- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LMI02V (AF:518188 AR:291794)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/08
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: highlight how sertaneja, indigenous and Afrobrazilian culture influence the Brazilian collective imagination; read, analyse and interpret three works of modern and contemporary Brazilian literature.
3. Autonomy of judgement: develop the ability to acquire and apply adequate critical tools in the analysis of the indicated texts, on a thematic and stylistic-formal level, also by relating them to the context.
4. Communication skills: understanding the exposition of an academic speech; express concepts with clarity and terminological precision.
5. Ability to learn to recognize the typology of a text and formulate analytical hypotheses; the facts and materials examined and the ideas and context of which they are an expression.
Referral texts
GONÇALVES, Ana Maria. Um defeito de cor. Record, 2006.
POTIGUARA, Eliane, Metade cara, metade máscara, 3a ed., Rio de Janeiro, Grumin Edições, 2019.
QUEIROZ, Rachel de. Memorial di Maria Moura. Trad. S. Biondo. Cavalo di Ferro, 2006.
2 - Theoretical and critical texts.
CLOVIS, Carvalho Brito e PRADO, Paulo Brito do. Inversão de papaies: jocos de genero e imaginação literária em Rachel de Queiroz, open access.
GUEDES, Taffarel Bandeira. A entrada de Rachei de Queiroz na Academia Brasileira de Letras: uma reconstituição jornalística da primeira imortalidade feminina, open access.
LEAL, Izabela Guimaraes Guerra; FARIAS, Marina Beatrice Ferreira, “A questão da identidade em Metade cara, metade máscara de Eliane Potiguara” em Caletroscópio, v.8, n.1, 23/07/2020, online.
LIZANA MIRANDA, Paola. Construcción de una sujeto femenina en la narrativa afrobrasil˜ena y mapuche através del "espacio sagrado" en las novelas Um defeito de cor de Ana Maria Gonçalves y Cherrufe. La bola del fuego, de Ruth Fentealba Milaguir. (opena access)
MADDOX, John. The black Atlantic revisited: Ana Maria Gonçalves's Um defeito de cor. Callaloo, 2017, vol4, p. 155-173. open access.
PICCHIO, L. Stegagno. Storia della letteratura brasiliana. Torino, Einaudi, 1997.
PINTO, Milena Costa; DE LIMA, Elizabeth Gonzaga, “Metade cara, metade máscara: uma escrita-testemunho tecida entre os fios da memória”, em Abralic, online. Disponível em:
SERVALHO, Gil; DOS SANTOS DIAS, João Vinícius, “Frantz Fanon, descolonização e o saber em saúde mental: contribuições para a saúde mental brasileira” em Scielo, 2022, online.
SILVA, Fabiana Carneiro da. Maternidade negra em Um defeito de cor: a representação literária como disrupção do nacionalismo. open access.
Assessment methods
Evaluation Criteria:
The written paper is worth 30.0 as well as the oral exam (30.0). The grade corresponds to the sum of the written part of the oral exam for two.
Those students who take the exam in the winter session will have to submit the written work by the last day of lessons (December). Those who take the exam in the summer session (June - August) will have to submit (10) ten days before the exam date.
The criterion follows the idea of clarity, conceptual definition, argumentation, synthesis and originality.
The key point of the written essay is to make a good argument in a synthetic way on the basic work of the course, using at least one critical text studied (on the moodle). See description in the syllabus (assessment).
Copy without bibliographic reference (- 18)
Copy organized with bibliographic reference (18 – 20)
Argumentative text with bibliographical reference (20 – 22)
Argumentative text with scientific bibliographic reference and use of precise concepts (22-26)
Argumentative text with scientific bibliographic reference; use of precise concepts and relationship with other themes or topics studied in the course (27-29)
Argumentative text with scientific bibliographic reference; use of precise concepts; relationship with another topic studied in the course and originality (30 and 30L)
Type of exam
Teaching methods
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development