Craig Edwin MARTIN

Associate Professor
Department Delegate for Internationalization
041 234 6261
Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche [PHIL-02/B]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Activities and research skills

Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche [PHIL-02/B]
Geographic areas in which the research experience mainly applies
Internazionale: Europa, America Settentrionale
Known languages
Inglese (scritto: madrelingua parlato: madrelingua)
Italiano (scritto: avanzato parlato: avanzato)
Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals/book series
Editorial Board Member for Early Science and Medicine, 2017-present
Editorial Board Member for Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition, 2015-present
Editorial Board Member for Venezia Arti, 2019-present
Book Review Editor for Early Science and Medicine, 2010-2017

Participation as referees of national and international research projects
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange
Wellcome Trust on the history of medicine
Folger Shakespeare Library
Main departmental research areas and fields
Area: Filosofia e Scienze Sociali Linea: Storia della filosofia
Area: Storia e Antropologia Linea: Storia moderna
Study of ancient, medieval, and early modern texts on the history of science
Humanities, History, History of science
ATECO code:
[72] - ricerca scientifica e sviluppo
Global Science Before Global Networks: The Context and Aftermath of Francis Bacon’s History of the Winds
Funding body:
National Endowment of the Humanities/Folger Shakespeare Library Fellowship
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Folger Shakespeare Library
Starting date:
Year: 2014 Length in months: 9
Impious Aristotle
Funding body:
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, American Academy in Rome
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
American Academy in Rome
Starting date:
Year: 2011 Length in months: 11
Renaissance Averroism in Perspective: Investigations into Commentaries on Natural Philosophy and the Appropriation of Islamic Science
Funding body:
Villa I Tatti, Harvard University
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Villa I Tatti, Florence
Starting date:
Year: 203 Length in months: 11
Renaissance Meteorology: Causation, Meaning, Utility
Funding body:
Huntington Library Long-Term Fellowship, Dibner History of Science Program
Altri finanziamenti per progetti di ricerca
Role in the project:
Sito di progetto:
Huntington Library
Starting date:
Year: 2008 Length in months: 12