Associate Professor
Department Delegate for Placement, stages and internships
041 234 6229
Scientific sector (SSD)
Pedagogia generale e sociale [PAED-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Research Institute
Research Institute for Complexity

Office hours

AA 2024/2025
STUDENTS  are informed that from october  30th the reception will take place on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at my office, located on the third floor of Malcanton-Marcorà, Dorsoduro 3484/d. In order to avoid unnecessary waiting, an appointment must be made in advance by e-mail.
WORKING STUDENTS and those unable to come at that time can be received online every Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. by making an appointment in advance by e-mail.
Students are requested to contact the lecturer in order to agree on the training project and for the recognition of credits at the end of the internship. The internship reception will always take place on Tuesdays from 10.00 to 12.00 in Malcanton Marcorà - third floor. Only in exceptional cases (frail students, students with disabilities, off-site students, working students, maternity leave, etc.) will the project validation and credit recognition procedures take place via e-mail and/or online meetings.


Published on 20/01/2025

Si avvisano le studentesse e gli studenti che intendono seguire le lezioni di Pedagogia sociale e interculturale che, a causa della sovrapposizione di orario con i Sustainability Talks (che coordino), la lezione inaugurale del corso di giorno 6 non si terrà e verrà recuperata nella prima data utile. Per la sua attinenza con le tematiche del corso, si consiglia, altresì, la partecipazione al Talk, che renderà non necessario il recupero e darà diritto ad un attestato di frequenza. 

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