- Academic year
- 2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT1110 (AF:575184 AR:322401)
- Modality
- Blended (on campus and online classes)
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Subdivision
- Surnames F-O
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/02
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
‘Language learning and teaching’ is one of the characterising courses of the degree Languages, Civilisation and Language Sciences where the student can acquire knowledge and understanding of the basic principles underpinning the field of Educational Linguistics and, more specifically, the field of Foreign Language Teaching.
The aim of the course is to develop knowledge of the basic principles underlying language acquisition/learning and the teaching of foreign/second languages, highlighting also the cultural aspects, and to develop the ability to understand their application. Moreover, the historical development of the language teaching and questions related to the evaluation of the language are going to be faced.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will acquire and be able to apply basic knowledge of language teaching during the course.
The students will acquire basic knowledge and comprehension regarding: underlying theoretical principles of language teaching; theories of language acquisition; historical development of language teaching; culture in the teaching of languages and evaluation of the language.
The students will acquire the skills to: make connections between theory and its implications for practice; analyze teaching materials; elaborate exercises and tasks for a given group with specific needs; analyze a situation for language teaching intervention.
Knowing how to organise a course matching the requirements of the context and to evaluate teaching materials.
Mastery of the LSP of Language Teaching research.
Note taking, participating in research and work groups, organising autonomous research, carrying out field research.
There are no prerequisites.
Different topics are introduced: the notion of communicative competence; language aptitude and attitude; teaching and learning grammar and lexicon; developing language skills; technology and learning/teaching languages; CLIL methodology and LSP; intercultural communication and evaluation.
A videocourse - MEAL - in the 'studia con noi' section of the university website summarizes the contents above.
Referral texts
SERRAGIOTTO G., Dalle microlingue disciplinari al CLIL, Torino, Utet Università, 2014
If the student wants to encrease his or her mark, it is possible to write a paper about one of the following books in Italian, or other books in otehr languages, according to personal interests.
Italian books:
-BALBONI, P.E., Didattica dell’italiano come lingua seconda e straniera, Torino, Bonacci-Loescher, 2014
- BALBONI P.E., Fare Educazione Linguistica, Torino, Utet Universita, 2013 edition
- CAON F., SERRAGIOTTO G (a cura di), Tecnologia e didattica delle lingue, Torno, Utet Università, 2012
- DALOISO M., La lingua straniera nella scuola dell'infanzia, Torino, Utet Università, 2011
Assessment methods
Oral exam with open questions based on "Le sfide di Babele" and on topics discussed during lessons.
A paper (to be delivered by mail before the exam about one of the volumes in the second part of the bibliography, or about any other topic decided with the teacher's supervision, may be added by students wanting to increase the final note. The paper deals first with the topic of the volume, summarizing it; then it provides personal opinions about the volume and the topic. Please don't exceed 10 pages, 50% for the summary section and 50% for the personal comment.
The paper gives 0, 1 or 2 points; it must be sent by email to at least one week before each session of exams.
The online part can recognize up to two points for the final exam according to the activities carried out.
Type of exam
Grading scale
- sufficient knowledge and applied understanding with reference to the syllabus;
- limited ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- sufficient communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language.
B. scores in the 23-26 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- discrete knowledge and applied understanding with reference to the syllabus;
- discrete ability to collect and/or interpret data, making autonomous judgements;
- fair communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language.
C. scores in the 27-30 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- good or very good knowledge and applied understanding with reference to the syllabus;
- good or very good ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- fully appropriate communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language.
D. honours will be awarded in the presence of knowledge and ability of applied understanding with reference to the
programme, judgement and communication skills, excellent.
Teaching methods
Lectures, on line, pair work.