Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0624 (AF:525977 AR:292804)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The course is part of the basic training activities of the Master's degree course in ‘Work, Social Citizenship, Interculturality’, which provide students with specialised knowledge and keys to understanding the characteristics and social processes of contemporary society. The course provides fundamental concepts and tools for analysing the social phenomenon of racism and for addressing the issue of interculturality. In particular, the teaching aims at the following objectives: to provide basic knowledge of the social foundations of racism and the processes of racialisation; to provide in-depth knowledge on the dimensions and forms of historical and contemporary racism; to deepen the issues related to cultural pluralism; to focus on interculturality in terms of global citizenship; to equip students with competences and skills concerning intercultural relations to be applied in social work.
At the end of the course the student:
- is in possession of the theoretical framework and conceptual references for the study of racism and interculturalism, as elaborated by the most recent studies;
- possesses a general framework of the phenomenon of racism, its generative causes and the forms it has taken over time and space;
- knows the specific terminology, the main research themes and problems of the field of study related to racism and interculturalism;
- possesses an in-depth knowledge of racism, anti-racist practices and intercultural relations and related social, political and cultural processes;
-has knowledge of the ways in which ethno-racial discrimination is reproduced.
- will be introduced to post- and de-colonial perspectives and critical race studies, around the themes of racism, migration, modernity
-knows methods for social research on the topics of racism with a focus on qualitative, creative and visual methods.
No prerequisites are required.
- Theoretical aspects, socio-historical foundations and general characteristics of racism.
- Elements and dimensions of racial doctrine: racism as ideology; the mystifications of racial doctrine.
- Post- and de-colonial perspectives, and critical race studies, around the themes of racism, migration, modernity.
- The social construction of race and the processes of racialisation of the other.
- Forms of racism yesterday and today: Islamophobia, Romaphobia and anti-Gypsyism, Sinophobia, Afrophobia, environmental racism, welfare racism, anti-meridionalism. Feminist and intersectional perspectives.
-Everyday anti-racism and cognitive practices
- Racism and anti-racism in educational contexts
- Media, visuality and counter visuality: reproduction and contestation of racial hierarchies.
- Cultural pluralism, multiculturalism, interculturality; interculturality and artistic expressions: literature, poetry, music, theatre.
- Intercultural social practices; cases, good practices, projects for interculturality and global citizenship.
- Doing (visual) research on racisms: decolonising the imaginary, learning to see racisms.
1 libro sul razzismo (eventuali personalizzazioni da concordare con la docente, sarà fornita una lista di letture facoltative o alternative):
Davis, A. (2018), Donne Razza e Classe, Alegre
Frisina A. (2020), Razzismi contemporanei. Le prospettive della sociologia, Carocci, Roma
Hawthorn, C., (2023), Razza e cittadinanza, Astarte
Guillamin C., L' ideologia razzista, Il Melangolo (ed. or. 1973).

Integrazione obbligatoria per non frequentanti :
Akotirene, C. (2022), Intersezionalità, Capovolte
Perocco F. (2022), The System of Racial Discrimination in the Italian Welfare State in Perocco, F. (ed) Racism in and for the Welfare State, Palgrave

1 libro sull’intercultura (eventuali personalizzazioni da concordare con la docente, sarà fornita una lista di letture facoltative o alternative)
Agostinetto, L. (2002), L’intercultura in testa. Sguardo e rigore per l'agire educativo quotidiano, Franco Angeli
Burgio, G. (2022), Pedagogia postcoloniale. Prospettive radicali per l’intercultura, Milano, Franco Angeli
Cabiati E., Intercultura e social work, Erickson

Integrazione obbligatoria per non frequentanti :
Burgio, G., Vaccaro, L. P. (2023), Oltre l’intercultura. Prospettive postcoloniali, decoloniali e trasformative, Quaderni di Intercultura Anno XV/2023
Frisina A., Farina, F. G., Surian A. (a cura di) (2021), Antirazzismo e scuole. Vol.1 , Padova: Padova University Press (digital edition), open access (capitoli da concordare)
Frisina A., Farina F. G., Surian A. (a cura di) (2023), Antirazzismo e scuole. Vol. 2 , Padova: Padova University Press (digital edition), open access (capitoli da concordare)

Individual or group paper to be agreed with the lecturer (option valid only for those attending). Evaluation will also be based on active participation in class (individual and group oral presentations). Written assignment (for non-attending students), open questions on the cours programme. The exam aims to test: the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and content of the course; the ability to apply knowledge and understanding; the ability to make connections and links; the ability to revise in a personal manner.
face-to-face and interactive lectures
Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion
Ca' Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities (Law 17/1999), and specific learning impairments (Law 170/2010). If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact the Disability and Accessibility Offices in Student Services:

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 30/12/2024