Tomislav SOCANAC
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- Research Grant Holder
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www.unive.it/people/tomislav.socanac (personal record)
Curriculum Vitae
Name of the researcher: Dr. Tomislav Sočanac
Researcher ID: N-6777-2017
Date and place of birth: 19/08/1984, Zagreb, Croatia
Nationality: Croatian
Current residence: Venice, Italy
Contact information: phone: +39 334 890 5721; e-mail: tomislav.socanac@unive.it
01/07/2010–14/10/2017: Doctoral studies in the Linguistics Department at the Geneva University, under the supervision of Prof. Genoveva Puskas.
14/10/2017: Defense of PhD thesis, entitled "Subjunctive Complements in Slavic Languages: A Syntax-Semantics Interface Approach".
01/01/2013–31/12/2013: Visiting PhD student at MIT, Cambridge, MA (mobility grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation [SNSF]).
01/06/2012: Certificat de spécialisation (Specialization certificate) in Linguistics, Geneva University.
01/09/2009-18/06/2010: Graduate studies (MA degree) in English Linguistics, English Department, Geneva University.
30/09/2003–15/06/2009: Undergraduate studies (BA degrees) in English language (English Department) and Spanish language (Department of Romance Languages and Literatures) at the Geneva University.
01/09/1999-26/05/2003: Matriculation from Private classical grammar school, Zagreb, Croatia.
01/09/2023-present: Assegnista di ricerca at the Ca'Foscari University of Venice, under the Marie Curie (MSCA) Global Fellowship funded by the European Commission.
01/09/2021-31/08/2023: Visiting scholar at Ohio State University, under the Marie Curie (MSCA) Global Fellowship funded by the European Commission.
10/02/2021-01/05/2021: Visiting post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’Foscari University of Venice, appointed by Ca’Foscari.
01/02/2018-30/06/2019: Visiting post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at Ca’Foscari University of Venice, funded by a post-doctoral mobility grant from the SNSF.
01/09/2017-31/01/2018: Coordinator for Linguistics at CUSO (Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale / University Conference of Western Switzerland), Geneva, Switzerland.
01/07/2015-30/06/2017: Teaching assistant in the English and Linguistics Departments at the Geneva University.
01/07/2014-30/06/2015: Research assistant in the Linguistics Department at the Geneva University.
01/07/2010-31/12/2012: Doctoral candidate and research assistant in the Linguistics Department at the Geneva University, working under the supervision of Prof. Genoveva Puskas as part of an SNSF-funded project on the subjunctive mood.
01/10/2009-31/05/2010: Education counsellor at the University of Business and International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
08/10/2018: Lecture on the linguistic history of Serbian and Croatian, within the seminar on Linguistica slava (Slavic Linguistics) held by Professor Iliyana Krapova, Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca’Foscari University of Venice.
20/02/2017-29/05/2017: “Syntax II” (seminar on Advanced English syntax), English Department, Geneva University.
19/09/2016-23/12/2016: Séminaire de travaux pratiques (practical exercise seminar) in Comparative syntax, Linguistics Department, Geneva University.
22/02/2016-03/06/2016: 2 Practical exercise introductory seminars to English Linguistics, English Department, Geneva University.
15/09/2015-18/12/2015: “Syntax I” (seminar on the introduction to English syntax), English Department, Geneva University.
2023: Co-organizer (with Prof. Brian Joseph) of the 2nd Ohio State University – Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan languages.
2022: Co-organizer (with Prof. Brian Joseph) of the 1st Ohio State University – Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan languages.
2013: Co-editor (with Dr. Lena Baunaz) of the journal Generative Grammar in Geneva 8.
2012: Co-organizer (with Dr. Lena Baunaz) of the Linguistic conference SWIGG (Swiss Workshop in Generative Grammar) 12, Linguistics Department, Geneva University.
Joseph, B., Socanac, T. (to appear) Same or different? Infinitival and subjunctive complementation vs. verb serialization in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian", Journal of Slavic Linguistics.
Joseph, B., Socanac, T. (2023) "Getting serious about serial verbs: Evidence from Croatian", Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America.
Krapova, I., Socanac, T. (2022) “Factivity in South Slavic languages: Complement and relative clauses”, Selected Proceedings of SLS 14. Festschrift in honor of Peter Kosta.
Krapova, I., Socanac, T. and Wiemer, B. (2022) “Veridicality”, Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill.
Krapova, I., Socanac, T. and Wiemer, B. (2021) “Factivity”, Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill.
Socanac, T. (2019) “Subjunctive complements in Slavic and Romance: A comparative perspective”, Edizioni Ca’Foscari: Venice, 531-549.
Socanac, T. (2019) “Subjunctive complements in Balkan languages: Problems of distribution”, In: B. Joseph and I. Krapova (eds.), Balkan Syntax and Universal Principles of Grammar, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Socanac, T. (2018) “Balkan subjunctive distribution: World semantics and default selection”, Generative Grammar in Geneva, 10, 117-131.
Socanac, T. (2013) “Subjunctive complements in Serbian/Croatian: Distributional issues”, Generative Grammar in Geneva, 8, 1-23.
Socanac, T. (2012) “Subjunctive in Serbian/Croatian”, Generative Grammar in Geneva, 7, 49-71.
Aug 2023: "Serial verbs In Croatian? Go figure!", joint poster presentation with Prof. B.Joseph at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Athens, Greece.
May 2023: "Croatian serial verbs: A formal analysis", talk at the FASL 22 conference, Indiana University, Bloomington IN.
Apr 2023: "A formal analysis of Croatian serial verbs", joint talk with Prof. B. Joseph at the 2nd Ohio State University– Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan languages, Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
Jan 2023: "On parallels between verbal complement structures and serial verb structures in Croatian and beyond", joint poster presentation with Prof. B. Joseph at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in Denver, Colorado.
Apr 2022: "Factivity and veridicality in South Slavic and Balkan languages", joint talk with Prof. I. Krapova at the 22nd Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature, and Folklore, Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
Mar 2022: "Subjunctive-infinitive competition in Balkan Slavic languages", individual talk at the 1st Ohio State University– Ca’ Foscari Joint Workshop on South Slavic and Balkan languages, Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
Mar 2021: “Slavic complementation and complementizers”, joint talk with Prof. I. Krapova at Ca’Foscari University of Venice.
Sep 2019: “The syntax of factivity in Bulgarian and Serbian/Croatian”, joint talk with Prof. I. Krapova at the Slavic Linguistics Society conference, University of Potsdam, Germany.
Sep 2018: “Balkan subjunctive and the syntax of modality”, individual talk at the Slavic Linguistics Society conference, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Sep 2018: “Slavic subjunctive complements”, individual talk at the VII Convegno di linguistica slava, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
Aug 2014: “Balkan subjunctive: Distributional issues”, poster presentation at the CECIL 4 conference, John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland.
Sep 2013: “Control your mood: The structure of subjunctive clauses across European languages”, joint talk with Prof. G. Puskas and Dr. L. Baunaz at the Societas Linguistica Europaea conference, Split University, Croatia.
Jul 2013: “The left periphery of non-indicative clauses: A cross-linguistic study”, joint talk with Prof. G. Puskas and Dr. L. Baunaz at the International Congress of Linguists, Geneva University.
Apr 2012: “Subjunctive complements in South Slavic languages: Distributional issues”, individual talk at the SWIGG 12 conference, Geneva University.
01.09.2021.-01.09.2024: MSCA Individual Global Fellowship for the project on the “Competition between subjunctive and infinitive in the history of German, Balkan Slavic and Romance languages”, Visiting Fellow at Ohio State University (first two years of the project) and Fellow at Ca’Foscari University of Venice (last year of the project), funded by the European Commission
01/02/2018-30/06/2019: SNSF post-doc Mobility grant, individual project on “Subjunctive mood across languages: Syntax, semantics and distribution”, Visiting post-doc at Ca’Foscari University of Venice.
01/01/2013 – 31/12/2013: SNSF Early Mobility grant, individual project on “Slavic subjunctive”, visiting doctoral student at MIT, Cambridge MA.
2012: Prix Arditi en lettres (Arditti prize in Letters) for the best Master thesis in Linguistics (thesis title: “English wh-questions and the syntax of focus: A minimalist account”).
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