certified); Classical Chinese (advanced-level reading); Chinese (Basic); and Italian (A2).