- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LMF03L (AF:518164 AR:287960)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Subdivision
- Class 1
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/03
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Given the change in French Literature 2 , the individual objectives refer to both years of the course, but in progress; the fullness of their achievement is therefore expected at the end of the second year.
Expected learning outcomes
a. knowledge of notions of literature theory and narratology, as well as some instruments of stylistic and rhetorical investigation;
b. knowledge of the historical-literary field : literary genres of the French Renaissance and the Baroque period, with particular regard to the poetics of the novella and novel and the different interactions between French literary production and Italian models;
c. basic knowledge of book history and publishing processes in the Renaissance and Baroque periods;
d. basic knowledge of the criteria for a critical edition of literary texts;
e.ability to understand a literary text in moyen français/classical French.
2. Applied knowledge and understanding:
a. ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to the works and texts dealt with during the course ;
b. ability to analyse and compare texts and to elaborate conceptual summaries;
c. ability to place a text and a literary phenomenon in their production and reception context;
c. ability to consult bibliographic directories and set up a bibliographic search.
3. Autonomy of judgement:
a. ability to exercise critical judgement;
b. capacity to formulate hypotheses and autonomous judgements argued in a coherent and effective manner.
4. Communication skills
a. developing the ability to understand literary texts (including ancient ones) and critical essays in the French language;
b. development of communication skills for coherent, clear, terminologically accurate and effective communication, both in oral class interaction on course topics and in academic written discourse (the elaboration of a "tesina").
5. Ability to learn: ability to infer, relate data, synthesize, organise coherent and autonomous analysis of a text and/or literary process.
At a time when the doctrine of imitation is the horizon of creative invention, how can reading become writing, that is, a means of transposing, quoting, translating, rethinking and varying a text and giving it a 'new form'? What are the issues and consequences - in terms of both literary production and reception - of such an operation?
This course will examine the various ways in which literary texts are appropriated in the textual regime of early modernity, when reading is accompanied by operations of recomposition, adaptation and rewriting that sometimes cross geographical spaces (translations conceived as rewritings) as well as the boundaries of genres and languages (for example: from poem to prose narrative / from narrative texts, in prose or verse, to theatre). The aspects taken into account will not fail to raise awareness of the constant changes that literary works underwent during this period.
The continuation of the collective work on the collaborative project "Tragiques inventions. Usages pédagogiques du numérique dans la médiation des récits tragiques de la Première Modernité". Students will be supported in integrating the creation of digital resources on the website based on data developed by students in 2023-24.
Referral texts
- Histoire de la littérature française, sous la direction de Daniel Couty, Bordas, 2004 (les parties concernant le XVIe siècle et le XVIIe siècle) oppure/ou L. Sozzi, Storia europea della letteratura francese, vol. I, Einaudi, "PBE", 2013.
Reference texts for general background (available in Ca'Foscari libraries):
Gérard Genette, Palimpsestes. La littérature au deuxième degré, Paris, Seuil, 1982.
Antoine Compagnon, La seconde main ou le travail de la citation, Paris, Seuil, 2016 (1979).
Corinne Lhermitte, « Adaptation as Rewriting: Evolution of a Concept », Revue LISA/LISA , vol. II, n. 5, | 2004, URL :
La mythologie de l'Antiquité à la Modernité : appropriation, adaptation, détournement, dir. J.-P. Aygon, C. Bonnet et C. Noacco, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Jeux d'influences. Théâtre et roman de la Renaissance aux Lumières, dir. V. Lochert et Cl. Thouret, Paris, PUPS, 2010.
Dramaturgies vagabondes, migrations romanesques. Croisements entre théâtre et roman (XVI-XVIIe siècles), dir. Magda Campanini, Paris, Champion, 2018.
Further details on primary and secondary sources will be provided at the beginning of the first semester.
Assessment methods
In order to favour the autonomy in the individual examination and to start the written production in view of the thesis, it will be required the writing of a paper of about 15 pages, in French, to be delivered at least 8 days before the examination. In agreement with the teacher, students may choose a subject relating to the course programme. The teacher will introduce the students to the bibliographic research and to the setting up of a work plan; the paper will be evaluated on the basis of the coherence in the articulation of the work and the discourse, of the relevance of the observations, of the correctness in the exposition, of the capacity of application of the acquired critical instruments, of the capacity of expressing a judgment based on valid elements.
The final evaluation will be based on the outcome of the oral test, the evaluation of the paper and the participation in the interactive online forum.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
All didactic materials (texts and in-depth studies) uploaded during the course on the Moodle platform will constitute a subject of study and their knowledge will be verified during the examination.