- Academic year
- 2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT005C (AF:564713 AR:326334)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-OR/12
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Where
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Objectives of the course are: to acquire knowledge of the first and fundamental phonological, morphological and syntactic elements and to develop skills in the competence of the Arabic language in the context of simple communicative situations, as well as in the reading and interpretation of easy texts.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Knowledge of the sounds of the modern standard Arabic language.
• Knowledge of the Arabic alphabet and the spelling and the transliteration system in Latin letters.
• Knowledge of the necessary phrases in elementary communication contexts.
• Knowledge of the basic aspects of the standard Arabic language in relation to the nominal and verbal system, including inflection, and to the sentence types and their fundamental and complementary elements.
• Knowledge of the basic principles of entries order in bilingual Arabic dictionaries.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
• Knowing how to correctly articulate the sounds of the modern standard Arabic language.
• Know how to use read and write the Arabic alphabet and related spelling, and know how to use the transliteration system in Latin letters.
• Knowing how to correctly use sentences necessary in the most basic communication contexts.
• Knowing how to properly use basic grammatical knowledge in reading and understanding written texts.
• Being able to use a bilingual Arabic dictionary.
3. Ability to judge
• Know how to use the tools made available to evaluate one's level of knowledge, skills and language skills.
4. Communication skills
• Knowing how to communicate the specificities of linguistic analysis, using appropriate terminology.
5. Learning skills
• Knowing how to relate the different contexts of study and apply their knowledge, skills and abilities for personal and professional growth.
• basic grammatical notions on nominal morphology (e.g. plurals), verbal (e.g. simple and derived forms of the verbs) and syntax (types of sentences simple / compound ): 30 hours of lectures
• application of the above knowledges for the development of active and passive skills and training for linguistic interaction in simple communicative contexts: 120 hours of exercises.
A tutoring service is available to students in acquiring knowledge and developing skills.
Referral texts
Deheuvels, J-L., Grammatica Araba, Bologna, 2010-2011 e successive edizioni (vol. 1)
Pe, A., Esercizi di arabo con tutte le soluzioni, Milano, 2005.
Solimando, C., Salem, A., Impara l'arabo conversando, Roma, 2011.
Baldissera, E., Il dizionario di Arabo. Dizionario Italiano-Arabo/Arabo-Italiano. 2ed. Bologna: Zanichelli, 2014.
Reference grammar:
Mion, G., D'Anna, L., Grammatica di arabo standard moderno: fonologia, morfologia e sintassi, Milano, Hoepli, 2021.
Students are invited to enroll in the virtual class “Lingua Araba 1 – LT005C” ( ) in order to practice and memorize the vocabulary studied in class.
Useful resources and sites: || Interactive Arabic: || Dunya fii Lubnaan Storybook || Qutrub: || Dictionaries and glossaries: Ejtaal: (Ejtaal > Arabic Almanac: online version of famous dictionaries of modern standard and classical Arabic e.g. Wehr, Kazimirski, Lane) || Almaany: .
Assessment methods
The 12 credits associated with the teaching of Arabic Language 1 are obtained at the time of verbalizing the exam, i.e. after passing both the written and oral exam.
Type of exam
Grading scale
A. Scores in the 18-22 range will be awarded in the presence of: Sufficient knowledge and applied comprehension of the program;
B. Scores in the 23-26 range will be awarded in the presence of: Fair knowledge and applied comprehension of the program;
C. Scores in the 27-30 range will be awarded in the presence of: Good or excellent knowledge and applied comprehension of the program;
D. Honors will be awarded in the presence of excellent knowledge and applied comprehension of the program.
Teaching methods
Teaching is organized in:
a) lectures;
b) exercises
A tutoring service is available to students.