Associate Professor
President of University's Equal Opportunities, Employees’ Well-being and Inclusion Committee
041 234 7253
Scientific sector (SSD)
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi [GSPS-06/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Office hours

IMPORTANT: I am in RESEARCH LEAVE from September 2024 till July 2025. During this period I am not taking new thesis supervision. For the courses of the a.y. 2024/25, please refer to the teachers in charge: Letizia Palumbo for "Migration and Citizenship/Migration and Global transformations", Giulia Garofalo Geymonat forr "Sociologia della famiglia". The course "Social movement studies" has not been assigned yet. "Genere e politiche sociali" will not take place this year. 
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IN ORDER TO TAKE APPOINTMENT WITH ME: Please fill out this form to book an appointment in person. This form instead if you want to book an online meeting. If necessary, please send me by email any material I need to read for our meeting at least one week ahead. 
>>GENERAL NOTICE ABOUT THESIS SUPERVISION: I can supervise the thesis only for students who have done at least one exam with me, with a very good final evaluation. The thesis topic should relate, at least in a broad sense, to the topics dealt with during such exams and in consideration of the overall framework of the corresponding study degree. Given the high number of requests I am receiving, students who want to ask for supervision are advised to do so at least 8 months before the desired thesis defense session. Students from "Lavoro, cittadinanza sociale interculturalità" MA program, can find more information and guidelines under my name, on this moodle . Pw is Tesi22/23.

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