Hirofumi UTSUMI
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 9576
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua e letteratura del Giappone, lingua e letteratura della Corea [ASIA-01/G]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/hirofumi.utsumi (personal record)
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Department of Asian and North African Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dsaam
Where: Palazzo Vendramin
Associate professor, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
2002 Ph.D. in Human Sciences, Osaka University
1997 Master of Human Sciences, Osaka University
1995 B.A. in Literature, Waseda University
2015 – 2020 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Otemon Gakuin University
2017 - 2018 Visiting Scholar, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
2008 - 2014 Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Otemon Gakuin University,
2007 - 2008 Research Fellow, Global Center of Excellence (COE) Program, Kwansei Gakuin University
2006 - 2007 Assistant Professor, Graduate School Good Practice (GP), Osaka University
1998 - 2000 Doctoral Course Students (DC2), JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Social Theory
Theoretical Sociology
Global Studies
Transnattional History of Modern Japan
Otemon Gakuin University (Special lecture on the theory of modernity (graduate student, April 2017 - March 2018, April 2018 – January 2020), History of sociology (April 2008 to March 2013, April 2014 - March 2017, September 2018 - January 2020), Sociological Theory (April 2008 to March 2017, April 2018 - January 2020) , Invitation to sociology (April 2018 - January 2020), Theory of Science and Technology (April 2018 - January 2020), Public relations studies, advertising theory (April 2008 - March 2012), Sociology of Modernity (April 2012 - March 2013)
Doshisha University (Social problem) (April 2016 - March 2017, September 2018 – August 2019)
Kwansei Gakuin University (history of social thought) (September 2014 - March 2017)
Kumamoto University (Special Lecture on Social Anthropology) (Intensive Lecture in September 2014)
College of Industrial Technology (modern society) (October 2009 - March 2010)
Kyoto Prefectural University (Information Processing Exercise) (April 2007 - March 2008)
Otemon Gakuin University (Sociological field work, sociological theory, sociological history) (April 2007 - March 2008)
Osaka Sangyo University (Introduction to sociology, Japanese culture and society, advertising theory, media theory) (April 2005 - March 2008)
Kyoto Koka Women's University (Introduction to Human Relations Society, Cultural Studies) (April 2004 - March 2006)
Osaka University General Education (Logic and Ethics of Modern Civil Society) (April 2003 - March 2006)
Otemon Gakuin University (Introductory Sociology, Sociological Theory, Sociological History) (April 2003 - March 2006)
Osaka Sangyo University (Introduction to sociology, Japanese culture and society, April 2001- March 2003)
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2019, Discussant(討論者), Panel Title: “Too Foreign for Here, Too Foreign for Home”: Migration, Diaspora and Transnationalism of Asian Migrants, International Convention of Asia Scholars 11 (ICAS 11) , Leiden, Netherlands.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2017, Che cos'è la 'società'? Riflessioni nell'epoca della globalizzazione, San Basilio, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2017, (Convener and presenter)Developing an approach on social hybridity for global studies, Panel Title: From cultural to social hybridity in Japan: towards new theoretical approaches to globalization, European Association of Japanese Studies 2017 Conference, The Universidade NOVA, Lisbon.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2017, (Discussant), Panel Title: “FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS?”: Comparative Approach to mobility, diasporas and contested identities of Asian migrants, International Convention of Asia Scholars 10 (ICAS10), the Chiang Mai International Exhibition and Convention Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
内海博文, 2016, 日本社会学史学会 第56回 大会シンポジウム「社会学理論の最前線 空間」討論者, 2016 年 6 月 26 日, 於東京女子大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi[discussant], 2016, Symposium ‘Front-line of sociological theory: Space’, 56th conference of the Japan Association for the study on the history of sociology, Tokyo Woman's Christian University.)
内海博文, 2015, (招集者)「空間の接触領域を再考する」第88回日本社会学会大会 一般研究報告Ⅲ,早稲田大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015a, (convener), Theme session ‘Kukan no seshoku ryoiki wo saikou suru [Rethinking the contact zone of spaces]’, The 88th conference of the Japan Sociological Society, Waseda University. )
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015, Risk-ization of danger and globalization: another scenario of risk theory, 13th Meeting of the GJSSS “Trust and risks in changing societies”, Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften e.V., German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo.
内海博文, 2014, 「社会学の視点から国際看護学を読む 国際看護学のアイデンティティ:近代医療と文化の対立をこえて」第1回国際看護学講習会「国際看護学をどう伝えるか」, マッシュアップスタジオ. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014a, Seeing International Nursing Studies from the Viewpoint of Sociology, Identity of International Nursing Studies: Beyond the Conflict between Modern Medicine and Local Culture, The 1st International Nursing Study Seminar ‘How to teach International Nursing’, Mashup Studio.)
Utsumi Hirofumi, 2013, A sceptical fanaticism in post-war Japan: The Irresponsible Self-fulfilling System and Infatuation for Cyborg Nation, International Conference ‘Rethinking Nature: Facing the Crisis in Contemporary Japan’, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Aula Magna Ca’ Dolfin, February 25th-26th, 2013.
内海博文, 2013, 「社会学とグローバリゼーション:エリアスのスポーツ研究を手がかりに」, 日本社会学史学会 第53回 大会シンポジウム「知識人とコモンマン」日本社会学史会, 2013年6月30日, 佛教大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2013b, Sociology and globalization: with use of sociology of sports by Elias, The Japan Association for the study on the history of sociology, Bukkyo University.)
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2011, Fukushima in historical context: popular images of nuclear power in Japan, "Before Fukushima: public concerns about nuclear safety" (Session organizer: Dolores L. Augustine, commentator: Paul R. Josephson), The Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), co-located with the annual meetings of the History of Science Society (HSS) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Marriott Key Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 3-6 November.
内海博文, 2011, 「『唯一の被爆国』の原発」, コモンズ大学公開講座「震災後の社会を考える」第1回「原子力と社会」, コメンテーター, 2011年4月23日, 高槻市富田ふれあい文化センター大ホール(小林圭二氏(元京大原子炉実験所), 濱西栄司(社会学者・ノートルダム清心女子大学), 渡邊太(コモンズ大学事務局)). (UTSUMI Hirofumi, ‘Nuclear power plants in the “only A-bombed country”’, speaker of the lecture, Commons University open course ‘Thinking about the society after the earthquake’, Part 1 ‘Nuclear power and society’, April 23, 2011, Takatsuki shi Tonda Contact and Culture Center Hall, with Keiji Kobayashi (former Kyoto University Nuclear Power Plant Research Institute), Eiji Miyanishi (sociologist, Notre Dame Seishin Women's University), Tadashi Watanabe (sociologist, Commons University Office.))
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2010, Controversies for (creating new) contexts: Theorizing a reconfiguration of ‘the socials’, ESA Social Theory Conference, “Controversies in Contexts”, 9-11 September 2010, European Sociological Association, Social Theory Research Network, Villa Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2010, Re-thinking ‘the socials’ in the age of globalization, The Bauman Institute International Launch Conference, ‘Rethinking Global Society’, Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th September, the University of Leeds.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2010, The self-portrait of post-war Japan and the images of nuclear power: in the illustrated magazine Asahigraph, 1945-1965, The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 35th 4S Annual Meeting, held jointly with Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, University of Tokyo. 25 – 29 August.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2009, Nuclear energy in an A-bombed country: analyzing representations in Asahigraph, 1945-65, The Society for the History of Technology, Annual Meeting Pittsburgh Hilton, Pittsburgh, 15 - 18 October.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2009, The predicament of society?: sociological imagination in the age of globalization, 104th American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Hilton San Francisco and Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA, 8-11 August.
内海博文, 2009, 「グローバル化と社会の変容」, 第1回「グローバル化とマージナリティ」研究会、京都大学GCOE、主催:都市貧困研究会、京都大学文学部新館地下小会議室. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2009a, Globalization and Transformation of Society, 1st workshop ‘globalization and marginalization’, Kyoto University GCOE, Kyoto University.)
内海博文, 2009, 「原子力イメージと戦後日本:1945年から1965年までの写真雑誌『アサヒグラフ』をてがかりにして」関西学院大学先端社会研究所, 2009年度第7回定期研究会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2009b, Nuclear image and post-war Japan: as a result of photograph magazine Asahi Graph from 1945 to 1965, Kwansei Gakuin University Advanced Society Research Institute, 7th research meeting, Kwansei Gakuin University.)
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008, Global justice and organized violence: from the Tokyo Tribunal to the theory of human security, The Second KGU Workshop, Postwar−Contemporary Societies and the Shadow of World War II, Kwansei Gakuin University 21st Century COE Program and NIOD.
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008, Society in the age of globalization, ESA social theory conference, ‘Social theory and the sociological discipline(s)", September 11-13, 2008, European Sociological Association, Social Theory Research Network, Innsbruck University, Austria.
内海博文, 2008, 「映像と社会──『フィクションとしてのドキュメンタリー』という観点から」日本文化人類学会第42回研究大会, 分科会:Rethinking ‘the Visual’(代表:田沼幸子), 2008年6月1日(日), 於京都大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008c, Shooting movie and society: earning: learning from the view of ‘documentary films as fiction’, Branch meeting: Rethinking ‘the Visual’ (representative: TANUMA Sachiko), The 42th THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NIPPON, Kyoto University.)
内海博文, 2006, 「ベイトソンの学習論と映像メディア──コミュニケーションと遊び、そしてメディア」情報コミュニケーション学会第3回全国大会, 於園田学園女子大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2006, Learning theory of G. Bateson and video media: Communication, play, and media, The third annual national meeting, Japan Association for Communication, Information and Society, Sonoda Women's University.)
栃澤健史・内海博文・西端律子, 2005,「映像制作過程と学習に関する理論的検討とその実践」日本教育工学会研究会, 於大阪大学. (TOCHIZAWA Takeshi, UTSUMI Hirofumi, NISHIBATA Ritsuko, 2005b, Theoretical consideration and practice for the process of video production and learning, Seminar of JAPAN SOCIETY FOR EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Osaka University.)
宮本友介・能川元一・関嘉寛・川野英二・内海博文・久保知代・西端律子, 2005,「2006年問題と大学院生対象の情報教育について」平成17年度情報処理教育研究集会、於九州大学. (MIYAMOTO Yusuke, SEKI Yoshihiro, KAWANO Eiji, UTSUMI Hirofumi, KUBO Kazuyo, NISHIBATA Ritsuko, 2005b, the Year 2006 issues and information-related education for graduate students, National Conference on Educational Research for Computing and Networking, Kyushu University.)
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2005, The International Military Tribunals and a new phase of the civilizing process: an Inquiry into organized violence in an age of globalization’, New Directions in Figurational Sociology, Session B, The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, July 5-9.
内海博文, 2005, 「社会の構成原理としての文化権──文化芸術振興基本法の制定を契機に(「権利と恩寵」から改題)」関西社会学会第56回大会「共同報告 オルタナティブ・カルチャー/オルタナティブ・メディア──大阪での動き」, 於大阪市立大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2005d, Cultural right as a principle for reconstituting society: with the enactment of the Basic Act for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts, The 54th Conference of the Kansai Sociological Association, Osaka City University.)
UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2004, "Globalization and Violence: A Case Study of the Tokyo Tribunal", Paper presented and presider, Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco & Renaissance Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA, Aug 14, 2004, Final Program:154.
内海博文, 2003, 「グローバリゼーションとしての東京裁判・序説」, 2003年度日本現象学・社会科学会, 於京都女子大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2003, The Tokyo Tribunal as a globalization, Japan Society of Phenomenology and Social Sciences, Kyoto Women's University.)
内海博文, 2001, 「文明化とアウトサイダーの創出」2001年度日本社会学史学会、共通テーマ「エリアス社会学の可能性」, 於岡山県立大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2001, Civilizing process and construction of outsider, The Japan Association for the study on the history of sociology, 41th Conference, Okayama Prefectural University.)
内海博文, 1998, 「東京裁判と2つの「文明化」──ノルベルト・ エリアスを手がかりにして」日本社会学会大会第71回学会大会報告要旨, 505-6, 於関西学院大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 1998a, The Tokyo Tribunal and dual “civilizing process”, The 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, Kwansei Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 1998, 「暴力の社会学・序説──ノルベルト・エリアスを手がかりにして」関西社会学会第49回大会報告要旨、3-4、於甲南大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 1998b, An introduction to the sociology of violence: with focus on Norbert Elias, The 49th Annual meeting of the Kansai Sociological Association, Konan University.)
内海博文, 1997 「文明化の過程としてのナチズム」日本社会学会第70回学会大会報告要旨, 3-4, 於千葉大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 1997a, Nazism as a civilizing process, The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society, Chiba University.)
太郎丸博・古川岳志・内海博文, 1997, 「身の上相談の計量分析──近代日本社会における「不幸」の諸類型試論」『日本行動計量学会第25回大会発表論文妙録集』168-171, 於東北大学. (Tarohmaru Hiroshi, Furukawa Takeshi, UTSUMI Hirofumi, 1997b, Quantitative Analysis on the consultation about one's personal affairs: types of ‘unhappiness’ in modern Japanese society, The 25th Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Society, Tohoku University.)
内海博文, 1997, 「「文明化の過程」と人間像の変貌──ノルベルト・エリアスの業績にみる理論的示唆の可能性」第48回関西社会学会大会, 於金城学院大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 1997c, ‘Civilizing process’ and the transformation of the human image, The 48th Annual meeting of the Kansai Sociological Association, Kinjo Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2018 (近刊), (写真集)『聴く、想像するvol.11 ヴェネツィア×社会学 Venezia』YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018 (forthcoming), listening, and imagining vol.11, photo book, Venezia×Sociology: Venezia, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2016a, 『聴く、想像するvol.9 バーチャル・オープンドア02 NGOアフリカ友の会編』YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018b, listening and imagining vol.9 Virtual open door 02: NGO AMIS D’AFRIQUE, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2016b, (インターネットTV番組)『ドイツの地方都市はなぜクリエイティブなのか:質を高めるメカニズム』刊行記念トークイベント」高松平蔵さんによるトークイベントでの司会・聞き手, コネクタテレビ. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016b, Publication commemoration talk event with Heizo Takamatsu, Why are German local cities creative?, Internet TV program talk event, Connector TV, http://www.connectortv.net/libraries/150.php)
内海博文, 2015, 『聴く、想像するvol.7 バーチャル・オープンドア01 ブルーリボン編(社会福祉法人のぞみ福祉会、吹田市)』YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015, listening, and imagining vol.7 Virtual open door 01: Blue Ribbon, Social Welfare Corporation Nozomi Fukushi Kai, Suita-shi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2014a, (新聞インタビュー)タウン・学ぶ「緊急報告会-子どもたちに食べさせてあげたい」朝日新聞5月9日(月): 30頁. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014a, newspaper article, ‘Emergency meeting - I want children to eat’, Asahi Shimbun, 9 May.)
内海博文, 2014b, (新聞インタビュー)「世界最貧国 中央アフリカ 知ろう-雑貨店主ら支援グループ17日、現地の窮状考える勉強会」5月13日(火)読売新聞, 33頁. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014b, newspaper article, ‘Let's know Central Africa’, Yomiuri Shimbun, 13 May.)
内海博文, 2014c, (写真集)『聴く、想像するvol.5 中央アフリカ×社会学 République Centrafricaine』YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014c, (photo book) listening, and imagining vol.5 Central Africa×Sociology: République centrafricaine, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2014d, 「詩画集についてのおせっかいな解説」『<絵本村×私> 1+1+1・・・のキモチ YogiYogiの小さな小さな絵本村×徳永瑞子・詩画集』YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014d, An officious commentary on poetry collections, YogiYogi's small, small village of picture book × Tokunaga Mizuko Poetry Picture collection, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2012,「英国×アリス×シャーロック・ホームズ×夏目漱石×MASTERキートン×私」「YogiYogiの小さな小さな絵本村・ 7」, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, ‘England, Alice, Sherlock Holmes, Natsume Soseki, Master Keaton, and me’, YogiYogi.)
Уцуми Хирофуми, 2011, (雑誌記事執筆)Япония и атом (Japan and atom), За рубежом, No. 49, aпрель: 24-25.
内海博文, 2009, 『聴く、想像する』, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2009, listening, and imagining, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2008a, 「社会に埋め込まれた調査――第4回シンポジウムを受けて」関西学院大学21世紀COEシンポジウム報告記録書『大学院における社会調査教育はどうあるべきか』. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008a, Social research embedded in society, Kwansei Gakuin University 21st Century COE Symposium Report, "How should social research education in graduate schools be?", Kwansei Gakuin University 21th COE.)
内海博文, 2008b, 「『しんどさ』の魅力とその再配分」NPO法人日本スローワーク協会会報『スローワーク』7月号. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008b, Attractiveness of ‘busyness’ and its and redistribution, Newsletter Slow Work, NPO Association for slow work, July.)
内海博文, 2008c,「『社会』は経済と対立するのか?」NPO法人日本スローワーク協会会報『スローワーク』12月号. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2008c, Is ‘society’ opposed to the economy?, Newsletter Slow Work, NPO Association for slow work, December.)
内海博文, 2007a, 「問われるコミュニケーション形式」, Linkage Project実行委員会編, 『Linkage Project Document Book』財団法人大阪都市協会, NPO recip. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007a, Forms of communication to be questioned, Linkage Project Executive Committee Document Book, Osaka City Promotion Association.)
若手研究集合編、2007b,『プロセスを共有する人文学のために──若手研究集合の試み』大阪大学21世紀COEプログラム「インターフェイスの人文学」共同執筆のため本人担当部分抽出不可能). (Young research group ed., For sharing process humanities: An attempt of the young research group, Osaka University the 21st Century COE Program Interface Humanities, Unable to extract partial responsible for co-authorship.)
内海博文, 2007c, 「文化的な生活がなければ、社会なんてものはない」NPO法人日本スローワーク協会会報『スローワーク』12月号. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007c, There is no such thing as a society without cultural living, Newsletter Slow Work, NPO Association for slow work, December.)
内海博文, 2007d, 「近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない」NGOアフリカ友の会会報第88号: 4. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007d, Not near, but not far away, Newsletter of NGO AMIS S’AFRIQUE, vol. 88: 4.)
内海博文, 2006, 「カフェ・コモンズ印象記」NPO法人日本スローワーク協会会報『スローワーク』10月11月合併号. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2006, A notation on Café Commons, Newsletter Slow Work, NPO Association for slow work, December and November.)
NPO法人recip「地域文化に関する情報とプロジェクト」編, 2004, 『NAMURA ART MEETING 04報告書「ミーティングと文化」』(共同執筆のため本人担当部分抽出不可能)。NAMURA ART MEETING 実行委員会. (NPO recip ed., NAMURA ART MEETING 04 Report ‘Meeting and Culture’, NAMURA ART MEETING executive committee, Unable to extract partial responsible for co-authorship.)
内海博文, 2015a, 「表象への問いとそれが意味する若干のことがらについて:グローバリゼーション時代における個人と社会のためのエッセー」第14回追手門学院大学アジア学科研究会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015a, Questions on representations and some things that they mean: essays for individuals and society in the age of globalization, The 14th Otemon Gakuin University Asian Studies Group, Otemon Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2015b, 「国際看護学はどこまで現地の「文化」を尊重すればいいのか:国際看護学はたぶんそれほど特別ではなく、それなりに楽しくすらあるかもしれないことについて」東京医療保健大学東が丘・立川看護学部. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015b, How far the international nursing should respect the local 'culture'?: International nursing probably is not so special and maybe fun as it is’, Tokyo Healthcare University Higashigaoka/Tachikawa Department of Nursing.)
内海博文, 2015c, 「『社会の変化という夢』から見えてくること:現代において社会変動について語るということ2」社会変動論研究会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015c, What we can see from ‘The dream of social change’: how should we talk about social change in the present age part 2, Social change research group, Osaka Sangyo University.)
内海博文, 2015d, 「現代において社会変動について語るということ:つながりと創発の社会変動論にむけて」社会変動論研究会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015d, How should we talk about social change in the present age?: towards the theory of social change on connections and emergencies, Social change research group, Osaka Sangyo University.)
内海博文, 2015e, Asia Pacific Student Leaders Conference (APSLC) 2015ゲスト講義, 追手門学院大学教育開発センター. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015e, Guest lecture, Asia Pacific Student Leaders Conference (APSLC), Otemon Gakuin University Educational Development Center, Otemon Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2014a, 「Developmentの戦後史」社会変動論研究会, 大阪産業大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014b, The post-war history of ‘development theory’, Social change research group, Osaka Sangyo University.)
内海博文, 2014b, 「社会学的グローバリゼーション論・序説」社会変動論研究会, 於大阪産業大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014c, Theory of sociological globalization: an introduction, Social change research group, Osaka Sangyo University .)
内海博文, 2014c, 「グローバリゼーションと大学:『シリーズ大学1 グローバリゼーション、社会変動と大学』(広田照幸・吉田文ほか編, 岩波書店, 2013)を手がかりに」木曜の会, 於追手門学院大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014e, Globalization and university: reading Series University 1 Globalization, Social Change and University" (Teruyuki Hirota, Yoshida Fumi et al, ed., Iwanami Shoten, 2013), Thursday Society, Otemon Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2013, 「距離の問題と変化の学習:近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない」社会変動論研究会「グローバリゼーションと社会変動」, 大阪産業大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2013, Distance problem and learning about change: not near, but not too far, Social change research group, Osaka Sangyo University.)
内海博文, 2010, 「社会概念を再考する──グローバリゼーション時代の社会変動論にむけて」, 第1回社会変動論研究会「グローバリゼーションと社会変動」, 大阪産業大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2010, Reconsidering the concept of society: towards the theory of social change in the era of globalization, Social change research group, 1st workshop ‘Globalization and social change’, Osaka Sangyo University.)
内海博文, 2007a, 「中央アフリカ共和国における『アフリカ友の会』の活動について」〈リスクと公共性〉研究会, 於京都大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007a, On the activities of the AMIS D’ AFRIQUE in Central African Republic, ‘Risk and Publicness’ Study Group, Kyoto University.)
内海博文, 2007b, 「それは「調査」か、と言われると──大学やNPO・NGOが「研究」について考えさせてくれたこと」ワークショップ「多文化と幸せ」関西学院大学21世紀COEプログラム. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007b, When it is said that is it an ‘investigation’?: what the university and NPO/ NGO made me think about ‘investigation’, Workshop ‘Multicultural and happy’, Kwansei Gakuin University 21st century COE program, Kwansei Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2007c, 「映像を社会調査に用いるとはどういうことか−社会調査と「社会」の現代的変容という観点から−」2007年度 COEプログラム連続シンポジウム「大学院における社会調査教育はどうあるべきか」(第2回)「映像と社会調査」, 於関西学院大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007c, What does it mean to use video for social investigation?: from the viewpoint of the modern transformation of social research and ‘society’, The 2nd COE Program Symposium ‘Video and Social Survey’, Kwansei Gakuin University.)
内海博文, 2007d, 「グローバリゼーションと社会:厚東洋輔報告「グローバリゼーションと社会概念の変容」への一応答」大阪大学21世紀COEプログラム「インターフェイスの人文学」トランスナショナリティ研究プロジェクト公開ワークショップ「グローバル化とシティズンシップ——その問題の諸相をめぐって」, 於大阪大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007e, Globalization and Society: a response to KOTO Yosuke’s paper ‘Globalization and transformation of the concept of ‘society’, Osaka University 21st Century COE Program Workshop ‘Globalization and Citizenship: on the aspects of its problem’, Osaka University.)
内海博文, 2006, 「人間の安全保障と秩序問題の現在──9.11以後の、2つのトランスナショナルな政治的秩序をてがかりに」, 第71回トランスナショナリティ研究セミナー, 公開講座・連続セミナー「グローバル化とシティズンシップ」第5回, 於大阪大学. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2006, The current situation of the human security and the problems of order: based on the two transnational political order after 9. 11, the 71st Transnationality Research Seminar, Open Lecture, Continuous Seminar ‘Globalization and Citizenship’, Osaka University.)
内海博文, 2019, 「アフリカという鏡:国際看護学の想像力」, アフリカ友の会アフリカセミナー, 北区立赤羽文化センター.
内海博文, 2019, 「測りすぎの時代のなかの対人援助:その状況に対する処方箋」, FOYER ekoda.
内海博文・櫛引由希子・リリィ, 2019, 「中央アフリカについて考える会トーク企画:近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない」, 中央アフリカについて考える会, 第8弾旅するYogiYogi:大阪・茨木編, Art Space Blanco.
内海博文, 2019, (聞き手)「聞かせて!下郡竜太郎さん/(社福)のぞみ福祉会理事・精神保健福祉士」, トーク企画「聞かせて!シリーズ」, 第8弾 旅するYogiYogi:大阪・茨木編, Art Space Blanco.
内海博文, 2018a,「聞かせて!細川英雄さん(言語文化教育研究所八ヶ岳アカデメイア主宰)」, YogiYogi企画トークイベントの聞き手, ギャルリ・イグレグ八が岳. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018a (forthcoming), ‘Let me hear it! HOSOKAWA Hideo san (representative of Research Center for Language and Cultural Education Yatsugatake Akademeia), Interviewer on the talk event with Hideo HOSOKAWA by YogiYogi, Galli Egleg Yatsugatake.)
内海博文, 2018b,「ヴェネツィア見聞録」, YogiYogi企画トークイベントの話し手, ギャルリ・イグレグ八ヶ岳. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018b (forthcoming), An observation of Venezia, speaker on the talk event by YogiYogi, Galli Egleg Yatsugatake.)
内海博文, 2018c,「聞かせて!下郡さん(ブルーリボン代表):障がいのある方の地域生活」, YogiYogi企画トークイベントの聞き手, 太陽とごはん. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018c (forthcoming), ‘Let me hear it! Shimogori-san (Blue Ribbon representative, Social Welfare Corporation Nozomi Fukushi Kai, Suita): the Regional life of people with disabilities, Interviewer on the talk event with SHIMOGORI Ryutaro by YogiYogi, Taiyo to Gohan.)
内海博文, 2018d,「ヴェネツィア見聞録」, YogiYogi企画トークイベントの話し手, 太陽とごはん. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2018d (forthcoming), An observation of Venezia, speaker on the talk event by YogiYogi, Taiyo to Gohan.)
櫛引祐希子・内海博文, 2017, (企画・講演)「中央アフリカについて考える会・第4回企画 中央アフリカ共和国の表象を再構築する:「海外取材番組『アフリカ大陸を行く』」(1959〜1960)を中心に」, 中央アフリカについて考える会, 於追手門学院大阪梅田サテライトセミナールーム. (UTSUMI Hirofumi and KUSHIBIKI Yukiko, Reconstructing the Representation of the Central African Republic: Focusing on "International Gathering Program" Going African Continent "(1959-1960)’, The 4th meeting for thinking about Central Africa, Planner and speaker, Meeting for thinking about Central Africa, Otemon Gakuin University Osaka Umeda satellite seminar room.)
内海博文, 2016a,「聞かせて!下郡さん(ブルーリボン代表) 精神保健福祉士の現場」, YogiYogi企画トークイベントの話し手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016a, ‘Let me hear it! Shimogori-san (Blue Ribbon representative): The field of mental health care worker’, Interviewer on the talk event with SHIMOGORI Ryutaro by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2016b, 「旅する中央アフリカ共和国」徳永瑞子(NGOアフリカ友の会代表)・小沢まゆ(YogiYogi店主)・かみおひとみ(絵本作家・イラストレーター)・いしいまゆみ(絵本作家・イラストレーター)によるトークイベントの司会・聞き手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016b, ‘Traveling Central African Republic, Interviewer on the talk event with Mizuko TOKUNAGA (NGO AMIS D’ AFRIQUE, representative, Mayu OZAWA (YogiYogiOwner), Hitomi KAMIO (Picture book writer/illustrator), and Mayumi ISHII (Picture book writer/illustrator) by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2016c, 「『ドイツの地方都市はなぜクリエイティブなのか:質を高めるメカニズム』刊行記念トークイベント」高松平藏さんによるトークイベントでの司会・聞き手, 四貫島Port. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016c, Interviewer on Publication commemoration talk event with Heizo Takamatsu, Why are German local cities creative?: Mechanism to enhance quality”, NPO recip, Shikanjima port.)
内海博文, 2016d, 「地域のなかの福祉資源、地域をこえる福祉資源」話し手:下郡竜太郎さん(社会福祉法人のぞみ福祉会・ブルーリボン代表/精神保健福祉士)とリリィさん(YogiYogi店主), によるトークイベントの聞き手, ル・パルク 吹田市千里山東. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016d, ‘Welfare resources in the region, welfare resources over the region’, Interviewer on the talk event with SHIMOGORO Ryutaro (Blue Ribbon representative, Social Welfare Corporation Nozomi Fukushi Kai, Psychiatric Social Workers) and Mayu OZAWA (YogiYogi owner) by YogiYogi, Le Parc Suita-shi Senriyama Higashi.)
内海博文, 2016e, (企画・講演)「中央アフリカについて考える会・第4回企画 なんでもない普通の生活が遠のいていく:看護師の見た中央アフリカ共和国」, 中央アフリカについて考える会, 於追手門学院大阪梅田サテライトセミナールーム. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2016e, 3rd meeting for thinking about Central Africa ‘Ordinary life goes away: Central African Republic seen by nurses’, Planner and speaker, Otemon Gakuin University Osaka Umeda satellite seminar room.)
内海博文, 2015a, 「それでも、私は恋している:写真で伝える中央アフリカ」(企画、司会), 中央アフリカについて考える会, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015a, ‘Still, I am in love: Central Africa in pictures’, Interviewer on the talk event, Meeting for thinking about Central Africa, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2015b, 「中央アフリカ共和国の現状について」「アフリカ友の会チャリティコンサート」、2015 年 5 月 31 日、カトリック千里ニュータウン教会聖堂. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015b, ‘On the current state of Central African Republic’, AMIS D’ AFRIQUE Charity Concert sponsored by the Senri Africa Tomonokai Support Group, the Catholic Senri New Town Churchs.)
内海博文, 2015c, 「第17回オシゴト動物園 人や土地の空気を伝える~テレビカメラマンのオシゴト、保山耕一さん(フリーランステレビカメラマン)」、司会、2015年6月14日(日), YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015c, The 17th Oshigoto Zoo ‘To tell about people and the air of the land: Oshigoto (work) of TV cameraman, Koichi Hoyama (freelance TV cameraman), Interviewer in the talk event, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2015d, 「聞かせて!下郡さん、大貫さん その2(ブルーリボン職員)」社会福祉法人のぞみ福祉会・ブルーリボンの下郡さん・大貫さんによるトークイベントでの司会・聞き手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015d, ‘Let me hear it! Shimogori-san (Blue Ribbon representative): Shimogori-san and Onuki-san Part 2 (Blue Ribbon representative, Social Welfare Corporation Nozomi Fukushi Kai, Suita)’, Interviewer on the talk event by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2015e, 「聞かせて!下郡さん(ブルーリボン代表)」社会福祉法人のぞみ福祉会・ブルーリボンの下郡さん・大貫さんによるトークイベントでの聞き手・司会, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015e, ‘Let me hear it! Shimogori-san (Blue Ribbon representative): Shimogori-san and Onuki-san (Blue Ribbon representative, Social Welfare Corporation Nozomi Fukushi Kai, Suita)’, Interviewer on the talk event by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2015f, 「聞かせて!「田中加津代さん!(NPO法人弱視の子どもたちに絵本を)」 ~見えにくい、見えない子どもたちにも絵本の楽しみを~」司会・聞き手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015f, ‘Let me hear it! Tanaka Kazuyo-san! (NPO picture books for children with weak sight): Pleasures of picture books for children who are hard to see and invisible’, Interviewer on the talk event by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2015g, 「『アフリカで老いを生きる-看護師・助産師として人々と共に』著者 徳永瑞子さんトークイベント」聞き手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2015g, Interviewer in the publication commemoration talk event, Mizuko TOKUNAGA Live the old in Africa: Together with people as nurses and midwives, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2014a, (企画・講演)「子どもたちに食べさせてあげたい:中央アフリカ共和国からの緊急報告」, 5月17日, 中央アフリカについて考える会, 於追手門学院大阪梅田サテライトセミナールーム. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014a, ‘Food for children: the emergency report from Central African Republic’, Meeting for thinking about Central Africa, Planner and speaker, Otemon Gakuin University Osaka Umeda satellite seminar room.)
内海博文, 2014b, トーク企画「教えて徳永さん!おまけに内海さん!」市営千里山東住宅集会所. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014b, ‘Teach me Tokunaga-san! In addition, Utsumi-san!’, speaker of the Talk event by YogiYogi, Municipal Senriyama East housing meeting place.)
内海博文, 2014c, 「現地の声に耳をすませて―国際看護ってなに?」中央アフリカについて考える会, 於高槻教会右近会館. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2014c, ‘Listen to local voices: What is international nursing?’, interviewer of the talk event with Akiko KATO, Kiyoko OKABE, and Ayako TAKATSUKA (nurses stayed at Central African Republic), Meeting for thinking about Central Africa, Takatsuki Church Takayama Ukon Hall.)
内海博文, 2013a, 「言語を語る:言語と社会」(話し手:櫛引祐希子)、聞き手, YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2013a, ‘Talking about languages: Language and society, Yukiko KUSHIBIKI (Linguistics)’, the interviewer on the talk event by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2013b, 「あってよかった 社会学」(話し手:内海博文)、聞き手:櫛引佑希子, Fine Art & Gifts YogiYogi. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2013b, ‘Sociology for me’, speaker of the talk event by YogiYogi, YogiYogi.)
内海博文, 2013c, 「近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない——中央アフリカ共和国にかんする距離の問題」千里アフリカ友の会支援グループ主催勉強会「アフリカに学ぶ」, 於梅田カトリック教会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2013c, ‘Not near, but not far away: the problem of the distance to the Central African Republic’, speaker of the seminar, Senri Africa Tomonokai Support Group Seminar, ‘Learning from Africa’, Umeda Catholic Church.)
内海博文, 2009, 「アフリカ友の会の活動について」、「「アフリカ友の会」チャリティー・コンサート vol.5 イタリア宮廷のヴァイオリンの調べ」, 千里アフリカ友の会支援グループ主催、於カトリック千里ニュータウン教会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, ‘On the activities of AMIS D’AFRIQUE’, speaker of the talk event, AMIS D’ AFRIQUE Charity Concert vol.5, sponsored by the Senri Africa Tomonokai Support Group, the Catholic Senri New Town Church.)
内海博文, 2007a, 「『ポスト・ナショナル・ソサイエティ』の時代」スローワーク協会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007a, ‘The era of “Post-National Society”’, speaker of the talk event, Slow Work Association.)
内海博文, 2007b,「グローバル化時代の「地域」—「社会の民主化」と情報の活用」地域デザイン講座2007セッション3「地域社会へのフォーカス−写真・映像による記録と発信」第2回, 奈良大学地域連携教育研究センター. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007b, ‘ “Locality” in the age of globalization: ‘Democratization of society’ and utilization of information’, speaker of the lecture, Regional Design Course 2007 Session 3 “Focus on the Community - Recording and Distribution by Photography and Images”, Regional collaborative education research center, Nara University.)
内海博文, 2007c, 「近くはない、でもそう遠くでもない〜今夏現地NGOアフリカ友の会を訪れて〜」アフリカ友の会15周年記念講演、於カトリック千里ニュータウン教会. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007c, ‘Not near, but not far away: visiting the NGO AMIS D’ AFRIQUE in this summer’, speaker of the talk event, The15th-anniversary memorial lecture of NGO AMIS D’ AFRIQUE, Catholic Senri Newtown Church.)
内海博文, 2007d, 「グローバル化のなかで『社会』を想像し直す」, ネットワーク情況・関西第12回公開講座「若者の労働環境」, 於ひとまち交流館京都. (UTSUMI Hirofumi, 2007d, ‘Re-Imagining “society” in globalization’, speaker of the lecture, The 12th open lecture of Kansai by Network Jokyo, ‘Young people's working environment’, Hito machi Exchange Building Kyoto.)
The Japan Sociological Society (April 1997 - present)
European Sociological Association RN 29 (Social Theory) (August 2008 - the present)
European Association Japanese Studies (August 2017- present)
April 2006 - March 2007 Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences Human Science Project Grant
April 1998 - March 2000 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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