Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0555 (AF:579862 AR:325807)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The course aims at providing an introduction to the analysis of energy systems and technologies, with particular focus on the impact of energy extraction, conversion and use on the emission of green-house gases.
Students will be introduced to the main issues and advantages connected to the use of the different forms of energy (renewable and not renewable). A critical thinking will be encouraged on the topic of energy and use of resources. Subtends will also get basic knowledge on the thermodynamic principles and heat transfer.
Basic Physics concepts.
1) Introduction.
I and Law of Thermodinamics.
Enthalpy, Free energy and Exergy. Energy efficiency indicators.
Thermal conduction, convection and radiation
Energy balances and energy statistics: energy extraction, conversion and use.
Energy and emission of GHG (Green House Gases)
Electric grid and its interaction with the production and the demand
2) Renewable Energy sources.
- Photovoltaics
- Hydroelectric
- Wind
- Solar power
- Geothermal
- Co-generation
- Anaerobic digestion
Lecture notes provided by the teacher.
Students will be assessed based on a colloquium on the main concepts presented in class, in particular there will be two questions:
- one on the first part (thermodynamics concepts)
- one on the second part (energy systems)
written and oral
28-30L: Mastery of the topics covered in lectures and provided materials; ability to prioritize information effectively; use of appropriate technical terminology. Correct execution of the exercise and correct use of units of measurement.
26-27: Good knowledge of the topics covered in lectures; reasonable ability to structure and present information in the open-ended question; familiarity with technical terminology. Mostly correct execution of the exercise and correct use of units of measurement.
22-25: Knowledge of the topics covered in lectures is not always in-depth; occasional misuse of technical terminology; response to the open-ended question includes secondary elements at the expense of fundamental concepts.
18-21: Partial knowledge of the topics covered in lectures and manuals, with some gaps; unclear response to the open-ended question, with limited use of technical terminology. The exercise is only partially correct.

The total score allocation is as follows:

-18 points for the exercise and unit conversions:
1 point for each correct unit of measurement (3 in total).
15 points for the exercise.
-12 points for the open-ended question.
The main theoretical concepts will be introduced in class lectures, using also slides which will be given to the students, and applied by means of simple numerical examples.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2025