Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0668 (AF:575973 AR:323088)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The teaching falls within the basic educational activities of the degree course in Computer Science.
The course emphasizes the hardware/software interface of computers: students will learn the foundations and the basics techniques involved in the design of the main components of a computer: Processor - Input/Output - Memory.
It also permits to deepen the knowledge on the machine/assembly levels of a conventional computer.
The course aims at the following results.

Knowledge and understanding. The student:
- Will master the specific technical terminology.
- Will be able to recognize and understand the theoretical foundations and techniques for designing the main components of a computer.
- Will be familiar with the digital information representation and the Boolean logic operations.
- Will understand the complexity of modern computer architectures and their influence on software design and performance.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

The student will be able to carry out exercises applying the knowledge acquired in the various topics of the course; in particular, on the representation and conversion of integer numeric values, on the implementation of logical circuits, on the parallelism at instructions level (pipeline), on the implementation of the memory hierarchies.
- Basics of mathematics and logic.
- Computer organization and abstraction levels
- Information representation, computer arithmetics, Boolean algebra
- Machine instructions: MIPS processor, basic notions
- Combinatorial/sequential circuits
- Advanced CPU project and instruction level parallelism: pipeline
- Memory hierarchies: cache
- Virtual memory
- Input and Output
- David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy. "Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface", 6th edition (2020). ISBN: 9780128201091
- Professor's and tutoring lecture notes.
The exam is written with a time limit of 2 hours.
The aim of the test is to verify the student proficiency and knowledge of the various topics covered during the course, including theoretical questions and practical exercises requiring a direct application of theoretical knowledge.

The exam will include practical exercises and theoretical open-ended questions. The total score (30 points) is assigned as follows:
Exercise (4 points): Information representation, combinatorial/sequential circuits
Exercise (5 points): Cache memory
Exercise (5 points): Dependencies between instructions in pipelined CPU, performances
Theoretical open-ended questions (total 16 points) on the course topics.
- Frontal theoretical lessons
- Practical examples are shown by the teacher on emulators
- Exercises
Definitive programme.