Giovanna CORAZZA
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- Research Grant Holder
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Department of Humanities
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0863-8610
2022 European Commission, Horizon Europe Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027
Call Horizon 2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Postdoctoral Fellowships - Global Fellowships
Funded Project GEODETIC - Geography and Cartography in Dante's Comedy (Project ID 101110048), 2023-2026
Supervisor: Prof. Tiziano Zanato
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Humanities;
University of Notre Dame du Lac (IN, USA), Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Center for Italian Studies;
University of Padua (IT), Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World
2020 European Commission, Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020
Call Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions / Individual Fellowships / Global Fellowships
Project proposal (Proposal ID 101032032): Seal of Excellence 2020 (reserve list)
2019 Ca' Foscari University of Venice, PhD in Italian Studies (XXXI cycle), with full scholarship
Dissertation: Dante cosmographus. Investigation into the reception of real geography in the Divine Comedy both in exegesis of the early centuries and in fourtheenth-century geographic literature
Supervisors: Proff. Saverio Bellomo, Tiziano Zanato; external expert on Geography Prof. Francesco Vallerani
Final evaluation: Excellent cum laude; Prize "Saverio Bellomo" 2019 (1st edition) for a PhD dissertation in Dante Studies and Italian Philology
2018 University of Hamburg (DE) / University of Constance (DE) / Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft
Fellowship for the project: Le geografie della Commedia. Un itinerario per l'immaginario contemporaneo
2015 Ca' Foscari University of Venice / Department of Humanities, Master's Degree in Italian Philology and Literature (single cycle ante D.M. 509/99)
Thesis: Geography and real landscapes in Dante's Divine Comedy. Sources, guides, problems.
Supervisor: Prof. Saverio Bellomo; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Vallerani
Final evaluation: 110/110 cum laude
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