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- Visiting Professor
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Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela Fabris
· Researcher Unique Identifier: ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8009-2042
2012 Habilitation and venia docendi for “Romanische Literaturwissenschaft”
2003 PhD (Doctor philosophiae - Dr.phil), University of Klagenfurt, Austria (with distinction)
1997 Master in Romance Philology, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy (“Summa cum Laude“)
8/2012 – present: Associate Professor of Romance Studies (Italian, Spanish and French Literature and Visual Culture), Department of Romance Studies, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (full time)
9/2020 – present: Visiting Professor, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italy (https://www.unive.it/pag/48129/ )
1/2005 – 8/2012: Assistant Professor for Romance Studies, Department of Romance Studies, University of Klagenfurt, Austria (full time)
2003 Substitute Associate Professor, Department of Romance Studies, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria (full time for 6 months)
Research Interests
Main research areas: Genre Theory in Literary Text and Visual Cultures, Theory of Power and Nomadic Spaces and Heterotopias and Mediterranean Studies, Science Fiction, Game Theory from the 18th century to the Present, Transmedia Aspect in the Games Studies, Literary and Visual Eroticism, Gender Studies and Intersectionality.
Core academic achievements are the publication of a standard text to the theory of Mediterranean literary and film studies (Fabris 2023a) and an open access and in-volume publishing series dedicated to these aspects, including the ecocritical perspective (with the volume Fragile Idylls. For an Ecocriticism of the Mediterranean, forthcoming in January 2025), the increasing attention to the representation of the artificial being (from Leonardo da Vinci to the present), the focus on the sexual and emotional relations between human and artificial being (Fabris 2020a and 2021).
As creator and coordinator of the interdisciplinary Doctoral Program COINT – Comparative Literature, Intermediality, and Transculturality – at the University of Klagenfurt, since 2023, an important contribution is to offer doctoral students an interdisciplinary education, from a humanistic perspective including fields as literary and cultural theories, intermedial aesthetics, transculturality and postcolonial Studies) as well as underrepresented field such as Humans in the Digital Age and Digital Humanities, Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities, Literary Mediation and Processes of Understanding, Gender, Diversity, and Intersectionality. https://www.aau.at/en/doctoral-programme/prospective-doctoral-students/thematic-doctoral-programmes/comparative-literature-transmediality-and-transculturality/
Since 2012, as editor, I have published twelve miscellanies, two of which are dedicated to film studies and one to film studies and videogames (in each of these volumes I am the author of an independent single-signature essay), 10 peer-reviewed essays in journal or conference proceedings of which I am the only author, and over 40 single-signature essays in international conference proceedings and journals in Italian, German, Spanish, French and English. My work was published by the important publishers like Olschki in Florence, De Gruyter in New York / Berlin, Garnier in Paris, in the series “Bonner Romanistischen Arbeiten” by Peter Lang, by Schüren in Marburg, WVT, and in peer-rewieved and important Journals like Edad de Oro, Cinergie. Il Cinema e le altre Arti, Iberomania, Film Konzepte, Studi novecenteschi.
I am co-editor and founder of the series AAIM (Alpe Adria e dintorni, itinerari mediterraei. Letteratura e cinema di confine, from 2020), Berlin, New York: Walter De Gruyter, open access and in book format, https://www.degruyter.com/serial/AAIM-B/html. Currently, 3 volumes have been published; the fourth and fifth are forthcoming. The series deals with literary and film studies in the fields of the Mediterranean Studies. Following the December 2023 release of the volume, edited by me (et al.), Sea of Literature. Towards a Theory of Mediterranean Literature, which has a high circulation and excellent reception, the following volume (Fabris et al. eds) will soon be forthcoming: Fragili idilli. Per un’ecocritica del Mediterraneo, which deals with ecocriticism and aesthetic in Romance literatures and films.
Since September 2024, I have been co-editor of the following international peer-reviewed journal of class A: Studi novecenteschi. Rivista di storia della letteratura italiana contemporanea Pisa, Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, ISSN: 1724-1804. I am also member of the scientific committees of the following journals:
Colloquium - New Philologies (https://colloquium.aau.at/index.php/Colloquium), Creneida. Anuario de Literaturas Hispánicas (https://journals.uco.es/creneida) Quaderni Veneti. Nuova Serie (https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/en/edizioni4/riviste/quaderni-veneti ); SERIARTE. Revista científica de series televisivas y arte audiovisual (https://journals.uco.es/index.php/seriarte); FAVOLA & FIABA (https://www.libraweb.net/sommari_dettaglio.php?chiave=165&dettaglio=202316501 ); SPONDE (https://morepress.unizd.hr/journals/sponde); Ludica. Annali di storia e civiltà del gioco (https://www.fbsr.it/rivista-ludica-2/ ); STUDI GOLDONIANI. Quaderni annuali di storia del teatro e della letteratura veneziana nel Settecento, Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa – Roma (https://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=117&h=857&w=600); ERMENEUTICA LETTERARIA. Rivista internazionale (https://www.libraweb.net/riviste.php?chiave=80&h=438&w=300)
From January 2025, I will be the sole editor of a new international peer reviewed journal entitled Erotic Literature.
Since 2019: I am coordinator of the Double Degree PhD in Italian Studies at the University of Klagenfurt in partnership with the University Ca' Foscari Venice (https://www.aau.at/en/doctoral-programme/prospective-doctoral-students/international-cooperations/italian-studies/)
Since 2023: I am coordinator of an interdisciplinary thematic Doctoral program I conceived titled COINT – Comparative Literature, Intermediality and Transculturality, in which all professors of literature, visual cultures, games studies, and literary education at the University of Klagenfurt participate and in which an average of 15 to 20 doctoral students are enrolled (https://www.aau.at/en/doctoral-programme/thematic-doctoral-programmes/coint-comparative-literature-intermediality-and-transculturality/)
I have been first supervisor of two doctoral dissertations and second supervisor of five doctoral dissertations discussed at the University of Klagenfurt, the University of Graz and Ca' Foscari University Venice.
I am currently first supervisor of six doctoral students and second supervisor of five doctoral students.
I was the leader of the research project “Teaching Italian Literature and Language through text across borders (funded by the oead - Austria's agency for education and internationalisation for the period 2021-2022); Scientific cooperation between the universities of Klagenfurt and Ljubljana.
I am the leader of one of the four WPs (Nr. 3 Transmedial Exchanges) of the international project The Invention of the Lottery Fantasy - A Cultural, Transnational and Transmedial History of European Lotteries. https://www.ntnu.edu/lottery
The project examines the cultural, political, and financial impact of what we call the lottery fantasy, the idea of a sudden, life-changing wealth through the big prize in the lottery. We will examine the lottery fantasy as a cultural figure as it circulated between countries, languages, and different medial forms in Europe, both in the eighteenth century and today. The project was approved by the Research Council of Norway with a total amount of € 1,570,000 and a duration of three years (2022-2024). In this context, a cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Klagenfurt and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in which the latter covered 20% of my salary for three years for my scientific contribution and the management of the WP Transmedial Exchanges
Conception and scientific direction of five international conferences: “Cinerotic. Eroticism in Films and Video Games” (2017), Univ. of Klagenfurt; “Alpe Adria. Letterature e immagini di confine” (2018), Univ. of Klagenfurt; “La dolce vita - Intermediale Annäherungen an Italien” (2019), Univ. of Klagenfurt; “A Sea of Literatures: Theories, Concepts, and Methods of Mediterranean Literary Studies” (2019), University of Graz; 3) “Fragile Idyllen: Für eine Öko-Ästhetik des Mediterranen” (2022), University of Graz
Conception and Scientific Direction of the following panels, workshops and seminars:
the section New Approaches to the Spanish Baroque Novella at the 20th German Hispanic Conference, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2015); two sections at the American Association for Italian Studies Conference (Eroticism in Italian Cinema I and II, 2017); the interdisciplinary Seminar for Doctoral students Italian and Cross Border Studies (2021), Letteratura e imagine (2023) and “«L’incanto è qualcosa di ineffabile». Venezia in letteratura” (2024) and the workshop “Transmedial histories of the eighteenth-century European lottery.” (2023), at the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice.
I was member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Conference Da Dante ad oggi: malattie, epidemie e pandemie nella lingua, nella letteratura e nella cultura (University of Split, Croatia, 2021); of the International Conference Language.Literature.Politics. (Un)doing Nationalism and Resistance (2018, Klagenfurt), of the third annual Conference of the Association for Gender Studies Kritik der Repräsentation. Repräsentation der Kritik (2016, Klagenfurt), of the Seminario Internacional Castillo Solórzano: poeta, dramaturgo, hagiógrafo e historiador (University of Geneva Switzerland, 2016).
I have been invited to give a lecture at 30 International Conferences (for example in 2024 at the Villa Vigoni, Univ. of L’Aquila, Cambridge); on four occasions as keynote speaker (Kassel 2017, Split 2019, Venice 2019, Udine 2020, Procida 2022 and for 2025 Bergen and Seton Hall).
I have been or am a referee for the following international journals and scientific funding organizations: Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica (https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1297 ); Journal of Mediterranean Studies (https://www.um.edu.mt/medinstjournal/ ); Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses (https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/THEL ); Österreichischer Akademischer Austauschdienst (ÖAAD); Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/)
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