- Position
- Adjunct Professor
- Website
www.unive.it/people/cristina.beltrami (personal record)
Mantova, 29 July 1973
Based in Venice
PhD Art Historian, Exhibition Curator, Professor of Modern and Decorative Arts
2013 Second PhD degree in Science of the Heritage on the Sculpture at the Venice Biennale (Università degli Studi di Verona, department of History of Art, Archeology, History and Geography)
2005-2006, scholarship on the Futurism archive (Mart Museum, Rovereto -Trento)
2005, degree in History of Art at the Scuola di Specializzazione (Università degli Studi di Udine, 3 years master)
2001 PhD degree in History of Art (The Italian XIX-XX century Heritage in Uruguay (Università degli Studi di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari)
Teaching experiences in
Academy of Fine Arts, Venice
Luiss University, Rome
Shanghai Polytechnic, Venetian term
Università degli Studi, Bergamo
Università degli Studi, Verona
SIE - Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (History of Murano glass)
Warwick University, Venetian term (History of Venetian architecture from the late XIX century to Carlo Scarpa)
Curatorial experiences
2023-2024, One hundred years of NasonMoretti. The history of a Murano glass factory (Museo del Vetro-MUVE, Murano, 18 May 2023 – 6 January 2024)
2023, Massimo Micheluzzi at Negozio Olivetti (Fai-Negozio Olivetti, Piazza San Marco, Venezia, 19 May – 24 September 2023)
2021, Glass Ark. Animals in the Pierre Rosenberg collection (Stanze del Vetro – Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, March-September 2021)
2021, Più vero del vero. Bruno Amadi glass creations at the Natural History Museum (Venice-MUVE, Natural History Museum, September 2021 – February 2022)
2021, Giberto Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga. Ottaviano Augusto in comparison with the antique (Museo nazionale Archeologico, Venice, September 2021)
2021, Perle in fiore. Le conterie di Benedetta Gaggia (September-October 2021, Palazzo Nani Mocenigo, Venice)
2020, creation of the museum dedicated to the Giancarlo De Martiis donation to Palazzo de Nordis (Cividale del Friuli-Udine, 2020, with a complete catalogue of the De Martiis collection).
2019, Maurice Marinot. The glass (monographic exhibition in Stanze del Vetro – Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, March-July 2019)
2019, Corrado Balest. 1923-2016 (Fondazione Olga e Ugo Levi, Venice, January-March 2019).
2011, Scolpire gli eroi. La scultura monumentale italiana (Palazzo della Ragione, Padua) intrusted by the Italian Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri on the occasion of the celebration of the Italian Unification
2011, Millenovecentoundici. The Arts in Veneto and Friuli (exhibition in Palazzo Cossetti, Pordenone)
2010, Cesare Laurenti (1854-1936). An artist of the Venetian symbolism (monographic exhibition in Palazzo Cossetti, Pordenone)
2009, Antonio Vittore Cargnel. 1872-1931 (monographic exhibition in Palazzo Cossetti, Pordenone and Museo Civico di Oderzo-Treviso)
She has been the scientific supervisor of
Lucio Fontana. The sculpture (exhibition and catalogue, Hauser & Wirth gallery, New York, 4 November 2022 – February 2023)
Painting is back (exhibition and catalogue, Gallerie d’Italia, Milan, June-October 2021)
De Chirico (exhibition and catalogue, Palazzo Reale, Milan, September 2019-January 2020)
Lucio Fontana. Walking the space (exhibition and catalogue, Hauser & Wirth gallery - Los Angeles, spring 2020)
International talks
19 June 2023, The Pierre Rosenberg glass collection, Il Circolo – Italian Cultural Association, London
24 January 2023, The tradition of the Murano glass animals, Society for the History of Collecting, London
17 November 2021, The Venice Biennale on the 80s, Ateneo Veneto, Venice
7 September 2021, The Glass Ark. Animals in the Pierre Rosenberg collection, The Venice Glass Week, Venice
9 December 2020, La Biennale del 1948: gli orizzonti dell’arte a Venezia nell’immediato dopoguerra, Ateneo Veneto, Venice
30 January 2020, Ristoranti, gallerie e cinema: una variegata geografia della città, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice
16 May 2019, Maurice Marinot. A European prospective, Venice, Istituto di Storia dell’Arte Fondzione Giorgio Cini
3 June 2018, La salle du rêve à la Biennale du 1907 (The room of the Art of the Dream at the 1907 Venice Biennale), Festival de l’Histoire de l’Art, Fontainebleau (1-3 June 2018)
27 April 2018, Giacomo Cappellin e Parigi, Venice, Istituto di Storia dell’Arte Fondazione Giorgio Cini
29 March 2017, Murano et les artistes, at the International Conference on The artist and the glass, curated by I. Froissard (Marseille-MuCEM).
27-28 April 2016, Venice, The experience of the Venetian masterpieces in the XIX century French literature, at the International Conference on From darkness to light, curated by Rosella Mamoli Zorzi (Società Dante Alighieri), Gabriella Belli (MUVE), Demetrio Sonaglioni (Scuola Grande di San Rocco) and Katherine Manthorne (Graduate Center, NY University)
2016, February, London The Venice Biennale and the Market of Murano Glass (1895-1930), at the International Conference on The Venice Biennale and the Art Market, curated by Marie Cambefort-Tavinor, at the IESA UK, c/o Sir John Soane's Museum, London – Now in The Venice Biennale and the Murano Glass Market: 1895-1930 (Taylor & Francis production).
28 January 2016, Women and patronage in Venice in the XIX and XX centuries: the case of the Marchesa Casati Stampa and Peggy Guggenheim, Istituto Veneto per I Beni Culturali, Venice
11 Mai 2016, La Biennale di Venezia e il mercato del vetro di Murano (1895-1930), in Lo scrittorio della Biennale, I.U.A.V. University, Venice
4-6 December 2015, Paris, Armory Museum: Luigi Russolo: un futuriste à la guerre, paper at the International Conference on Painters and the First World War (Les Peintres et la Première Guerre mondiale) organized by Prof. Anne-Pascale Bruneau-Rumsey and Prof. Séverine Letalleur-Sommer (Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre)
Books and catalogues
NasonMoretti. The history of a Murano glass factory, MarsilioArte, Venice, 2023
Massimo Micheluzzi at Negozio Olivetti, Fai-Grafiche Veneziane, Venice, 2023
La scultura alla Biennale di Venezia (1895-1914): una presenza in ombra, La Biennale di Venezia-ZeL Edizioni, Treviso, 2023
Perle in fiore. Le conterie di Benedetta Gaggia, Grafiche Veneziane, Venice, 2022
La splendeur de Venise et de l'Art moderne. L'incontro tra Emma Ciardi ed Antoine Bourdelle, Istituto Italiano di Cultura (Parigi), ZeL Edizioni, Treviso (French-Italian).
Millenovecentoundici. Le arti in Friuli e Veneto, catalogue of the exhibition by C. Beltrami, Treviso, 2011
Cesare Laurenti (1854-1936). An artist of the Venetian symbolism, ZeL Edizioni, Treviso, 2010
Stefano Zuech (1877-1968), Taio Edizioni, Trento, 2007
Alessandro Giuliari. Un tipo, un carattere, un esempio, Cierre Grafica, Verona, 2008
Un’isola di marmi: la scultura al cimitero di San Michele in Isola a Venezia, Venezia, 2005
Segni e luoghi. Vita e opere di Lino Bianchi Barriviera, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche- Canova Edizioni, Treviso, 2004
L’identità delle arti a Venezia nel Novecento, Marsilio, Venezia, 2002
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