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Department of Economics


Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
Anno Tipologia Pubblicazione
2023 Articolo su libro Buia, Raluca Elena; Cavapozzi, Danilo; Pasini, Giacomo; Simonetti, Irene 15 What is the future of (remote) work? in Buia Raluca Elena, Cavapozzi Danilo, Pasini Giacomo, Simonetti, Irene, Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, Berlino/Boston, De Gruyter, pp. 163-172 (ISBN 9783111135908)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5041340
2023 Articolo su libro Agar Brugiavini, Raluca Elena Buia, Irene Ferrari, Ya Gao; Irene Simonetti Work interruptions and medium-term labour market outcomes of older workers during the COVID-19 pandemic , Social, health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from the SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, pp. 150-161 (ISBN 9783111135908; 9783111135779)
DOI - URL correlato - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5063261
2022 Articolo su rivista Irene Simonetti , Michele Belloni , Elena Farina , Francesca Zantomio Labour Market Institutions and Long Term Adjustments to Health Shocks: Evidence from Italian Administrative Records in LABOUR ECONOMICS, vol. 79 (ISSN 0927-5371)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/5005041
2021 Articolo su rivista Brugiavini A.; Buia R.E.; Simonetti I. Occupation and working outcomes during the Coronavirus Pandemic in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGEING, vol. 1, pp. 1-20 (ISSN 1613-9372)
DOI - Scheda ARCA: 10278/3758408
2021 Working paper Agar Brugiavini, Raluca Elena Buia, Irene Simonetti Occupation and working outcomes during the Coronavirus Pandemic (ISSN 1827-3580)
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3743027
2019 Working paper Michele Belloni, Antonella Bena, Elena Farina, Irene Simonetti, Francesca Zantomio Long-run effects of health shocks in a highly regulated labour market
- Scheda ARCA: 10278/3722542