Technical Administrative Staff
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Website (personal record)
AAI - Settore Governance e processi sostenibili
Where: Ca' Foscari

Current Position:

Member of the Sustainability Office staff of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice since November 2024.


Academic appointments:

From June 2018 to June 2023 Research Fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Asian and North African Studies (DSAAM), as part of the ERC-StG FLOS project 'Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE' (Grant agreement ID: 758732).


2016 Laurea Magistrale Degree in Oriental Languages and Literatures (4-year Degree), Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia. Thesis title: Gli 'Aforismi' d’Ippocrate nella tradizione siro-araba. Final mark: 110/110 Magna cum laude. Supervisor: prof. Antonella Ghersetti, Co-supervisor: prof. Riccardo Contini.

Further specialization courses attended:

2022 (11, 18, 25 Jan. and 01 Feb.) Workshop series ('VCEditor: Building the Diagram', 'VCEditor: Terms, Taxonomies, and Mapping', 'VCEditor: Managing and Mapping Images', 'VCEditor: Building VCEditor Models from Collation Formulas') on VCEditor (trainer: Dot Porter).

2020 (19 May) Webinar ‘Transkribus for advanced use’ (trainer: Annemieke Romein); with a certificate of attendance.

2020 (21 Apr.) Webinar 'Digi-workshop. Transkribus: getting started' (trainers: Annemieke Romein and Johanna Walcher); with a certificate of attendance.

2019 (17 Sept.) Workshop 'Hands-on TEI Publishing' (trainers: Magdalena Turska and Wolfgang Meier), TEI2019 'What is text, really? TEI and beyond' (Graz, Austria).

2019 (23 July-2 Aug.) Workshop 'XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation' (trainer: Alex Bia), within the "Culture & Technology" European Summer University in Digital Humanities at University of Leipzig (Leipzig, Germany); with a certificate of attendance.

2019 (11 Apr.) Workshop ‘Scholarly Editing and the Digital Facsimile. A one-day workshop to discuss the role of the digital facsimiles in scholarly editing, with a practical workshop on Archetype framework’ (trainer: Peter Stokes) organized, within the seminar “Lingue, saperi e conflitti nell’Italia medievale 4 (2019)” of the ERC-StG BIFLOW Project, by the Department of Humanities of Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Venice).

2019 (13-14 March) Cycle of seminar meetings ‘Text mapping as modelling’ by Øyvind Eide at Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Venice).

2019 (22 Jan.) Pre-conference Workshop ‘Visualizing the Italian Literary Canon through Distant Reading’ (trainers: Tiziana Mancinelli, Rachele Sprugnoli, and Simone Rebora), 8th AIUCD Conference (Udine).

2018-2019 Master 'Digital Humanities', Ca' Foscari University of Venice, attendance as an auditor.

2018 (Sept-Oct) MOOC ‘Philology goes digital’, delivered by Ca' Foscari University of Venice on EduOpen platform; (thirteen-hour course, with a certificate of attendance).

2018 (28 May-2 Jun.) ‘Structuration du texte’ as part of EDEEN (École D’Été Éditions Numériques et humanités numériques) training course at MSH-Alpes, Grenoble, France; (with a certificate of attendance).

2018 (Feb.-May) Courses ‘Introduction to Digital Humanities’, ‘Text Encoding and the TEI’, ‘Digital Scholarly Editions: Manuscripts, Texts and TEI Encoding’, hosted on the open source “DARIAH teach” platform.

2017 (17-18 Oct.) ‘Stage d’initiation aux manuscrits grecs et orientaux’ training course at IHRT (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes) – Section grecque et de l’Orient chrétien (Paris 5e), in collaboration with the team Saprat of EPHE-PSL, Paris, France; (with a certificate of attendance).

2017 (25 Jan.) Webinar ‘Digital Humanities at Brill’, by Brill Publishers.


Research Interests:

Digital Humanities – Codicology of Manuscripts in Arabic & Syriac Script – Palæography of Manuscripts in Arabic & Syriac Script – Graeco-Syriac-Arabic Philology – Textual Criticism & Ecdotics – Translation Techniques – Linguistics – History of Books and Libraries – History of classical Islamic medicine – Patristics – Gender Studies – Culture of Sustainability & Sustainable Practices in Higher Education Institutions


Papers given at conferences and conferences/workshops organization:

2024 (21 March) "A statement about the writing method of Syrians found in a work by Christian Ravis",  paper given at the Conference 'Syriac Studies in the UK: Past, Present, Future', Durham University (Durham, UK). 

2023 (11 Jun.) "From the Margins of the Page to the Core of the Discourse: Paracontents in some Multiple-Text Patristic Manuscripts", paper given at the Ninth North American Syriac Symposium ('Syriac at the Center'    ܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܒܡܨܥܬܐ), Yale University (New Haven).

2022 (6 Jul.) "Syriac Manuscripts as ‘Real Boxes’ of Production and Transmission of Patristic Culture", paper given at the XIII  Symposium Syriacum and the 11th Conference of Christian Arabic Studies, Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris.

2020 (20 Jun.) “Re-Discovering a Text: Jacob of Sarug’s metrical homilies on the Spectacles of the Theatre”), paper given at the Digital Orientalisms Twitter Conference 2020 (#DOsTC2020, 2nd edition), organized by The Digital Orientalist ( and hosted by @DigiOrientalist.

2020 (30 Jan.-1 Feb.) Co-organization of the workshop 'Florilegia Siriaca. Mapping a Knowledge Organizing Practice in the Syriac World' (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice).

2019 (19 Jun.) (co-authored with Emiliano Fiori) "The 'Catenae Patrum' of the British Library (8th-10th Centuries). First Soundings of their Structure and Historical Aims", paper given at the Eighth North American Syriac Symposium, 'Syriac Worlds: Interactions, Exchanges, Contributions', Brown University, Providence, RI.

2019 (25 Mar.)  "FLOS Project: the Making of a Scholarly Digital Edition"), paper given within the presentation of the ERC-Starting Grant Project FLOS. ‘FLOS: Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE’ (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice).


Conference Attendance:

2024 (21-23 March) Conference 'Syriac Studies in the UK: Past, Present, Future', hosted by Durham University (Durham, UK).

2023 (11–14 Jun.) Ninth North American Syriac Symposium ('Syriac at the Center'    ܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ ܒܡܨܥܬܐ), hosted by Yale University (New Haven).

2022 (4-9 Jul.) XIII  Symposium Syriacum and the 11th Conference of Christian Arabic Studies, hosted by the Institut National de Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Paris).

2020 (20 Jun.) Digital Orientalisms Twitter Conference 2020 (#DOsTC2020, 2nd edition), organized by The Digital Orientalist and hosted by @DigiOrientalist.

2019 (16-20 Sept.) 19th Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) annual Conference and Members’ Meeting - TEI2019, hosted by the University of Graz (Graz, Austria). Main topic: 'What is text, really? TEI and beyond'.

2019 (16-19 Jun.) Eighth North American Syriac Symposium, Brown University (Providence, RI). Main topic: 'Syriac Worlds: Interactions, Exchanges, Contributions'.

2019 (2 May) 'Traduzioni in movimento tra Oriente e Occidente. Viaggi sulle vie della seta ed esplorazioni nello spazio digitale', University of Padua (Padua, Italy).

2019 (23-25 Jan.)  8th AIUCD (Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) Conference, organized locally by the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine (Udine, Italy). Main topic: ‘Pedagogy, teaching, and research in the age of Digital Humanities’.

2018 (6 Nov.) 'Le scienze nel Vicino Oriente'. IV Sessione ‒ Studi Ebraici ‒ 'Astronomia e altre scienze nella tradizione ebraica'. V Sessione ‒ Studi Siriaci ‒ 'Scienze, logica e diritto nella tradizione siriaca'. Ambrosiana Library, Ambrosiana Academy (Milan, Italy).

2018 (15-16 Jun.)  Conference ‘Edizioni e testi “born digital”: problemi di metodo e prospettive di lavoro’, organized by the Department of Culture and Civilisation of the University of Verona (Verona, Italy).

2016 (8 Nov.) 'Circolazione di testi e superamento delle barriere linguistiche e culturali nelle tradizioni orientali'. III Sessione ‒ Studi Armeni ‒ 'Armenia crocevia di testi, lingue, culture e saperi'. IV sessione ‒ Studi Arabi ‒ 'Passaggio di testi dalla Spagna all’Etiopia attraverso la tradizione araba'. Ambrosiana Library, Ambrosiana Academy (Milan, Italy).


Participation in crowdsourced projects:

Participation as a volunteer in the 'Scribes of the Geniza' Project on the platform Zooniverse.



Member of AIUCD (Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) from February 2025.

Member of SYRIACA (ricerche siriache in Italia) from January 2019.

Contributor for Syriac Studies to The Digital Orientalist (2020/2021).