Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM5630 (AF:518054 AR:294222)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course - entitled "Nietzsche's Philosophy (1869 - 1876)" - fits in organically with the didactic offer of the German course of the LLEAP Master's degree programme (see above, "Teaching details"), but can be taken by all interested students who read German and are able to follow the lectures in German.
The teaching is linked to the course "DEUTSCHE SPRACHE - LITERARISCHE ÜBERSETZUNG" (LM0052) and, to the same extent, to the teachings of "NEUERE DEUTSCHE LITERATUR 1 MOD. 1" (LMD022), "NEUERE DEUTSCHE LITERATUR 1 MOD. 2" (LMD032) and "NEUERE DEUTSCHE LITERATUR 2" (LMD042), the content and methodological discourse of which it aims to continue. It also coordinates closely with the teaching of "DEUTSCHE KULTURGESCHICHTE MOD.1" (LMD010) and "DEUTSCHE KULTURGESCHICHTE MOD. 2" (LMD020), with which it interacts in order to offer students an articulate discourse on the canon of German and Austrian literature/culture between the 19th and 20th centuries.
Within the framework just outlined, the objectives to be achieved, and the expected results, are:

Knowledge and understanding

1) in-depth knowledge of the texts covered by the course;

2) the development of the skills necessary to understand them;

3) the acquisition of appropriate techniques for reading and interpreting philosophical texts;

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:

1) ability to critically approach a text, tracing it back to the historical-critical context of reference and applying the most suitable critical methodologies;

2) ability to apply the knowledge acquired and duly understood (e.g. to be able to present a topic orally, to be able to write and discuss - also in preparation for the dissertation - a thesis in German, to be able to analyse and comment on a text in Italian or German);

Judgement skills

1) Development of autonomy of judgement (e.g. being able to propose an interpretation, a judgement, a thesis as the result of personal critical work);

Communication skills

2) To be able to communicate effectively in oral form the knowledge acquired using appropriate terminology;

3) to be able to sustain a critical scientific debate at a high level;

Learning skills

1) On the basis of such knowledge, skills and abilities, it will then be possible to acquire an effective awareness of the functioning and structure of a literary text and the direct ability to identify the junctures and critical mechanisms functional to its critical-interpretive reading;
2) development of an effective method to consolidate the acquired knowledge and make it usable in the long term

The reading and linguistic, stylistic and rhetorical commentary of German texts is an integral and fundamental part of the lessons. Through the selected texts, language lectures and class discussions, the course aims to enhance and consolidate the ability to approach complex texts. The examinations are designed - as a matter of course - to test the students' acquisition of the contents and methods described above.
Bachelor's degree and number of credits in German Language and Literature according to the access rules laid down in the regulations of the Master's Degree Course in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literature.
The aim of the lectures is to investigate the reasons that made Nietzsche's influence on modern literature so varied and widespread. To this end, the lectures will provide an overview of Nietzsche's writings, considering the aesthetic and writing practices that are employed in these writings from time to time and analysing the interpretative problems inevitably posed by reading the texts. Particular attention will be paid to the link, particularly close in Nietzsche, between forms of literary representation and philosophical thought. Nietzsche's early philosophical production, although marked by his peculiar Schopenhauerism and proximity to Wagner (later overcome), has also rightly been considered fundamental for the understanding of his later work. The course will seek to highlight above all those basic philosophical attitudes that already in the context of an intentionally 'metaphysical' thought prelude to the overcoming of traditional metaphysics, lay the foundations of that 'revolutionary fracture' in German thought to which the success of Nietzsche's philosophy and the introduction into modern philosophical discourse of themes and discourses that are still central to Western reflection today are linked in the following century.
In the course of the lectures, students will be offered in-depth materials. The sources and some critical texts of particular importance will be made available on the moodle platform in pdf format.

For texts by Nietzsche, please also refer to the offer on the web:

Referral texts:

Friedrich Nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragödie, in Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden. Hrsg. Giorgio Colli und Mazzino Montinari. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag 1980, vol. 1, pp. …
Friedrich Nietzsche, Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen, in idem, vol. 1, pp. …

Critical literature (choice of two texts from the following):
Giuliano Baioni, Nietzsche (lezioni 1997), Edizioni Studi Germanici, Roma 2023;
Günter Figal, Nietzsche. Eine philosophische Einführung, Reclam, Stuttgart 2020 (2^ edizione);
Chiara Piazzesi, Nietzsche, Carocci, Roma 2015;
Carlo Gentili, Introduzione a Nietzsche, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017;
Enrico Müller, Die Griechen im Denken Nietzsches, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston 2005;

We also recommend reading:

Karl Löwith, Von Hegel zu Nietzsche : der revolutionäre Bruch im Denken des 19. Jahrhunderts (1941), 7. Auflage. - Hamburg , Felix Meiner Verlag, 1978.
The examination will consist of an interview lasting approximately 30 minutes, during which students will be tested on their ability to read and understand the texts on the syllabus, the knowledge they have acquired and the analysis and commentary skills they have developed during preparation.

Students are invited to make use of the lecturer's office hours to check the adequacy of their preparation for the examination.
In the course of the lectures, the development of Nietzsche's early philosophy and aesthetics will be presented. Power point presentations containing the most significant passages will be used during the lectures, which will then be made available to the students and form the basis of the examination.
Lectures will be held in German; content will be repeated and glossed until it is clear to all students.
The commentary of the German texts will give a lot of space to the interpretation of the more complex junctures.
Students are also asked to regard the lectures as open places where topics of individual and general interest can be discussed, questions can be asked, insights can be sought. The seminar atmosphere is best suited to firm and safe learning.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 18/10/2024