Subject expert
www.unive.it/people/pierluigi.camporese (personal record)
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics


Lawyer, dealing with contract law (mainly private construction contracts related to large-scale distribution sector, real estate acquisitions), corporate law (including M&A), and international law, with a particular focus on States’ immunities from domestic jurisdiction, on diplomatic immunities in general and on the recognition and legal regime of foreign legal persons in Italy. Regularly managing mediations, arbitrations, and civil and commercial litigations. Teaching Assistant to the courses of International Law and International Business Law at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


Since 2023 - Second Lieutenant (retd.) | Corpo Militare dell'Associazione dei Cavalieri Italiani del Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta (Roma)

The Military Corps of the Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (ACISMOM) is a Special Auxiliary Corps of the Italian Army, whose institutional purpose is to cooperate with the Italian Army to carry out medical aid activities in circumstances of war, public disasters and emergencies.

Since 2019 - Chief Legal Counsel | Corpo Italiano di Soccorso dell'Ordine di Malta (Roma)

The Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta - CISOM is a Melitense foundation with the purpose of civil, social, health care, humanitarian and cooperation protection, instrumental to the Sovereign Order of Malta. The Corps works to bring assistance and first aid to people in need even in collaboration with the Italian Civil Protection Department. The Corps has over 4,500 effective volunteers and 800 among doctors, psychologists, and nurses in Italy.


2021 - Winter Courses on International Law | The Hague Academy of International Law

2018 - Advanced Course, Vatican Financial and Tax Law | Università LUMSA Roma

2017 - Master's Degree, International Business, Arbitration and Tax Law | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

2012 - Degree, Law | Università degli studi di Padova


2022 - Cross of the Order pro Merito Melitensi | Sovereign Military Order of Malta

2022 - Covid-19 Campaign Medal | Sovereign Military Order of Malta

2014 - Donat of Devotion | Sovereign Military Order of Malta