Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0256 (AF:525956 AR:292944)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames A-L
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The teaching is part of the integrative disciplines of the Bachelor’s degree course in Humanities. It aims to ensure students, for the chronological reference period, the knowledge of the events, of the respective links between cause and effect (also in relation to the literary and artistic activity) and of the main interpretative strands transmitted by the sector literature, of the bases of the research methodology in the disciplinary field (in particular, of the tools for the interpretation of the sources useful for the historical survey). A further purpose is that of acquiring skills such as the capacity for a critical approach to modern staging and scientific communication transmitted also through the main IT tools and telematic communication.

The disciplinary and methodological purposes of teaching are to ensure knowledge of the history of medieval Europe from the crisis of the late antiquity to the thresholds of the modern age (centuries V-XV) - with particular reference to cause-effect links - of the main and most updated interpretative lines of the phenomena and topics discussed, of the basic methodology of the discipline, of a historiographic lexicon. Further purposes are to assure competences in the interpretation of the main thematic nodes of the period - paying attention to the links between cause and effect and the interrelation between political, social, economic, religious and cultural dynamics (artistic and literary) - in the conscious use of critical literature, in the identification and interpretation of the various direct and indirect testimonies useful for the reconstruction of the historical processes typical of the period in question; in the communication of acquired knowledge, also through the telematic channels, with a vocabulary appropriate to the discipline.

The achievement of these objectives contributes to giving the student the cultural, disciplinary and methodological knowledge to continue his training in the Master's Degree courses consistent with his three-year training.
Attending course and / or individual study allow to acquire:
knowledge of the salient moments of medieval history, from the crisis of the ancient world to the thresholds of the modern age, the relative links between cause and effect and the current lines of interpretation; knowledge of the methodology of historical research, in particular through the reading and interpretation of sources useful for the study of the Middle Ages; knowledge of the historiographical lexicon and of the main telematic tools regarding scientific communication of the discipline;

competence in arguing identifying causes and relapses also of long-term events / phenomena of the medieval millennium; interpreting contemporary testimonies to frame aspects of the period; in critically exploiting sector studies for some nodal themes; in focusing on unresolved questions trying to try out simple, but sustainable solutions, or issues that are relevant to the present, identifying possible connections, differences;

ability to take class notes, organizing the collected information hierarchically; in sharing information by collaborating with peers; in communicating the acquired knowledge with appropriate terminology;

ability to relate critically throughout the entire training program.
There is no disciplinary requirement; however, a good knowledge of the Italian language is required.
The course analyzes the characteristics and the salient moments of medieval Europe (V-XV centuries), with particular regard to the periods of articulation: the transition from the late ancient world to the early Middle Ages; the outlines of a Byzantine East; the comparison with the Germanic peoples; the expansion of Islam and feudal Europe; the growth of the West between the eleventh and twelfth centuries and the period of its greatest success; the crisis of the fourteenth century and the recovery on the threshold of the modern age. The main political, social, economic and religious dynamics are examined with a diachronic and synchronic gaze, with references also to cultural contexts. The investigation on the medieval millennium is conducted with the help of written sources and with references to the historiographical debate on crucial issues.

A) Personal lecture notes

OR, IN ALTERNATIVE: F. Senatore, Medioevo, istruzioni per l'uso, Milan, Pearson, 2018 and G. Sergi, L'idea di medioevo. Fra storia e senso comune, Rome, Donzelli, 1998-2005

B) Materials (sources and contributions) presented and discussed in class - to illustrate and deepen the historical frameworks of reference - and uploaded on the moodle platform.

C) A textbook of your choice from:
G. Albertoni-T. Lazzari, Introduction to Medieval History, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015;
P. Grillo, Medieval History. Italy, Europe, the Mediterranean, Milan-Turin, Pearson, 2019;
G. Piccinni, I mille anni del medioevo, Milan-Turin, Pearson, 2018;
L. Provero-M. Vallerani, Storia medievale, Milan, Le Monnier-Mondadori, 2016;
A. Zorzi, Manuale di storia medievale, with the collaboration of Francesco Mores [Turin], UTET università-Novara, De Agostini, 2021 (or previous editions).

The examination is WRITTEN.
It is intended to ascertain the acquisition of knowledge of the medieval millennium, in particular of the salient and pivotal characters and moments, and of cause-effect links.
It is also intended to ascertain the ability:
of applying the methodology of the discipline
of written communication and synthesis (as regards, specifically, the choice of contents and information, the use of suitable terminology, argumentative aptitude);
of framing complex problems of a different nature.

Students must answer THREE questions (open-ended).
Final result: each answer is evaluated in thirtieths and the final grade is the result of the average of the scores obtained in the individual answers.

Pay attention: during the course - and throughout the academic year -, a SPECIALIST TUTORING service will be activated for practising the written test. All necessary information will be provided at the beginning of the course e sulla piattaforma moodle. The service is open to all.

Regular class sessions.
Sources and other materials presented in class are available on the University's Moodle e-learning platform.
The course is reserved for Humanities, Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Philosophy students who intend to take a 6-credit examination in Medieval History, with surname initial A-L.
For further information on the subject and the examination, please contact the lecturer by e-mail ( or at reception.
Literature, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Philosophy students who wish to take a 6-credit examination in Medieval History, with surname initial M-Z, must opt for the course taught by Prof. Alessandra Bucossi. The 12-credit course in Medieval History (Medieval History I and II) is intended exclusively for students who wish to take 12 credits (and is taught in the a.y. 202a-2025 by Prof. Francesco Borri and Prof. Anna Maria Rapetti, whom you are advised to contact for further clarification or information not available on their online page).
Ca’ Foscari abides by Italian Law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) regarding support services and accommodation available to students with disabilities. This includes students with mobility, visual, hearing and other disabilities, and specific learning impairments. If you have a disability or impairment that requires accommodations (i.e., alternate testing, readers, note takers or interpreters) please contact:
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/12/2024