- Academic year
- 2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LM008L (AF:586228 AR:323281)
- Modality
- Blended (on campus and online classes)
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/04
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Where
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding in written productions (official letter, newspaper article, report, etc.) and oral productions in interaction or in continuous production (as simulations of professional activities)
3. Autonomy of judgment. Development of argumentative capacity in French
4. Communication skills developed for a B2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages.
5. Learning skills: learn to draw up articles or recensions
B1 level is needed in order to attend this course and the practice classes during first and second semester.
Prof.ssa Leroy - Monday 10:30-12:00
See also Moodle
First and second semester : language practice
Second semester : French language for IR and diplomacy contents
Module for the second semester (Prof Yannick Hamon)
We will examine topics related to the RIC pathways. 4 main topics will be treated from a contemporary point of viewF
French-Italian relationship
IR and global warming
Arts and diplomacy
Women in IR
News about IR
They will be addressed through documents in French language, taken from magazines, newspapers, essays, etc. They will be the object of understanding, analysis, translation, discussion during the lessons. The linguistic reflection will be focused on the vocabulary also specialized in the fields of study.
B1 Level exercises in the first semester split in two groups, preparatory to B2 Level practice course at the second semestre.
B2 Level exercises in the second semester starting from general issues such as sustainable development, globalization, economic growth, education, and other current issues, the exercises will cover
- written comprehension / production with grammatical review,
- comprehension / oral production with grammatical review.
Referral texts
Stéphane Hessel, Indignez-vous! (2010) et Stéphane Hessel, Gilles Vanderpooten, Engagez-vous ! (2011)
- Jean-Loup Bertaux, Démograpie, climat, migrations: l'état d'urgence (2015, éditions Fauves)
- Aimé Césaire, Discours sur le colonialisme, suivi de Discours sur la Négritude (edition de 2004, présence africaine)
- Alain Badiou, Eloge de la politique 2017 Flammarion
- Josiane Boutet, le pouvoir des mots, 2016, La dispute
- SImone Veil, Une vie
2) All the material provided during the lessons. (It will also be available in the online resources of the Moodle course).
3) A reference grammar among those reported.
Francoise Bidaud, grammaire française pour italophones, UTET,
MC Jamet, Lydia Sattler, Michèle Fourment, Coté grammaire, coté lexique, Minerva, 2017
N. B. Those who already have a complete grammar will use that and do not have to buy a new one.
4) monolingual dictionary:Le Petit Robert de la langue française. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, sous la direction de Josette Rey-Debove et Alain Rey, Paris, Le Robert, u.e.
Assessment methods
A listening comprehension questionnaire (level B2) on topics related to international relations lasting approximately 30 minutes.
A written production: 1:30 essay on a topic related to the exercises (250 words +/- 10%) - Use of the monolingual French and foreign language/Italian dictionary for foreign students
30 points for each test
In addition, in the second semester and as part of the exercises, an optional intermediate oral comprehension test will be assessed and taken into account in the final assessment.
Those who do not take the midterm will only be given one oral comprehension mark
For those who take the midterm, the grade for this part will be obtained from the average of the two tests
Important: listening comprehension and written production must be taken at the same roll.
In the event that the test is failed, it will be possible to retake it at another call.
Module (YHamon)
- an oral assessment on 30 points in French which will focus on a theme chosen from 4 macro topics :
French-Italian relationship
IR and global warming
Arts and diplomacy
Hybrid warfare
Francophonie as an organisation
The ability to use the documentation to propose a personal reasoning (not a catalogue of purely descriptive data), fluency in language and formal correction, originality of the chosen topic, clarity and explanation of the sources of documentation will be appreciated.
The presentation of the topic lasts 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions (always on the chosen topic). The use or not of a presentation (powerpoint, prices...) is at the students' discretion.
Type of exam
Grading scale
Relevance, organisation, clarity: 6 pts
Ability to argue, problematise, articulate a personal reflection: 10 pts
Examples, documentation, quality of support materials : 6 pts
Language: formal correctness (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary): 8 pts
Detail as for language part (according to the nature of errors):
0-2 errors: 8 pts
3-5 errors: 7-6 pts
6-8 errors: 5-4 points
More than 8 errors: 0-3 points (
Teaching methods
- participatory exercises exclusively in French, with debates, collective corrections, etc.
All the material will be available from time to time on