Hirofumi UTSUMI
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 9576
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/hirofumi.utsumi (personal record)
- Office
Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin
Year | Type | Publication |
Year | Type | Publication |
2024 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Utsumi Hirofumi, Machikita Tomohiro, Oguma Eiji, Takaya Sachi, Yoshida Aya, Enoki Eisuke, Kashihara Masataka, Oyama Reiko, Horie Yuri, Eiji Hamanishi, Rima Higa, Shin Aiba, Yu Fukuda, Hiroshi Takebata, Chihiro Yonezawa, Manabu Shimizu Gurobaru Sutadeizu Sosho vol. 4 Gurobaruka to Nihon (Global Studies Series vol.4 Globalization and Japan) , Tokyo, Toshindo Publishing, vol. vol. 4 (ISBN 9784798919201; 4798919209) - ARCA card: 10278/5084108 |
2024 | Book Article |
UTSUMI HIROFUMI Introduction: Globalization and Japan in Utsumi, Hirofumi; Machikita, Tomohiro; Oguma, Eiji; Takaya, Sachi; Yoshida, Aya; Enoki, Eisuke; Kashihara, Masataka; Oyama, Reiko; Horie, Yuri; Eiji, Hamanishi; Rima, Higa; Shin, Aiba; Yu, Fukuda; Hiroshi, Takebata; Chihiro, Yonezawa; Manabu, Shimizu, Gurobaru Sutadeizu Sosho vol. 4 Gurobaruka to Nihon (Global Studies Series vol.4 Globalization and Japan), Tokyo, Toshindo Publishing, vol. vol. 4, pp. 3-28 (ISBN 9784798919201) - ARCA card: 10278/5084110 |
2022 | Book Article |
UTSUMI Hirofumi UTSUMI Hirofumi and TAKAZAKURA Yoshinobu, 2022, Dreams of the vanquished: narratives of computers in post-war Japan, Dick van Lente ed., Prophets of computing: visions of society transformed by computing, ACM publishers. , Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing, Association for Computing Machinery (ISBN 9781450398176) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5037660 |
2021 | Traduzione di Libro |
Masaki Shiraishi, Takeshi Tochizawa, hirofumi utsumi 『キーコンセプト社会学(Ki conseputo shakaigaku)』(Keyconepts of Sociology) , Minerva shobo (ISBN 9784623089284) - ARCA card: 10278/3744002 |
2021 | Review in magazine |
Hirofumi UTSUMI Review of Pathways into and out of Nuclear Power in Western Europe: Austria, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and Sweden edited by Astrid Mignon Kirchhoff. in TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 1283-1285 (ISSN 1097-3729) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3744001 |
2021 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「グローバリゼーションのゆくえ」[Past and Future of Globalisation] , 『いまを生きるための社会学』[Ima o ikiru tame no shakaigaku - Sociology for Contemporary Japan], Maruzen (ISBN 9784621305553) - ARCA card: 10278/3730160 |
2020 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 内海博文, 2020, 「住まう」, 景山佳代子・白石真生編, 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』法律文化社. (Utsumi, Hirofum, 2020, "Dwelling", Kageyama, Kayoko and Masaki Shiraishi, DIY Sociology: Take the first steps.) , 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』, Horitsu Bunka sha (ISBN 9784589040480) - ARCA card: 10278/3730158 |
2020 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 内海博文, 2020, 「就職」, 景山佳代子・白石真生編, 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』法律文化社. (Utsumi, Hirofum, 2020, "Finding employment", Kageyama, Kayoko and Masaki Shiraishi, DIY Sociology: Take the first steps.) , 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』, Horitsu Bunka sha (ISBN 9784589040480) - ARCA card: 10278/3730019 |
2020 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 内海博文, 2020, 「育児」, 景山佳代子・白石真生編, 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』法律文化社. (Utsumi, Hirofum, 2020, "Childcare", Kageyama, Kayoko and Masaki Shuraishi, DIY Socilogy: Take the first steps.) , 『DIY(自分でやる)社会学:はじめの一歩をふみだそう』, Horitsu Bunka sha (ISBN 9784589040480) - ARCA card: 10278/3730157 |
2019 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI Rethinking the Concept of ‘Society’ in the Age of Globalization. Society as a Whole, the Social, and Sociological Traditions in ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE, vol. 55, pp. 615-636 (ISSN 2385-3042) - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3725226 |
2019 | Journal Article |
Hirofumi UTSUMI, Yukiko KUSHIBIKI 「ふたつの〈アフリカ大陸を行く〉:NHK海外初取材番組にみるアフリカの表象」(Futatsu no "Afurika Tairiku wo Iku"): NHK Kaigai Hatsu Shuzai Bangumi ni miru Afurika no Hyosho [Two“Afurika Tairiku wo Iku”: Representations of Africa seen in NHK’s first overseas reporting program]) in Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, vol. 13 - ARCA card: 10278/3725257 |
2018 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI Theoretical study of social hybridity: possibilities for social change theory in the age of globalization in ANNALI DI CA' FOSCARI. SERIE ORIENTALE, vol. 55, pp. 615-636 (ISSN 2385-3042) DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3725229 |
2018 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「エピローグ:現代において社会の変化を論じるということ」(Epilogue: gendai ni oite shakai no henka wo kataru to iukoto [Epilogue: discussing social change in the present age]) , 『変化を生きながら変化を創る:新しい社会変動論への試み』 (Henka wo ikinagara henka wo tsukuru [Creating change while living in change: for new theory of social change]), Houritsu Bunka sha - ARCA card: 10278/3725223 |
2018 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「社会のハイブリディティに関する理論的研究:グローバル化時代の社会変動論にむけて」 (Shakai no hybridity ni kansuru rironteki kenkyuu: global ka jidai no shakai hendou ron ni mukete [Theoretical study on ‘social hybridity’: for the theory of social change in an age of globalization]) , 『変化を生きながら変化を創る:新しい社会変動論への試み』 (Henka wo ikinagara henka wo tsukuru [Creating change while living in change: for new theory of social change]), Houritsu Bunka sha - ARCA card: 10278/3725221 |
2017 | Review in magazine |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI (書評)「J. ダインダム著, 大津留厚・小山啓子・石井大輔 2017, 『ウィーンとヴェルサイユ:ヨーロッパにおけるライバル宮廷1550〜1780』」(Book review, ‘Duindam, Jeroen, 2007, Vienna and Versailles: The Courts of Europe's Dynastic Rivals, 1550–1780 (Cambridge University Press)’) in 『図書新聞』(Tosho Shinbun [Book Review Press]), vol. 3321: 4 - ARCA card: 10278/3725312 |
2017 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「ハイブリッドモダンとグローバル化」(Hybrid modern to global ka [Hybrid-modern and globalization]) , 『社会学の力:最重要概念・命題集』 (Shakaigaku no chikara: saijuuyou gainen, meidai shuu [Sociology: concepts and propositions]), Yuhikaku Publishing - ARCA card: 10278/3725224 |
2017 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「文明化」(Bunmei ka [Civilizing process]) , 『社会学の力:最重要概念・命題集』(Shakaigaku no chikara: saijuuyou gainen, meidai shuu [Sociology: concepts and propositions]), Yuhikaku Publishing - ARCA card: 10278/3725225 |
2016 | Traduzione in Volume |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「近代化」(Kindaika [Modernization], , 『スクリブナー思想史大事典 全10巻』(Scribner shisoushi daijiten [New Dictionary of the History of Ideas]), Maruzen - ARCA card: 10278/3725237 |
2016 | Traduzione in Volume |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「近代化論」(Kindaika ron [Modernization Theory]) , 『スクリブナー思想史大事典 全10巻』(Scribner shisoushi daijiten [New Dictionary of the History of Ideas]), Maruzen - ARCA card: 10278/3725238 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
Mizuko TOKUNAGA, Hirofumi UTSUMI 『国際看護学』( Kokusai kango gaku [International nursing]) , Tokyo: Quality care - ARCA card: 10278/3725219 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 『文明化と暴力:エリアス社会理論の研究』(Bunmeika to boryoku: Elias shakai riron no kenkyu [Civilization and violence: A study on the social theory of Norbert Elias]) , Tokyo: Toshindo - ARCA card: 10278/3725218 |
2014 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』 ( Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Re-imagination and recreation of society]) , Kyoto, Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725220 |
2014 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「社会学とグローバリゼーション:N. エリアスのスポーツ研究を手がかりに」(Shakaigaku to globalization: N. Elias no sports kenkyu wo tegakarini [Sociology and globalization: based on the sociology of sport by N. Elias]) in Studies on the History of Sociology, vol. 36 - ARCA card: 10278/3725239 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI Rethinking purposive consciousness: An analysis of sceptical fanaticism after Fukushima , Rethinking Nature in Contemporary Japan: Science, Economics, Politics, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - ARCA card: 10278/3725232 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「おわりにかえて」(Owari ni kaete [Epilogue],) , 『国際看護学』(Kokusai kango gaku [International nursing]), Quality Care - ARCA card: 10278/3725265 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「はしがき」(Hashigaki [Foreword]) , 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』(Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Recreation and re-imagination of ssociety]), Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725259 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「序章 社会学/人類学への招待」(Josho: Shakaigaku/Jinruigaku heno shoutai [Introduction: an invitation for sociology/anthropology]) , 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』(Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Recreation and re-imagination of society]), Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725260 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「第12章 近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない:専門家と非専門家のための柔軟性のレッスン」(Dai 12 shou Tchikaku ha nai demo sou tooku demo nai: senmonka to hi-senmonka no tameno juunansei no lesson [Chapter12 Not near, but not far away: a lesson on flexibility for profession and non-profession]) , 『国際看護学』(Kokusai kango gaku [International nursing]), Quality Care. - ARCA card: 10278/3725264 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「第15章 学史:社会学と人類学の歴史」( Dai 15 shou Gaku shi: Shakaigaku to jinruigaku no rekishi: [Chapter15 History of sociology and anthropology]) , 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』(Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Recreation and re-imagination of society]), Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725263 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「第8章 生産:近代的分業とその意図せざる結果」( Dai 8 shou Seisan: Kindai teki bungyo to sono itosezaru kekka [Chapter8 Production: modern division of labor and its unintended consequences]) , 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』(Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Recreation and re-imagination of society]), Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725261 |
2014 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 第12章 争い:人間の自由とシステムの進化」(Dai 12 shou Arasoi: Ningen no jiyu to system no shinka [Chapter12 Conflict: Freedom of huma beings and evolution of system]) , 『現代社会を学ぶ:社会の再想像=再創造のために』(Gendai shakai wo manabu: Shakai no sai-souzou no tameni [Learning modern society: Recreation and re-imagination of society]), Minerva Shobo - ARCA card: 10278/3725262 |
2012 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI Nuclear power plants in ‘the only A-bombed country’: Images of nuclear power and nation’s changing self-portrait in postwar Japan , The Nuclear Age in Popular Media: a Transnational History, Palgrave MacMillan - ARCA card: 10278/3725230 |
2011 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI Nuclear Images and National Self-Portraits: Japanese Illustrated Magazine Asahi Graph, 1945-1965 in Annual Review of the Institute for Advanced Social Research, vol. 5 - ARCA card: 10278/3725240 |
2010 | Entry in dictionary/encyclopedia |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「文明化(エリアス)」(Bunmei ka (Elias) [Civilization (Elias)]) , 『社会学事典』(Shakaigaku jiten [Encyclopedia of sociology]), Maruzen Publishing - ARCA card: 10278/3725236 |
2009 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「経済と社会・再考:社会法をてがかりにして」(Keizai to shakai, saiko: shakai hou wo tegakarini [Rethinking Economy and Society: by focusing on the social law],) in Annual review of the Institute for advanced social research, vol. 1 - ARCA card: 10278/3725243 |
2009 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「遊びとしての現実:「フィクションとしてのドキュメンタリー」から人間の科学が学びうること」(Ashobi toshiteno genjitsu: fiction toshiteno documentary kara ningen no kagaku ga manabiurukoto [Reality as a Play: What human sciences can learn from ‘documentary films as a fiction’]) in Conflict Studies in the Humanities, vol. 2 - ARCA card: 10278/3725241 |
2009 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「石塚道子・田沼幸子・冨山一郎編, 2008, 『ポスト・ユートピアの人類学』」(Post Utopia no jinruigaku [Anthropology of Post-Utopia]) , Conflict studies in the humanities, Osaka University. Graduate School of Human Sciences, vol. 1 (ISBN 9784872593501) - ARCA card: 10278/3725313 |
2007 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「映像と学習──「遊び」としてのコミュニケーション」(Eizo to gakushu: ‘asobi’ to shite no komyunikeshon [Shooting video and learning: communication as a ‘play’]) in Bulletin, Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences, vol. 33 - ARCA card: 10278/3725244 |
2007 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「新しい中小企業戦略としてのブランディング──グローバリゼーション時代における持続可能性のために」(Atarashii tyusho kigyo senryaku tositeno blanding: globalization jidai ni okeru jizoku kanosei no tameni [Blanding strategy of small enterprises: for sustainable development in the age of globalization]) , 「東大阪市の中小企業に働く人たちの仕事と生活調査報告書」(Research report on the work and life of working people at small enterprises in East Osaka), Osaka University - ARCA card: 10278/3725252 |
2007 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI グローバリゼーションと人間の安全保障の興隆 (Globalization to ningen no anzenhosho no kouryu [Globalization and rise of human security]) , 『社会学のアクチュアリティ:第3巻 社会学のアリーナへ』(Shakaigaku no arina he [The Sociological Arena]), Toshindo - ARCA card: 10278/3725233 |
2006 | Scientific monograph or treatise |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「人間の安全保障と社会の再想像──9.11以後の2つのトランスナショナルな政治的秩序との対照を手がかりに──」(Ningen no anzen hosho to shakai no sai souzou: 9.11 ikou no 2 tsu no toransunashonaru na seiji teki titsujo tono taisho wo tegakari ni [Human Security and re-imaging society: through a contrast with two types of transnational political order after 9.11]) , Osaka University Global COE Program - ARCA card: 10278/3725245 |
2006 | Journal Article |
NISHIBATA Ritsuko, MIYAMOTO Yusuke, NOGAWA Motokazu, UTSUMI Hirofumi, SEKI Yoshihiro, KAWANO Eiji, KUBO Kazuyo 「大学院生対象情報教育コンテンツの開発と評価」(Daigaku insei taisho joho kyoiku kontentsu no kaihatsu to hyoka [Development and Evaluation of Digital Materials about Information Communication Technology for Graduate Students]) in Bulletin, Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences, vol. 20 - ARCA card: 10278/3725253 |
2006 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「社会の構成原理としての文化権──文化芸術振興基本法の制定を契機に」(Shakai no kose genre toshiteno bunka ken: Bunka geijutsu shinko kihon ho no seitei wo keiki ni [Cultural right as a principle for constituting society: with the enactment of the Basic Act for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts],) in Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, vol. 20 - ARCA card: 10278/3725248 |
2006 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 東京裁判から9.11へ──人間の安全保障のための予備的考察」(Tokyo saiban kara 9.11 he: Ningen no anzen hosho notame no yobiteki kosatsu [From the Tokyo Tribunal to 9.11: a preliminary study for human security],) in Joukyo, vol. 3-7-6 - ARCA card: 10278/3725246 |
2005 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「啓蒙の弁証法(アドルノ、ホルクハイマー)」(Keimou no bensho ho (Adorno and Horkheimer) [Dialectic of Enlightenment (Adorno and Horkheimer)]) , 『社会文化理論ガイドブック』(Shakai Bunka Riron Guidebook [Guidebook for social-cultural theory]), Nakanichiya Shupan - ARCA card: 10278/3725234 |
2005 | Book Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「暴力(エリアス)」(Bouryoku (Elias) [Violence (Elias)]) , 『社会文化理論ガイドブック』(Shakai Bunka Riron Guidebook [Guidebook for social-cultural theory]), Nakanichiya Shupan - ARCA card: 10278/3725235 |
2002 | Tesi di Dottorato |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 『エリアス社会理論の研究』大阪大学人間科学研究科.(Elias shakai riron no kenkyu [A study on the social theory of Norbert Elias]) , Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences - ARCA card: 10278/3725306 |
2001 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI エリアス社会学における「宮廷社会」論の位置」(Elias shakai riron ni okeru ‘kyutei shakai’ ron no iti [Relocating of court society theory in the sociology of Norbert Elias]) in Journal of Osaka Sangyo University, Social sciences,, vol. 116 - ARCA card: 10278/3725249 |
1999 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「ノルベルト・エリアスと人間像の問題」(Norbert Elias to ningen zo no mondai [Norbert Elias and the problem of human images]) in Annals of human sciences, vol. 20 - ARCA card: 10278/3725250 |
1998 | Journal Article |
HIROFUMI UTSUMI 「ノルベルト・エリアスと暴力の問題」(Norbert Elias to boryoku no mondai [Norbert Elias and the problem of violence]) in SOSHIOROJI, vol. 43(2) (ISSN 0584-1380) - ARCA card: 10278/3725251 |