Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0681 (AF:575920 AR:323040)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The teaching falls within the basic educational activities of the degree course in Computer Science.
It allows for learning foundations and techniques for the design of the main components of a computer: Processor - Input/Output - Memory.
It also permits to deepen the knowledge on the machine / assembly levels of a conventional computer.
Finally, the course emphasizes the hardware/software interface of computers.
Knowledge and understanding.

The student will have mastered the specific technical terminology.
She will be able to recognize and understand the theoretical foundations and techniques for designing the main components of a computer.
She will have knowledge on representation of information and on Boolean logic operations.
She will understand the complexity of modern computer architectures, and their influence on software design and performance.
Furthermore, the student will acquire knowledge on the level of machine / assembly programming, and on the translation of simple high-level programs in assembly language.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.

The student will be able to carry out exercises aimed at applying the knowledge acquired in the various topics of the course; in particular, on the representation of integer and real numeric values, on the logical design of circuits, on the parallelism at the level of instructions, on the realization of the various levels of memory hierarchies, on assembly translation of high-level imperative programs.
No specific preliminary knowledge is required.
- Computer organization and levels of abstraction
- Information representation, computer arithmetics, Boolean algebra
- Machine instructions: MIPS processor, basic notions
- Combinatorial/sequential circuits
- CPU project: single cycle and pipeline
- Memory hierarchies
- Input/Output
- David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy. "Struttura e Progetto dei Calcolatori" Quinta edizione italiana condotta sulla sesta Edizione americana. Zanichelli, 2022.
- Note del docente.
The exam is composed of two parts.
The first is concerned with a set of theoretical open-ended questions, which aims to test the proficiency of the student with respect to the various topics of the course and the specific technical terminology.
The second part of the exam is related to the skill assessment, through the solution of exercises on the course subjects.

The written test is evaluated by assigning about 35% of the total score to the questions and the remaining 65% to the exercises.
The course uses classical frontal teaching, with theoretical lessons and exercises.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.