Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM602P (AF:576231 AR:323908)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
This is a fundamental course for the two-year master's level programme in Comparative International Relations and contributes to the achievement of the linguistic objectives of the course of study. The aim of the module, which focuses on the analysis of competing media narratives on international events, backed up by the ‘esercitazioni’, is to bring students to a level of communicative competence in the productive skills of speaking and writing at B2+ level (at least) of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). For those students who have already reached this level, the aim will be to maintain and develop their spoken and written competence, and to enhance their communicative skills (both production and interaction). The main learning goal is to provide students with the tools needed to communicate effectively in an academic and international relations contexts with reference to written and oral production and interaction.
The professor’s module, in cooperation with the annual ‘esercitazioni’ aims to help students advance from level B2 toward level C1 (as per CEFR), with particular reference to oral and written production, in a field of research of interest to the student.
The expected outcomes of the course, referring to the Dublin Descriptors (2nd level degree courses) are as follows:
1) Knowledge and understanding of politico-cultural, social and economic phenomena within the context of globalization and international relations, and the news media, with special reference to the role of English language and translation.
2) Ability to plan and present original research in the field of international relations.
3) Critical awareness and independent judgement, including the ability to identify and use reliable sources in global media networks, and the ability to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in one's own work.
4) Communicative skills in English, both in written and oral production, and in particular oral skills on topics relevant to international relations.
5) Learning skills, related to the development of language competence in the field of international relations, through the evaluation and production of written and oral texts.

Level B2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework)
The title of the module is: English translation, international relations and the news media
The module focuses on the analysis and practice of written and audiovisual translation in English. The texts will be related to the production and distribution of information on current international events in the media. After a general introduction to journalistic translation, the course will examine the main practices of translation and rewriting of texts on international politics. Students will engage in the analysis and discussion of texts translated into and from English, and more in particular of headlines from newspapers and other online information outlets, and oral texts from political debates and interviews.
The ’esercitazioni’ (CEL) will focus on consolidating students' writing and presentation skills.
Students are recommended to read:
Zanettin, F. (2021) News media translation, Cambridge University Press.
Further study materials will be made available during the course. In addition, students are strongly encouraged to consult online news sources (such as 'The Guardian', which offers free access) and other media which provide extensive updated coverage relating to International issues.
For the 'esercitazioni' the recommended text is:
Bailey, S. (2022) Academic Writing for University Students, London: Routledge.
The exams aim to assess knowledge and understanding, as well as autonomy of judgement and autonomous learning capacity by the students. The expected learning outcomes are assessed through written and oral exams and will take into account students’ active participation in class.
As far as the module is concerned, students will be required to take a written exam as well as sit an oral interview. The written exam consists in an essay of about 1500 words, to be uploaded on Moodle no later than two days before the oral interview. The essay will examine a news text in English and its translation into another language (or viceversa) chosen by the student after consultation with the professor, in class or during office hours.
The oral exam will consist in a short interview (of about 15 minutes), possibly together with other candidates, on the contents of the main referral text, also with reference to the essay.
As for the ‘esercitazioni’, a continuous assessment option is available to students: this will consist in a written test in the first semester and in an oral presentation in the second semester. While it is not mandatory to take the tests during the esercitazioni, they will be taken into account for the overall assessment.
written and oral
Evaluation grid:
28-30L: excellent knowledge of notions presented in class and in reference texts; excellent oral and writtin communicative skills; use of appropriate technical terminology;
26-27: good knowledge of notions presented in class and, to a lesser extent, in reference texts; fair oral and writtin communicative skills; familiarity with technical terminology;
24-25: not always thorough knowledge of notions presented in class and in reference texts; orderly oral and written exposition but with not always correct use of technical terminology;
22-23: often superficial knowledge of notions presented in class and in reference texts; oral and written exposition unclear and lacking in technical terminology;
18-21: knowledge of notions presented in class and in reference texts at times lacking; oral and written exposition confused, with little use of technical terminology.
Module: Lectures, class discussion, translation and other writing activities.
Esercitazioni: Students should attend both classes for language practice of the lettorato: Academic writing skills and Presentation skills.

Teaching language: English
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/03/2025