Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0134 (AF:577392 AR:326472)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
The course presents a first introduction to formal logic as a rigorous theory of argumentation. The first introductory part is dedicated to the analysis---syntactic and semantic---of different argumentative structures. We will then investigate formal deductive logic. In the first part we will provide a systematic discussion of propositional logic---focusing on the semantics (truth tables, refutation trees). Then we will move to predicate logic and modern theory of quantification. We will privilege a semantic approach in this case as well (Tarskian model theoretic semantics, refutation trees).

The course is the first introduction to the use of abstract logical formalism that is absolutely necessary for the study of any philosophical topic.
Knowledge and familiarity with formal logic, arguably the most crucial instrument to investigate rigorously philosophical questions.
There are no pre-requisites. All the necessary will be introduced in class. Attendance might not be mandatory, but it is highly recommended
The course consists of 15 sessions, 2 hours each for a 30-hour total. Tentative contents include (L for Logica in Bibliography):

1 Introduction: What is Logic, Why Logic (No reading)
2 Structure of an Argument---(L, Cap. 1)
3 Evaluation of an Argument---(L, Cap. 2).
4 Proposizional Logic 1: Arguments Structure and Connectives---(L, Cap. 3, Sez 3.1-3.2)
5 Proposizional Logic 2: Formalization and Semantics of Logic Operators ---(L, Cap. 3, Sez. 3.3-3.4)
6 Proposizional Logic 3. Truth Tables---(L, Cap. 3, Sez 3.5-3.6)
7 Proposizional Logic 4: Refutation Trees---(L, Cap. 3, Sez 3.7)
8 Proposizional Logic : Conclusion
9 Predicativ Logic 1: Quantifiers, Variables, Names---(L, Cap. 6, Sez 6.1- 6.2)
10 Predicative Logic 2: Language---(L, Cap. 6 Sez 6.3)
11 Predicative Logic 3: Models---(L, Cap.6, Sez 6.4)
12 Predicative Logic 3: Validity--(L, Cap. 6, Sez 6.5)
13 Predicative Logic 5: Refutation Trees---(L, Cap. 6, Sez 6.6)
14 Predicative Logic 6: Logic of the Identity---(L, Cap. 6, Sez 6.7)
15 Preparation to the Exam---(No Reading)

The text---relevant chapters are indicated in Schedule---is

Varzi, A., Nolt, J. Rohatyn, D. 2022. Logica (III edizione), Milano: McGraw Hill. (L)
Class participation, exercises

The exam will consist of a written assignment at the end of the course, with different exercises on topics 2-14 in Schedule. A detailed description of the structure of the exam will be distributed in class and uploaded on moodle. It is absolutely recommended to do as many exercises as possible in preparation for the exam. Once again: the material is cumulative. Working of exercises only at the end of the course might be problematic.
To pass the exam 18/30 is needed. 30L is the highest grade.
The course is structured around frontal lectures that encompass exercise sessions. Please note that the material is cumulative: Therefore, it is highly recommended---if not absolutely necessary---to study throughout the course and do not skip topics. One cannot skip topics hoping to catch up at a later time.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2025