Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
R25220 (AF:553948 AR:314733)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Corso di Dottorato (D.M.226/2021)
Educational sector code
The Language Sciences curriculum is aimed at the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and at the development of critical skills that allow PhD students comprehending language phenomena in all their complexity, thereby developing the relevant skills to design researches aimed at the acquisition of new data and their analysis, as well as proposing applicative interventions with social and cultural impact. The curriculum includes a wide array of language research perspectives (formal, sinchronic, diachronic, philological, sociolinguistic, computational, language educational analysis, applied to bilingual and bimodal contexts) which are addressed with experimental methodologies that use sophisticated instruments (exe-trackers, fNIRS) and advanced statistical analysis models.
The present module is inserted within the doctoral programme in Language Sciences and is aimed at the thorough understanding of themes linked to Germanic Philology and Linguistics and to Digital Philology.

-Thorough understanding of the linguistic and textual Lombard heritage
-Knowledge and ability to apply philological methodologies for the processing, including digital processing, of texts, especially through the EVT software
-Ability to critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise new and complex ideas, in order to contribute to the refinement of theoretical models and applied methodologies within the discipline of Germanic Philology and Linguistics
-Ability to communicate with peers and with the broader community of scholars in Germanic Philology and Linguistics, by presenting one’s research in oral and written form in the semester papers of the relevant year.
Knowledge and skills verified during the selection process:

Excellent knowledge of the main topics of Germanic Philology and Linguistics
Base knowledge of linguistics
Good knowledge of instruments for Digital Philology and visualization and XML Editing tools such as Edition Visualization Technology and Oxygen XML Editor.
The seminars are structured in two main areas:

The cultural and linguistic heritage of the Lombards
Prof. Chiara De Bastiani (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia), 16 h:
This seminar series aims to investigate the cultural and linguistic heritage of Lombard origin in Italy and the influence of the Lombard language on the Italian language. After introducing the textual tradition and studies on the Lombard language, Lombard cultural heritage items in Veneto and the connection of this Germanic population with the lagoon city and its surroundings will be presented.

Applicative workshop about EVT3
Prof. Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (Università degli Studi di Torino), 14 h:
EVT is the visualization software used, inter alia, in the PNRR PRIN 2022 project on the Leges Langobardorum. The creator of the software, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, will hold a hands-on workshop specifically on the new features of version 3, currently under development.
More info:

Buzzoni, M. 2018. Lombard terms and Latin glosses from the Codex Eporedianus of the Edictum Rothari , Studies on Late Antique and Medieval Germanic Glossography and Lexicography in Honour of Patrizia Lendinara, Pisa, ETS, vol. I, pp. 58-70 (ISBN 978-884675417-2)
Buzzoni, M. & Rosselli Del Turco, R. 2024. Il lessico longobardo delle migrazioni tra storia e leggenda, Alla conquista del codice scritto. La lingua delle leggi longobarde e visigotiche, Berlin, de Gruyter (ISSN 2627-3950)
Francovich Onesti, N. 1999. Vestigia longobarde in Italia. Lessico e Antroponimia. Artemide.
Zanella, A. (a cura di) 2018. Storia dei Longobardi di Paolo Diacono. BUR classici greci e latini.
Cacioli, Giulia, Giacomo Cerretini, Chiara Di Pietro, Sara Maenza, Roberto Rosselli Del
Turco and Simone Zenzaro. 2022. “There and back again: what to expect in the next EVT
version”. In Fabio Ciracì, Giulia Miglietta, Carola Gatto (eds.), AIUCD 2022 - Digital
cultures. Intersections: philosophy, arts, media. Proceedings of the 11th national conference,
Lecce, 1-3 June 2022: 212-217. .
The acquisition of the knowledge and critical skills will be checked through the term papers and oral presentations that the PhD students must hand in by the end of the semester.
not present
interactive seminars in presence, hands-on sessions
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 25/09/2024